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Sep 9, 2012
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Nebraska City, Nebraska
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The National Hotel epidemic was a mysterious sickness which afflicted persons who stayed at the National Hotel in Washington, D.C. beginning in early January 1857. At the time, the hotel was the largest in the city. By some accounts, as many as 400 people became sick and nearly three dozen died.
The illness was considered by some medical experts to have originated from an attempt to poison hotel boarders. It affected mostly patrons of the hotel's dining room and not those who frequented the bar. It began to spread more noticeably by the middle of January 1857. New cases of the illness began to decrease in number by the end of January 1857 and continued to abate until the middle of February. When the numbers of guests increased for the presidential inauguration of March 4, 1857, the sickness returned again forcefully.
The National Hotel epidemic's first occurrence coincided with the President-elect of the United States James Buchanan's first stay at the National Hotel. When Buchanan returned home to Wheatland, reports of new cases of the sickness stopped. Upon his return two weeks later the illness returned with intensity. This is quite possibly the first use of germ warfare by Americans, on Americans! This was the kind of news in those days that fueled the fires of the succession, and cause waves of hate for the "BLACK REPUBLICANS".
Among the three dozen or so deaths from the mass poisoning were several members of Congress including non other than
Representative John Quitman ( Knight of the Golden Circle) of Mississippi, who died July 1858 from the disease’s aftereffects.
Henry Clay lived at the National for many years and died in his room (Room 116) in 1852. The room seems to have been kept up as a sort of memorial to him for quite some time afterward. It was well known that the hotel was a headquarters for Southerners in Washington. During the Civil War, the War Department’s official news censor kept his office at the National, since it was close to the telegraph office, but the Union presence didn't discourage well-to-do Southern sympathizers from taking rooms there. The dapper John Wilkes Booth, for example, stayed in Room 228 while plotting to assassinate President Lincoln. The hotel was an easy walk from Ford's Theater.

L.C. Baker


Believe it or not these misguided self righteous individuals were actually an abolitionist terrorist organization. They too had an inner circle of leaders that communicated and conspired. Face to face, and by conveyance, they planned and schemed on what they could do together to stop the slavery movement into the new western territory. They too were a serious group of terrorist, with some serious plans. Plans that included the murder and removal of officials that had been appointed by Franklin Pierce(K.G.C)to key positions. These appointees would have reinforced the slavery position in the new territories of Kansas and Nebraska had they survived to hold office.
Much like the Knights of the Golden Circle, the Radical or "BLACK REPUBLICANS" had spies and hit men / snipers / mercenaries, to do their bidding.
This group of "RADICAL BLACK REPUBLICANS" formed squads on several occasions to perform terrorist actions against what they considered to be the enemy (SLAVE OWNERS). They would later crush the Lecompton constitution that had been put into place by the slave owners (K.G.C.) A constitution presented to and fully accepted by Franklin Pierce and congress). This Radical squad of Republican hit men would then go on to poison one of Franklin Pierce's appointees to abort the Knights of the Golden Circle's efforts to gain further control of the West.

Wow interesting! Please do continue!

The National Hotel epidemic manifested itself as a persistent diarrhea, which was often accompanied by an intense colic. Victims experienced sudden prostration along with nausea. The tongues of patients generally indicated an inflammation of the mucous membranes of their stomachs. Sufferers often complained of recurrences of symptoms even after leaving the National Hotel. Aside from a sudden onset of diarrhea, which happened generally in the early morning, vomiting occurred after the diarrhea ceased. Until they died.

The abolitionist Liberty Party began in 1840, and the Free Soil Party was formed in 1848

Germ warfare was something that required years of trial and error to get it right. Finally, by 1854 they had perfected it's use by contaminating fresh water supplies with human feces of an already infected person. (just a small lump of crap into the water supply)This is how the lethal bacteria was introduced to the victims. in a glass of water, or a dipper full if the were on a long journey.


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The National Hotel epidemic manifested itself as a persistent diarrhea, which was often accompanied by an intense colic. Victims experienced sudden prostration along with nausea. The tongues of patients generally indicated an inflammation of the mucous membranes of their stomachs. Sufferers often complained of recurrences of symptoms even after leaving the National Hotel. Aside from a sudden onset of diarrhea, which happened generally in the early morning, vomiting occurred after the diarrhea ceased. Until they died.

The abolitionist Liberty Party began in 1840, and the Free Soil Party was formed in 1848

Germ warfare was something that required years of trial and error to get it right. Finally, by 1854 they had perfected it's use by contaminating fresh water supplies with human feces of an already infected person. (just a small lump of crap into the water supply)This is how the lethal bacteria was introduced to the victims. in a glass of water, or a dipper full if the were on a long journey.


Cholera is an infection of the small intestine caused by the bacterium Vibrio cholerae. The main symptoms are watery diarrhea and vomiting. Transmission occurs primarily by drinking water or eating food that has been contaminated by the feces (waste product) of an infected person, including one with no apparent symptoms. Severe cholera, requiring hospitalization, results from the accumulation of about a million bacterial cells within the body.These cells can be picked up from unsafe drinking water or from eating oysters that have ingested cholera-carrying zooplankton. The severity of the diarrhea and vomiting can lead to rapid dehydration and electrolyte imbalance, and death in some cases. The bacterium was isolated in 1855 by Italian anatomist Filippo Pacini, but its exact nature and his results were released or widely known until years later. Did the Italians give a hoot about the Civil war and the Radical Republican cause of abolition? Oh yes they did, and they were heavy friends of mr. Seward. Had the italians helped the abolitionist cause with some information from Filippo Pacini back in 1854 on how to poison the Democratic convention?? It is a possibility.

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The drinking water was brought to the National Hotel because the hotel had bad water that was only used to wash with.The drinking water was brought to the establishment from a distance. A dead rat was found in the drinking water but it had been poisoned by arsenic. Was there a piece of feces from an infected person,in the water tank? None was found. What with being hauled to the Hotel from a distance on a wagon........probably sloshed around in there quite a bit....:happysmiley:

L.C. Baker

The radical Abolitionist were on the war path in 1854 in Kansas. It was the battle front. But they had assassins to take care of business for them elsewhere.
John brown was not called to Kansas until 1855-56, his calling against Satan as he put it, was in another field.....


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