An authentic exposition of the "K.G.C." "Knights of the Golden Circle;" or...


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Sep 7, 2010
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Cache County, Utah
An authentic exposition of the "K.G.C." "Knights of the Golden Circle;" or...

An authentic exposition of the "K.G.C." "Knights of the Golden Circle;" or, A history of secession from 1834 to 1861 .. (1861)

Here is the link for the digitized version at The book is available in many formats for eBook readers, as well as .pdf and .txt.

The book is nice as it provides a clear view of the what, where, when, and why of the KGC from the perspective of a member of the order. The book was published in 1861, in Indianapolis, Indiana.

I just downloaded it earlier to day, and I find it an interesting read, with a lot of background information about the KGC Order.

I have just started learning about the KGC, for a possible "treasure" site. One of the first places I look, when I need to find background info about a group active in the past, is for copies of old books.

There are many old journals and letters from the early Spanish and Jesuit era in the Americas. These are digitized versions of the originals, and original translations into English.

There are a number of books about the KGC, Templers, and Masons as well.

They may not be the original printed and bound books from the publishers, but the digitized versions are complete scanned copies of the original printed editions, and subsequent printings as well.

Re: An authentic exposition of the "K.G.C." "Knights of the Golden Circle;" or...

Here is the Table of Contents to the book. There may be some mis-spellings, as I just cut and pasted it from the OCR'ed .txt version.



The Origin of the Order — Southern Rights Clubs — The African Slave
Trade and the acquisition of new Slave Territory — The first Organiza-
tion in 1834, and its success — The Mexican War and the South's
interest in it — Progress of the Slave Trade up to 1852 — Acquisition
of Cuba, Repeal of the Missouri Compromise, Nicaragua Expeditious,
etc., to increase Membership.

Increase of Anti-Slavery Sentiment at the North, and its effect upon
Southrons — General George C. Biekley's advent in 1855 — The first to
Systematize the Order of the K. G. C. — Details of the Orga-nization —
Its Objects, Solemn Oaths, and Forms of Initiation — Its secret influence
upon the Politics of the Country — Speech in Castle of a Knight —
General William Walker and Filibustering.


The year 1S5S — The Kansas Struggle and the Lecompton Constitution —
Increased growth of the K. G. (J. — Change of Ritual — Secession advo-
cated, and the South united through its workings — The Order popu-
larized — The Regalia, Symbols, and Workings of the Degrees and
"Inner Temple" — Application for a Castle in a Northern city refused

Firing of the Southern Heart in 1859— '60 — Presidential Contest, of

I860 — Instrumentality of the K. G. C. in dissolving the Democratic
Convention — Opposition to Douglas — Speech in a New Orleans Castle
— The Charleston and Baltimore Conventions — The insincerity of


The Contest of ] SCO — The Breckinridge movement, and the insincerity
of its opposition to Lincoln — The K. G. C. at the North and the South
— Misrepresentations by Northern Knights — Some of their Boasting
Letters — Aid expected from the North in case of Secession — New
Emblem of the Order — Plans to steal Arms and Money from the U. S.
matured in Castle in 1859 — Lincoln and Hamlin Scarecrow at the
South — Stories of the Campaign, and their almost general belief-
Treatment of Northerners at tin; South.

The close of Lincoln's Campaign — " Submissionists " — "Firing the
Southern Heart" for Secession— Great increase of the Knighthood —
New Degrees instituted — The Sworn Brotherhood pledged to a South-
ern Government — Death of Abolitionists and other Crimes licensed —
The election of Lincoln a plea for " Southern Deliverance " — Charles-
ton Castle — The " Cockade " excitement — Joy over the Election of
Lincoln — " Co-operationists " confounded by the "Precipitators" —
Immediate Secession the war-cry of the K. G. C. — The Secession of
South Carolina, and its effect upon the Gulf States — The K. G. C.
opposed to Compromises — The different Modes of Adjustment pro-
posed in Congress hootod at.


Correspondence between Southern and Northern Knights— Men and
means proffered — The plan to assassinate Lincoln and seize the Capi-
tal—Lincoln's Inaugural— The " Coercion" bugbear of the K. G. C—
Excitement in the Cotton States— The Military Spirit aroused—
Floyd's Treason— Statement of the " Stealings " — A revival of the
Union feeling prior to the fall of Sumter — The " Confederate States'"
Government — The attack on Sumter a Southern necessity — The Order
becoming unpopular, and an increased military spirit necessary to
revive it — The Bonier States and the Knights thereof— Speech of a
Kentuckian— The Rattlesnake's Charm— The Love for the American


The Bombardment of Fort Sumter — Its effeel upon the Border States —
Agents of the K. G. * : - at work — Their cool reception in Southern
Indiana and Illinois — Gag law and Mob ruh — Prentice, Guthrie,
Johnson, and Brownlow classed as " Hard-Shells " — The manner in
which proselytes are mad( — The candidal.' in the aut.--roi.ui — The
"Preliminary Degrees," their Forms, Symbols, and Oaths — The
"Outer Temple" -Its initiatory ceremonies— The outside designs of
the Order — How Conventions, Legislatures, and Elections are con-
trolled— •' Knights' Safety Guards " and '• Knights Gal hint "—South-
ern Ladies sent North "as Spies— Plans to destroy Property at the
jjorth — Northern Sympathizers.


The North too confident— The Southern strength underrated — The
extent of the Brotherhood at the North, and in the Border States —
Kentucky's Neutralitv— The" StateGuard " controlled by the E.G. C.

The Governor of Kentucky a Knight— The War of 1861 — Justice

unknown to the Traitor Fraternity— The Sword the only Argument
that will exact Justice — Vigilance at the North essential — The feeling
at the South since the War begaja— Negro insurrections — Brutality
of the Knights — Their mode of carrying on the War— What they in-
tend to accomplish.


Yancey and Toombs— The Slave Trade and Filibustering— Northern
Sympathizers with the latter— The " Abolition " scarecrow— The Le-
compton Swindle the work of the K. G. C— Similarity of that fraud
with Secession operations— The impetus given the Secession move-
ment by the Republican leaders in 1S60— The Breckinridge party a
Secession Organization.


What the K. G. C. intend to do with their Government should they
succeed in their Designs — The renewal of the Slave Trade — The rea-
sons why nothing is said of Slave Trade now— The establishment of
an Aristocracy— The War of 1861— Northern depreciation of Southern


The military character of the K. G. C— " George Washington Lafay-
ette Bickley "—What the South can do— What we must do, etc.

Re: An authentic exposition of the "K.G.C." "Knights of the Golden Circle;" or...

I love the book plate page, or title page. There are at least five symbols of the KCG printed on it with the book's title.

Re: An authentic exposition of the "K.G.C." "Knights of the Golden Circle;" or...

To make it easy on all of you, here is the return for the search query "Knights of the Golden Circle" from As you can see, the KGC has a long history including the organizations that morphed into the KGC and what the KGC transformed into after its "official" end, and I use the term official quite loosely here. Sorry the links did not copy over, but you get the idea of what to look for.

[texts] An authentic exposition of the "K. G. C." "Knights of the golden circle;" - Perrine, Charles O. [from old catalog]
Book digitized by Google from the library of Harvard University and uploaded to the Internet Archive by user tpb.
Keywords: Knights of the Golden Circle; Secession. [from old catalog]

[texts] An authentic exposition of the "K. G. C." "Knights of the golden circle;" - Perrine, Charles O., pub. [from old catalog]
Keywords: Knights of the Golden Circle; Secession. [from old catalog]

[texts] An authentic exposition of the "K. G. C." "Knights of the golden circle;" - Perrine, Charles O. [from old catalog]
Keywords: Knights of the Golden Circle; Secession. [from old catalog]

[texts] Narrative of Edmund Wright; his adventures with and escape from the Knights of the golden circle .. - Wright, Edmund, pseud. [from old catalog]
Keywords: Knights of the Golden Circle

[texts] An authentic exposition of the "K.G.C." "Knights of the Golden Circle;" or, A history of secession from 1834 to 1861 .. - Member of the Order Birney Anti-Slavery Collection
Keywords: Knights of the Golden Circle

[texts] Treason history of the Order of Sons of Liberty, formerly Circle of Honor, succeeded by Knights of the Golden Circle, afterward Order of American Knights. The most gigantic treasonable conspiracy the world has ever known. 1864 - Stidger, Felix Grundy, 1836-
Keywords: Order of Sons of Liberty; Knights of the Golden Circle; Order of American Knights

[texts] Knights in fustian : a war time story of Indiana - Brown, Caroline, 1852-1931
Book digitized by Google from the library of the New York Public Library and uploaded to the Internet Archive by user tpb.
Keywords: Knights of the Golden Circle

[texts] Treason history of the order of Sons of liberty, formerly Circle of honor - Stidger, Felix G[rundy], 1836- [from old catalog] ed
Book digitized by Google from the library of Harvard University and uploaded to the Internet Archive by user tpb.
Keywords: Sons of Liberty (1864); Knights of the Golden Circle; Order of American Knights

[texts] The trials for treason at Indianapolis, disclosing the plans for establishing a north-western confederacy - Pitman, Benn, 1822- [from old catalog] ed
Keywords: Knights of the Golden Circle; Northwestern Conspiracy, 1864

[texts] Copperhead conspiracy in the North-West : an expose of the treasonable order of the "Sons of Liberty." : Vallandigham, Supreme Commander Caption title
Keywords: Vallandigham, Clement L. (Clement Laird), 1820-1871; Knights of the Golden Circle; Sons of Liberty (1864); Campaign literature, 1864; Copperhead movement

[texts] The trials for treason at Indianapolis, disclosing the plans for establihing a North-western confederacy. Being the official record of the trials before the military commission ... containing the testimony, arguments, finding and sentence .. - Pitman, Benn, 1822-1910
The metadata below describe the original scanning. Follow the "All Files: HTTP" link in the "View the book" box to the left to find XML files that contain more metadata about the original images and the derived formats (OCR results, PDF etc.). See also the What is the directory structure for the texts? FAQ for information about file content and naming conventions.
Keywords: Knights of the golden circle; Northwestern Conspiracy, 1864; Trials (Treason)

[texts] The great treason plot in the North during the war - Ayer, I. Winslow
"Most dangerous, perfidious, extensive and startling plot ever devised; imminent hidden perils of the republic; astounding developments never before published"--T.p
Keywords: Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865; Sons of Liberty (1864); Knights of the Golden Circle; Secret societies; Northwestern Conspiracy, 1864

[texts] The trials for treason at Indianapolis, disclosing the plans for establishing a North-Western Confederacy. Being the official record of the trials before the military commission.. - Pitman, Benn, 1822-1910
Keywords: Knights of the Golden Circle; Order of American Knights; Sons of Liberty (1864); Northwestern Conspiracy, 1864

[texts] The trials for treason at Indianapolis, disclosing the plans for establishing a North-Western Confederacy. Being the official record of the trials before the military commission.. - Pitman, Benn, 1822-1910
Keywords: Knights of the Golden Circle; Order of American Knights; Sons of Liberty (1864); Northwestern Conspiracy, 1864

[texts] The trials for treason at Indianapolis, disclosing the plans for establishing a North-Western Confederacy. Being the official record of the trials before the military commission - Pitman, Benn, 1822-1910
Keywords: Knights of the Golden Circle; Order of American Knights; Sons of Liberty (1864); Northwestern Conspiracy, 1864; Circle of Honor

I can see I have a lot to learn about the KGC, and a whole lot of reading, too

Re: An authentic exposition of the "K.G.C." "Knights of the Golden Circle;" or...

uthunter said:
An authentic exposition of the "K.G.C." "Knights of the Golden Circle;" or, A history of secession from 1834 to 1861 .. (1861)

Here is the link for the digitized version at The book is available in many formats for eBook readers, as well as .pdf and .txt.

The book is nice as it provides a clear view of the what, where, when, and why of the KGC from the perspective of a member of the order. The book was published in 1861, in Indianapolis, Indiana.

I just downloaded it earlier to day, and I find it an interesting read, with a lot of background information about the KGC Order.

I have just started learning about the KGC, for a possible "treasure" site. One of the first places I look, when I need to find background info about a group active in the past, is for copies of old books.

There are many old journals and letters from the early Spanish and Jesuit era in the Americas. These are digitized versions of the originals, and original translations into English.

There are a number of books about the KGC, Templers, and Masons as well.

They may not be the original printed and bound books from the publishers, but the digitized versions are complete scanned copies of the original printed editions, and subsequent printings as well.

Thanks for the link to this historical document. I too have posted the text from some periodicals that are contextual but no one is safe from scoffers. Of course skeptical thinking can be healthy as even newspaper accounts from this period are seriously open to debate as to the intent of the writers but then again what's changed in the last 150 years? Even works published by contemporary academics need to be taken with a grain of salt. But again, thanks, without posts such as yours we are left with only ghost stories.

Re: An authentic exposition of the "K.G.C." "Knights of the Golden Circle;" or...

I like to collect the books from pre-1950's, the older the better. Many of the authors of the past had no hidden agenda, they may have painted things in a bit of a more colorful light tho. I like to use the old travelers stories of the late 1800's to early 1900's for tips. The authors who wrote most of these books were highly regarded and they gave some very good information, not available through other channels.

Now a days, too many groups are trying to cover up a recognized and proven part of history. If it doesn't meet our current view of history, try to discredit it.

I just started reading a book that I received awhile back, dealing with traveling through Arizona in the early 1900. It has a few paragraphs dealing with the silver mines and how the King of Spain claimed ownership of one, the mines of the Spanish and what part the Jesuits played, and how close the missions were in relation to the many mines.

Re: An authentic exposition of the "K.G.C." "Knights of the Golden Circle;" or...


I wonder what the triangle means? Numbers "3" (top), "7" (left-hand corner), and "5" (right-hand corner) with R over "61" in the middle?

Good luck to all,

~The Old Bookaroo

The crescent moon, by the way, is the symbol found in the handle of the "KGC Revolver" currently up for auction. The 15 stars, I believe, anticipate 15 states in the Confederacy - as well know, not all the Border States joined in.

Re: An authentic exposition of the "K.G.C." "Knights of the Golden Circle;" or...

Old Bookaroo said:

I wonder what the triangle means? Numbers "3" (top), "7" (left-hand corner), and "5" (right-hand corner) with R over "61" in the middle?

Good luck to all,

~The Old Bookaroo

The crescent moon, by the way, is the symbol found in the handle of the "KGC Revolver" currently up for auction. The 15 stars, I believe, anticipate 15 states in the Confederacy - as well know, not all the Border States joined in.

According to the author it means Revolution of 15 states in 1861.

J.W Pomfrey is a much more reliable source on the symbolism and degree work of the KGC. The KGC ritual captured with Bickley and the ritual Pomfrey delivered have no mention of these symbols. They did however use a small crescent moon as a symbol on their regimental flags but its more likely if the revolver was KGC it would have used the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd degree symbols of the order which were ordered by Bickley to be used. Which was the main symbol on their flags. There is one known KGC revolver that exists and it is in a museum.

Re: An authentic exposition of the "K.G.C." "Knights of the Golden Circle;" or...

uthunter said:
An authentic exposition of the "K.G.C." "Knights of the Golden Circle;" or, A history of secession from 1834 to 1861 .. (1861)

Here is the link for the digitized version at The book is available in many formats for eBook readers, as well as .pdf and .txt.

The book is nice as it provides a clear view of the what, where, when, and why of the KGC from the perspective of a member of the order. The book was published in 1861, in Indianapolis, Indiana.

I just downloaded it earlier to day, and I find it an interesting read, with a lot of background information about the KGC Order.

I have just started learning about the KGC, for a possible "treasure" site. One of the first places I look, when I need to find background info about a group active in the past, is for copies of old books.

There are many old journals and letters from the early Spanish and Jesuit era in the Americas. These are digitized versions of the originals, and original translations into English.

There are a number of books about the KGC, Templers, and Masons as well.

They may not be the original printed and bound books from the publishers, but the digitized versions are complete scanned copies of the original printed editions, and subsequent printings as well.

The triangle has 3, 5, 7....the 6 with backward 1, R, ....6 is upside down 9
So, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 = 1+3+5+7+9=7
R= 18 backward 61= 1861

Re: An authentic exposition of the "K.G.C." "Knights of the Golden Circle;" or...


Thank you!

SWR: I looked through the book (I did not read the whole thing) and the page or two on symbolism didn't explain this one. Perhaps it is in another part of that work.

uthunter: Did you look at the auction house link? It would appear to me that there are two known KGC revolvers. In which museum is the one you mentioned?

Good luck to all,

~The Old Bookaroo

Re: An authentic exposition of the "K.G.C." "Knights of the Golden Circle;" or...

Old Bookaroo said:
Did you look at the auction house link? It would appear to me that there are two known KGC revolvers. In which museum is the one you mentioned?

Good luck to all,

~The Old Bookaroo

Elkanah Greer's Colt pistol at Wilson's Creek Battlefield. Proving the other is KGC would be difficult. The crescent moon was a very popular symbol of secession in the south used on flags, etc.. It also was a masonic symbol. The KGC would have used the greek cross and star encircled. The auctioneers are wishful thinking but it is still very cool. Thanks for the link.

Re: An authentic exposition of the "K.G.C." "Knights of the Golden Circle;" or...

Walker Colt:

Thank you! I've been to that museum and it is extraordinary. There is so much there, it isn't surprising I missed that weapon.

As for this one - I'm going with the Auctioneer. It would be helpful to review that 1942 Met catalog - however, as this listing states, it's a rare item.

Good luck to all,

~The Old Bookaroo

Re: An authentic exposition of the "K.G.C." "Knights of the Golden Circle;" or...

Old Bookaroo said:
Walker Colt:

Thank you! I've been to that museum and it is extraordinary. There is so much there, it isn't surprising I missed that weapon.

As for this one - I'm going with the Auctioneer. It would be helpful to review that 1942 Met catalog - however, as this listing states, it's a rare item.

Good luck to all,

~The Old Bookaroo

I really have a hard time believing it a KGC gun. The crescent moon wasn't in any of their ritual, it wasn't on the uniform insignia in Bickleys general orders, it wasn't approved as an emblem of the order by Bickley to wear. But i'm not saying he didn't use it. He ordered it to be used on their regimental flags in the corner, but the main emblem was the greek cross and star encircled. If I were to put a masonic symbol on my grips it wouldn't be a beehive which is a masonic symbol, it would be the square and compasses or an all seeing eye. A symbol known as masonic. I believe if they were putting a KGC symbol on this weapon they wouldn't use a crescent moon they would use the emblems that were nationally known and used by the KGC. The crescent moon was nationally known as a secession symbol. In fact the emblem captured on Bickley had no crescent moon and the only known confederate KGC flag had no crescent moon but they did have the greek cross and star encircled as did the Grand Seal of the Order.

Re: An authentic exposition of the "K.G.C." "Knights of the Golden Circle;" or...

Walker Colt:

What about the crescent moon shown on the cover of "An Authentic Exposition...?"

Good luck to all,

~The Old Bookaroo

Re: An authentic exposition of the "K.G.C." "Knights of the Golden Circle;" or...

Old Bookaroo said:
Walker Colt:

What about the crescent moon shown on the cover of "An Authentic Exposition...?"

Good luck to all,

~The Old Bookaroo

The authors symbolism and regalia differ from Bickley's and Pomfrey's. The second part of this book called the Ritual of the KGC was added of late and was not part of the original book. It was written by George Prentice in a article for the Louisville Journal. He was the editor and it matches Pomfrey's. As a researcher we have to put more weight into the info obtained by the capture of Bickley or the infiltration work of known people not the anonymous ones. It is believed that this book and the Narrative of Edmund Wright was the work of the same man. Some of it is just over the top.

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