🏆 HONORABLE MENTION $820.00 in shoe box


Bronze Member
Feb 1, 2006
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Golden Thread
New York, NY
🏆 Honorable Mentions:
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Whites (CM 5000, XLT, VX3) and Minelab (Svgn GT & Excal III & Equinox)
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Bought a lot of camera parts in a shoe box. Under the manuals was $820.00 in mostly big bills - new issues 1990s and 2000s. Very exciting but obviously have to try to return it before spending it. I called the estate sale co to see if it's they can put me in touch with the family but they prefer it be handled through them. Sucks because i have no way of knowing if they'll actually give it back. Senior village in ocean.county nj so hopefully the descendants are local and maybe we can all meet together to keep it kosher. My grandma used to stash money like this.

Goes to show you that new treasures are created daily!

Estate company can fly a kite if they want to cut you out of the return.. If you want a meet and greet it should be your call, kosher proceedings sound fair to me.
You are a good person to be returning it.
Great find!

Wow , you should call your local news people - they love stories like this - it could be picked up nationally - you may end up on the Today Show !

I would not leave the money with the estate sale company under any circumstances. That's laughable that they even suggested it. It's not hard to find information on the owners of the house. Even if deceased, the county records will more than likely have a probate case listed and the personal representative will be listed. Give me the county and the address. i'll do some legwork if you want.

Do not return it to the Estate Sale Company! It would be far more rewarding to make the contacts yourself!

what a great guy you are,hope you find out where it should go.

Face to face with the family so you know they got it back...

I might lean the other way on this one...a estate sale where I have to put up $$$ to purchase something that may or may not give me a return on my money...then find some cash which has no sentimental value and then have to look for possible decendants of the estate to return $820? If it was $820 in a money clip or if it was $820 dug up in clad over a years time will get you a :thumbsup:up I'm guessing alot would have no issue with that....

You just got it in one fell swoop...

Just my take on it and congrats which ever way you go with it but like most said here, good chance it's going in someone's pocket before it may reach the right person so...

Pretty sure I was in the same neighborhood as that estate sale this past Saturday.

I started on Route 9 and just kept going north. Stopped just past Toms River once the sales started drying up just after lunch.

if the estate co.gave the money back and that is a very big IF,they will take the % off just like it was a sale.Do the work yourself to find the owner,just do not evan excpect evan a thank you,and you will do ok.

Aren't morals fascinating? If you had found an actual item in a box worth $1,000 you wouldn't think twice about selling it and profiting. But since it was actual cash, you feel an obligation to return it. What's the difference? You didn't steal it ... you purchased something that ended up being worth much more than you originally anticipated.

Not saying that you should keep it (or return it) ... but just a fascinating scenario!

Wow , you should call your local news people - they love stories like this - it could be picked up nationally - you may end up on the Today Show !

You meant Fox News right? :laughing7:

This all worked out very nicely. Estate co agreed to give my number to the family. The daughter called and was only about an hour away so she came by and picked up the cash last night. Really nice down to earth lady. She gave us two dozen eggs that were laid by her own chickens! I don't know if I can actually bring myself to eat them but it was a very nice thought. She was extremely grateful to get the cash back.

Jerseyben -- right there. If you get off on Highway 37 from Route 9 there are 3 or four senior villages in a row that were all built in the 1960's or thereabout. Thousands of individual little homes. There are estate sales and garage sales in there every weekend from about march to november. They are called holiday city, sterling ridge, and something else. In the same area are the Whiting NJ senior villages- also thousands of homes - they even have a great little thriftshop that has lots of treasures. You can look up "Leisure Village" for a map.

Fushek - I never thought about that, but you're right. I think its also about the item being hidden. E.g., if there was an engagement ring in a suitcase or something. You would know the person didn't mean to sell it.

Fushek - I never thought about that, but you're right. I think its also about the item being hidden. E.g., if there was an engagement ring in a suitcase or something. You would know the person didn't mean to sell it.

I think you're right, that is likely the difference ... there's a difference between the seller not knowing what his stuff is worth (his/her laziness, lack of knowledge) and the seller not knowing that it was there in the first place (an accident).

Glad everything worked out and that the person was thankful (as well they should be!!!). Nicely done.

If you eat eggs at all, those fresh, free range chicken eggs will impress you in flavor. Give them to someone else if you won't eat them. Cool outcome!

Works out to $410 a dozen...

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