[HOW TO] Ignore Forums & Threads


Jr. Member
Mar 22, 2012
Reaction score
Golden Thread
San Jose, CA
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
To ignore a forum/subforum, simply go to the forum you would like to ignore and click on Forum Tools on the right and click Ignore Forum:


To ignore a thread, simply open up a thread and click on "Thread Tools" and click Ignore Thread:


Do you have an option like before to report a post to admin or mod??

I keep doing this and it doesn't work. The forum I wish to ignore is still there.
Neither does my "ignore user function" I have already found somebody who is here just to troll and for attention, and his crap is still visible to me.

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Go to the Forum or Thread and MAKE SURE IT LOADS ALL THE WAY.

If you hit tool fast it will not work.
Hope this makes it work; remember give it time.

have a good un........................

tried it again. this time I am POSITIVE I let it load all the way. When I go to "ignore" it, it gives me the option to "unignore", as if I had done it correctly. The forum is coin roll hunting, but I don't think that matters.

If you got it to say "ignore" you did good.

Coin roll hunting will always be on the Forum but you will not see the coin roll hunting post
every time you load new posts.

Does this apply with "active topics?" Because that is what I am trying to make it "disappear' from. (nothing against you CRH guys, that's just not my thing)
If I have to live with it, then I have to live with it... Who knows, might "broaden my horizons?" :-)

I was able to ignore 28 different forums, but it won't let me ignore any more. I really would like to ignore all but just a few forums.

I was able to ignore 28 different forums, but it won't let me ignore any more. I really would like to ignore all but just a few forums.

What error does it give you when you try to ignore more? I'll see if we can bump up the limit.

If you got it to say "ignore" you did good.

Coin roll hunting will always be on the Forum but you will not see the coin roll hunting post
every time you load new posts.

Does this apply with "active topics?" Because that is what I am trying to make it "disappear' from. (nothing against you CRH guys, that's just not my thing)
If I have to live with it, then I have to live with it... Who knows, might "broaden my horizons?" :-)

No, I believe Active Topics is one of the things it does not work with :(

It changes from ignore to unignore, but they're NOT ignored.

See if you can ignore more now, I believe we have the issue fixed.

Working fine now. Thanx.

I cannot get this feature to work for me. I want to ignore an individual, great . . . except it shows that they have commented in my threads but still not a problem.

However, I cannot hide threads that I have no interest in such as paranormal and psychic treasure hunting. Gives me the HeebeeJeebies to even consider it.

I would also like to make threads by certain persons "disappear" so I'm not tempted to view their sniping about me. It is too damned tempting to respond, but then I'm the only one who gets in trouble . . . kinda like the NFL and how they work --- only the one who responds gets penalized.

Paranormal and psychic treasure hunting??? Seriously!??? OH MY!! :notworthy: I never even thought of that!! Thank's for that "AWESOME" Idea!! You rock!! :headbang:

Oh cat cwap! I thought this thread was going to tell me how to break my forum(s) addictions and how to NOT get sucked in to stupid threads, with small minds, and not let the wheels on my bus go round round round after getting buried up to the axles........... let 'em all keep their blinders on, no sir, don't wanna rock no ones world, ya know! Expansion of the mind, can cause need for........ (where the heck did my help smiley go to?)
Ya'll gotta a "how to" for that?! LOL! :laughing7:

I was able to ignore 28 different forums, but it won't let me ignore any more. I really would like to ignore all but just a few forums.
Wow, fabulous selectivity of perception. Kinda curious, what are you targetting in on, anythng special? Reasons for it or that, and that alone? You don't hafta answer if you don't want, I guess you know that though. LOL! (hey, Ima cat, did you see the name, the word curious.....) :laughing7:

I cannot get this feature to work for me. I want to ignore an individual, great . . . except it shows that they have commented in my threads but still not a problem.

However, I cannot hide threads that I have no interest in such as paranormal and psychic treasure hunting. Gives me the HeebeeJeebies to even consider it.

I would also like to make threads by certain persons "disappear" so I'm not tempted to view their sniping about me. It is too damned tempting to respond, but then I'm the only one who gets in trouble . . . kinda like the NFL and how they work --- only the one who responds gets penalized.
Chadeaux, I'm sorry it has been hard to make some ppl go away! LOL! Also, if they are not nice, at times. You know, we have a really bad bully-ing problem among our kids, I wonder where they get stuffs like that from?! :dontknow:

Yeah, don't let it get to ya, but I gotta wonder, why the heebiejeebies over things, where did fear come into play over things, as the such?

Paranormal and psychic treasure hunting??? Seriously!??? OH MY!! :notworthy: I never even thought of that!! Thank's for that "AWESOME" Idea!! You rock!! :headbang:
Hey OF, check out Marcs' thread about a treasure, oujii board, and a spirit. It kinda stuck with me, I should go back and re-read it, find something I missed the first time. Treasures and lessons everywhere in life........
Imo, man is nothing more than an animal himself, having fallen away from true animalistic natures, that may have served him better, than some of the greed, hate, fear, and anger that he attempts to exist in, in the world today. (uhhh, sorry for that cat-puke there, it won't get too deep).

I enjoyed the story. Yeah, my father taught me how to douse for water with wire or wood, my mom taught me how to read plant and animal signs. He who lives close to nature, walks close to God, imo.
Back then, the ppl didn't have the technologies that we do today. Ya better be able to read your world around you, or you could die, starve, or get killed. It was kinda important! LOL! :tongue3:

Who is Sticky???
Ok, I'll try, just remember, I am a dinosaur, and I may get it wrong.

Didn't he back up that guy, Pink? As in Floyd? No, wait.................. :BangHead:

I think, it is a thread that has been "stickified", because it has pertinant info in it, that the powers that be, wish to keep at the top of a thread column? So it don't scroll down under other posts, and end up on page 462. I am not sure if "anyone" can sticky a thread or just the mods. Maybe they'll come clue us in some more.
Hope that helped some.
Thanks for the laughs all! :cat:

ets, oh..... and thanks wicked & jd

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