Xterra 705 vs. MXT/MXT PRO


Full Member
May 26, 2011
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Detector(s) used
Garrett Gta 500; Garrett Ace 350; Whites M6
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All Treasure Hunting
I have no experience in the xterra but I can tell you that the mxt is a detector second to none once you learn it. P

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My Fisher CZ70 walked all over the top of an MXT Pro on Oregon salt high black sand ocean beaches, wet OR dry land. The MXT owner knew how to run his detector but only got a pocketful of pulltabs, and no coins.

My CZ found one copper penny token, one brass gas fitting item, several clad coins, and one 20 penny nail. I knew it was a nail but I decided to dig it up anyway.

Inland another guy with a different MXT had it blasting with honks, beeps, and other noises - and it would not adjust to the ground minerals nor all the iron junk in the soil.

My CZ70 ran as smooth as a newborn baby's bottom in both cases, and I found several coins there (a high school track). The MXT is too sensitive, too "touchy" for all around use. The MXT (is) a good detector for finding tiny gold earrings or fine wire silver though.

The lesser of the two evils you ask about would be "a different detector". The MXT works better as a nugget hunter, but the ML is a better all-around machine. However, I would consider a Teknetics Omega or possibly a GB Pro instead, depending on what you look for and where you search, including the possibility of high iron soils in the area.

Hope this helps


The Xterra isn't the deepest detector - I am sure the MXT has it beat on depth. But the Xterra is much lighter which makes it easier to swing for long periods.

I can hit dimes at 10"+ and have dug some at 12" with the MXT and the D2 coil. I detect parks that have been pounded since the 70's that most detectorist won't even detect anymore and still pull deep silver dimes,wheats, and IH's, these are pretty trashy as well I set the disc. at 6 with +2 gain and listen for those real deep faint signals. I've detected with people that have the V3i and the E-trac, I can hit targets as deep as them and never feel outgunned when detecting. HH

The mxt is one of the best detectors white ever made. That is why so many people love it. If you don't know it you don't know what you are missing.

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IMHO the mxt pro all the way. I Have owned the x-terra 70 which is probably not the same as the 705, but the mxt pro will hit hard on anything that is not disced out. Fast response and I've also used it at the beach. Great all around detector. And if you don't want to hear everything , just turn the threshhold down. Also you have plenty of coils to chose from for your different hunting and let's not forget White's service, second to none. I've also owned the fisher cz-5,cz-70 pro ,cz-7a, coinstrike, all good detectors but for me the mxt pro is the way to go.

I am currently using an M6. Is the MXT Pro a significant upgrade?

Yes it is... there are a lot of functions the MXT has that the M6 doesn't if you read The MXT Edge book you would find out that the MXT can do very similar things to the top end detectors.

Well let's see..... by going to the Xterra you'll lose 1.7lbs over the MXT.
Beyond that, you'll run on half the batteries, you'll have three frequencies to choose from instead of just one, you'll have 8 search modes instead of 3, you'll have auto/manual GB, GB Tracking and Tracking Offset, you'll have 28 tones instead of 7, You'll have the option of pinpoint ID or pinpoint sizing, and you'll have auto/manual Noise Cancel Channel.

Anyone that offers a comparison between the XT705 and anything else really needs to clarify which coil they were using as well as the conditions, as it is often NOT the optimum coil for the application, making their comparison about useless.

With all due respect to Minelab, (I own and use both BBS/FBS units), I sincerely think the Xterra line is not the best thing they did. I tested a friend's 70 for a few (long) beach outings. It has a bunch of interesting functions, but the darn thing won't ID a coin correctly at more than 6". This is a BIG deception whe you are using the multifraquency units.

I do not like the "disc jockey" thing either. Change coil, so you can run another frequency.

For the price of the 705 and one or two other coils, you can run a nice Safari. Safari beats 705 hands down. and runs 28 freqs.

To answer this question, I would go for the MXT.



With all due respect to Grumpy, I don't think that a couple long beach hunts (not necessarily it's strong suit) with an outdated version of an Xterra w/unknown coil/frequency qualifies much.
I haven't just tried V-flex, I own one......and an FBS machine too. They are so different, that they compliment each other quite well.

And as far as the cost of additional coils goes...
I have several coils for my XT705, and I also have four for my Explorer SE. The reality is, that it's the nature of the game to have more than one coil, so that you have the flexability/versitility to hunt for your desired targets in whatever conditions you encounter. V-flex or FBS, coils aren't cheap.

As far as inaccurate TID's go, you first have to considerwhat MineLab engineers have accomplished.
Here's an explanation written by Randy Horton that may shed some light.
Knowing that three different frequencies would provide three different sets of TID numbers (for the same targets) if the same information was used, (thanks to the digital signalling of VFLEX) Minelab engineers were able to program a different set of parameters to be used with each frequency.
Now w/o getting way too carried away, here's a little more info on TID relative to frequency choice.
The XT705 has 28 target segments (referred to as "bins"). At lower frequencies, the width of the target bins on the high end is wider, and the bin widths of lower conductors is narrower. Inversely, a high frequency coil will have wider bins for low conductors, and narrower bins on the high end. What this means, is that a HF coil will give a less accurate/jumpy TID on silver, copper, and other high conductors, while being more accurate (stable TID) on lower conductors like gold and lead. And again, the inverse is true. A lower frequency will be more accurate (less jumpy) on high conductors like silver, but less so on low conductors like gold.

Here's an illustration of the differences in bin widths between frequencies.
X-Terra TID Bins By Frequency.webp

Also understanding that in mild soil conditions a lower frequency will penetrate the ground deeper than a higher frequency should be included in the equation when making a coil/frequency selection.

Understanding how any machine works, along with putting the time in to actually learn it, is the only fair way to make any sort of real comparison.

I love my SE and FBS technology, but it's not superior to V-flex...it's just different.
And, when I boil it all down, for my purposes, my 705 being lighter and faster than any FBS machine, along with it's depth capability being virtually the same (with the correct coil for the application), makes it a winner that I won't be without.

That said, there's little that could replace the FBS machine for it's capability in iron infested areas. Sites that are carpeted in rusty bottlecaps are a playground for FBS, which is why so many have been successful with them.

About TID's...
Most folks that use TID machines of any brand or technology, should know that the TID is nothing more than added information, just like any depth indicator. It's the tones and their speciffic charateristics that mean the most. If you rely on the TID, then you'll be passing on good targets that I will come by and find later.

Either way, FBS or V-flex, I would choose one (or both) of them over an MXT for the information that they can deliver that the MXT simply can't.

If you need the extra functions on the MXT Pro then its a upgrade, but if you don't, you already have one of the best detectors already in the M6.. I have had both the 70 and 705 and the M6 is a better detector in every way.. Just another plus for M6/ MXT Pro is the many different after market coils.. The 705 only has one and it expensive large coil..The 705 as my experiance has shown isn't what it's cracked up to be..And yes I had all the coils for it and the 70(same coils).. So keep the M6, or if you have needs for the MXT Pro get it.. Far superior to the 705.. Maybe look look at the Fisher or Technetics Goldbug pro or G2... Or as Larry said the Omega ( I haven't tried that one)..

Hi Longhair !

Thanks for your answer.

I do not think there are many differences between 70 and 705. Anyway, I ran the 70 for about 36/40 hours, and it did not convince me. Entering my 28th year of detection, I always tried to have a detector in hands for a while, before buying it. When this was not possible and a machine aroused my curiosity, I bought it and eventually sold it after a few months if it didn't suit my needs.

I know about TID and frequencies. The DEUS is also a good example, the ID's on White's detectors being "standardized" no matter which frequency is used. XP did not do this, and the same targets ID differently according to the choosen frequency. Not to forget the GB setting which can dramatically affect the ID too, but that's another discussion.

I never caught the ID of my FBS unit lying. The terra, for the very same reasons you explained, does. Well, it's not lying, it's the best ID it can give according to the hunting conditions. I find it wrong to buy a TID detector if you have to listen to the sounds over 6"+targets. But again, that's me.

The Fisher Goldbug is proof something different can be made. The TID is very accurate at depth, and it hits great on high conductors. I did not want to keep the Terra (or buy one for me, as a matter of fact), but I cared to buy a Goldbug Pro after testing that of a fellow hunter the same way I did for the 70 and others.

But I won't badmouth the Terra, they are fine detectors, just not fitting my tastes/needs/expectations. Too bad, in a way, because the 70/705 do have nice functions.


Grumbling Grumpy.

With all due respect to Grumpy, I don't think that a couple long beach hunts (not necessarily it's strong suit) with an outdated version of an Xterra w/unknown coil/frequency qualifies much.
I haven't just tried V-flex, I own one......and an FBS machine too. They are so different, that they compliment each other quite well.

And as far as the cost of additional coils goes...
I have several coils for my XT705, and I also have four for my Explorer SE. The reality is, that it's the nature of the game to have more than one coil, so that you have the flexability/versitility to hunt for your desired targets in whatever conditions you encounter. V-flex or FBS, coils aren't cheap.

As far as inaccurate TID's go, you first have to considerwhat MineLab engineers have accomplished.
Here's an explanation written by Randy Horton that may shed some light.

Now w/o getting way too carried away, here's a little more info on TID relative to frequency choice.
The XT705 has 28 target segments (referred to as "bins"). At lower frequencies, the width of the target bins on the high end is wider, and the bin widths of lower conductors is narrower. Inversely, a high frequency coil will have wider bins for low conductors, and narrower bins on the high end. What this means, is that a HF coil will give a less accurate/jumpy TID on silver, copper, and other high conductors, while being more accurate (stable TID) on lower conductors like gold and lead. And again, the inverse is true. A lower frequency will be more accurate (less jumpy) on high conductors like silver, but less so on low conductors like gold.

Here's an illustration of the differences in bin widths between frequencies.
View attachment 654049

Also understanding that in mild soil conditions a lower frequency will penetrate the ground deeper than a higher frequency should be included in the equation when making a coil/frequency selection.

Understanding how any machine works, along with putting the time in to actually learn it, is the only fair way to make any sort of real comparison.

I love my SE and FBS technology, but it's not superior to V-flex...it's just different.
And, when I boil it all down, for my purposes, my 705 being lighter and faster than any FBS machine, along with it's depth capability being virtually the same (with the correct coil for the application), makes it a winner that I won't be without.

That said, there's little that could replace the FBS machine for it's capability in iron infested areas. Sites that are carpeted in rusty bottlecaps are a playground for FBS, which is why so many have been successful with them.

About TID's...
Most folks that use TID machines of any brand or technology, should know that the TID is nothing more than added information, just like any depth indicator. It's the tones and their speciffic charateristics that mean the most. If you rely on the TID, then you'll be passing on good targets that I will come by and find later.

Either way, FBS or V-flex, I would choose one (or both) of them over an MXT for the information that they can deliver that the MXT simply can't.

Great post! Lots of good info in there!

ditto to bart!

I have a 505 and love it, but the whites is a top notch machine. I think Minelab and whites make the top 2 machines with the fisher in 3rd, just an opinion guys so dont go off on me. You will be happy with either but my next machine will be the whites.

Well let's see..... by going to the Xterra you'll lose 1.7lbs over the MXT.
Beyond that, you'll run on half the batteries, you'll have three frequencies to choose from instead of just one, you'll have 8 search modes instead of 3, you'll have auto/manual GB, GB Tracking and Tracking Offset, you'll have 28 tones instead of 7, You'll have the option of pinpoint ID or pinpoint sizing, and you'll have auto/manual Noise Cancel Channel.

Anyone that offers a comparison between the XT705 and anything else really needs to clarify which coil they were using as well as the conditions, as it is often NOT the optimum coil for the application, making their comparison about useless.

That seems Quite impressive until you factor In the Features of the MXT,

Disc Spectrum,

Xterra 705 =29 Pre sets, MXT Pro = 191 ID's =100% Variable.

Battery Life

Xterra 705 4xAA = 28 to 30 hours, MXT Pro 8xAA= 57 to 66+ Hours, SO both are Equal.

Back Light,

Xterra 705= 1 setting, MXT Pro = 3 Settings.

Ground Balance

Xterra 705= 89, MXT Pro goes from =95 to the +95 Range. and it only take 1 or 2 pumps of the Coil to Ground Balance the Machine and even when it is running in fixed it monitors the Ground and updates at the push of a Button,

Hunting Modes,

Xterra 705= 2, Coin & Treasure and Prospecting In 4 screens

MXT Pro = Coin & Jewellery and Relic Mode and Prospecting Mode, with 7 Sub Modes and Each of those 7 Sub Modes can also be used with the SALT Mode Giving a Total of 14 Sub Modes,

Factory Coils Available,

Xterra 705 = 3-4 sizes,, MXT Pro = 9.

Non Factory Coil,

Xterra 705 = 9, MXT Pro = 25+.

Now both of these machines have their own Virtues, But at this moment I would like to point out that Minelab reverse Engineered the MXT to see why it was so Good when they were Building the Xterra Range of machines, and that most of what the Xterra is, Is because of the MXT. I really can't take the Xterra seriously because why on earth would a person need 28 ? Tones, Unless His Name was Beethoven, The Discrimination on the 705 is Locked in to 28/29 factory Presets So if a Wanted Item falls between those Persets then that Item is Lost, Where as the MXT has a Total of 191 settings which is 100% USER Variable, And the Same Applies to the Gain and the S.A.T. Speed in the Prospecting Mode.

So really The MXT is far more than most people realize and superior in features and in Depth, And it is Not Analogue, It is Digital, The Knobs Actually Control the Digital Software within the Chips, There Is Good reason Why the MXT has been in production for over 16 years in it's four Formats and It can still Hang with $3000.00 Dollar machines and out Hunt them, What ever machine a person prefers is more related to how that machine suits their hunting style and the fact remains that the MXT has found more Natural Gold than the Xterra ever will, Add a large coil to the Xterra and the whole balance will make it a nightmare but because the MXT has the weight/Control Box at the Back makes it better for hunting with larger coils over long periods of Time.

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Could not agree more Auminesweeper.

Could not agree more Auminesweeper.

I see you are Rocking the MXT and the T2, Looks like nothing is going to get away from you. One being the best prospecting VLF and the other being a hot trash site machine, Wise Move, :thumbsup:

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