Clay Diggins

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Nov 14, 2010
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The Great Southwest
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A review

Anyone who uses the BLM LR2000 search function knows it can be a challenge to get meaningful results. Often the service is down but you aren't notified of a problem with the system until you go through the whole complex search process to discover there was an "error". Frustrating at times.

Well it appears the BLM decided it was time to change the look and feel of the LR2000 search function. They notified users months ago that they were working on an improved version but they caught a lot of people by surprise when they introduced the NEW! IMPROVED! LR2000 on November 1 and shut down the functions of the OLD! BAD! LR2000 at the same time.

Problem was they didn't tell anyone. The old LR2000 still appears to be there and will allow you to do a search. That search returns an error, as mentioned earlier that's not unexpected or uncommon when using the LR2000. I use the LR2000 a lot when I need the most recent information on a land or claim case file. It took me nearly 24 hours after the changeover to get fed up enough with the old LR2000 not working to try the new LR2000 which has been available but not working for the last nine months. I'm hoping the BLM will set up that old LR2000 web address to redirect to the new LR2000 page so others won't have to waste their time beating a dead search system like I did.

The old LR2000 was clunky. It reminded me of an old unfamiliar broken down right hand drive truck with a Japanese language repair manual. It was really that awkward and counter intuitive. There were many blogs, manuals and videos devoted to explaining the esoteric mysteries of the BLM's version of public access to public records, I even helped write a few myself. I made good use of the old LR2000 on the days it was working and I was glad to have it when I could get results but it needed fixing.

The new LR2000 has a cleaner less intimidating interface with a slightly simpler set of options. I really don't like the "black topo" background the BLM now puts on all their web pages. If you like the black topo theme you are probably going to like the look of these new search pages better than the old ones.

The behind the scenes search function has changed a lot from the old LR2000. I tried it on several browsers and three operating systems. I had problems on every browser and system. The Search seems to hang in some circumstances, in others it returns results as quickly as the old LR2000. The actual search itself seems to be slower sometimes. Every browser I tried had problems when it had run a few searches. The searches would eventually hang and several loops would keep the browser so busy it would lock up. That's not something I'm used to experiencing. This is a new system so I'm hoping the BLM will get these glitches out soon.

The results of each search now displays in a new interface. Essentially there will be a window frame on the results page with the document displayed inside the frame as a PDF. Like the old LR2000 there are options to download the document in several formats including Excel, PDF and HTML. You can now modify or start a new search from the results page.

Land Matters has made an effort to bypass the clunky old LR2000 interface and allow you to directly access any claims BLM serial register page directly with a few clicks on a map. This turned out to be a lot quicker way to get information on claims in a specific area without having to pound through the old LR2000. Being a direct live link to the BLM the information is as current as possible unlike other mapping programs that present static information updated every month or so.

When the unannounced changeover in LR2000 search systems happened it broke Land Matters system of direct access. With more than 380,000 mining claims being actively tracked Land Matters had a problem. Claims Advantage Members also get several reports a month. In the last two days Land Matters had released two reports with a combined total of more than 20,000 maps and direct links to a broken LR2000. That's 400,000 missing documents. Sometimes life can be.... interesting. :BangHead:

Needless to say I have been busy. It took 24 hours but I deciphered the new LR2000 system fixed the links to the serial register pages and corrected, compiled and uploaded new member reports. The mining claim serial register pages linked to on the maps load more quickly than the old ones did. If you have any problems with those maps or the Member Reports please let me know.

Please try out the new LR2000 and share your experiences here. Try the Mining Claims Maps at Land Matters and marvel at the new search results. If you like the way the map link system works we can add the feature for a lot more types of research. :thumbsup:

Heavy Pans

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GMG :BangHead: the old one was bad but got used to it, this one is like putting lipstick on a pig. new and improved myash...

thanks Berry for all your work getting the maps to bring up the registry pages :icon_thumright:
Oregon did the same thing when I was saving mining permits issued to an excel spreadsheet, made active links to each permit,
then they changed to Fusebox/ColdFusion was able to use find & replace, still a pain, then it only displays what they want to display.

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I have been using the LR2000 for years on a daily basis, and although I know it is HORRIBLE to learn, once you understood the database parameters it was doable.

I totally panicked when the new interface was launched. I HATE CHANGE!

But though it looks different it is the same basic info, and in my experience easier for the new user.

All that said!
Don’t bother!


I can click into the LR2000 as fast as anyone I know, and I still find myself using Welcome to Land Matters more often than not.
It is so cool to have someone watch me drive through the claim maps, changing map layers, OLD claims, NEW claims, Patten History.
It’s all there.

Thank You Clay Diggins for ALL YOUR HARD WORK!
It is the best thing since a gold pan with riffles!
I hate grandpa's old steel pan!

Clay Diggins... thank you.

Everyone should join to help support such a worthy cause for miners.

Thanks for all the work you put in to benefit us all Clay! Mucho Appreciado!

I wasn't aware there was a change until Barry shared this information. Thanks Barry! So I spent some time with it yesterday. First 30 minutes what total frustration. I almost said F it. Then the lightbulb went on in my head, looked at my claim paperwork and got her figured out. The Meridian was the both the problem and the key for me.

Good to hear everyone's feedback. Despite it's faults and frustrations if we didn't have the LR2000 we would be back to driving to the recorders office and squinting at microfiche in a dark room for days. I did that for years and believe me you don't want to go there. :BangHead:

The LR2000 change broke more than the mining claims reports. We fixed those reports pretty quick but it wasn't until yesterday we finally got all the Mineral Patents map layer links working on the mining claim maps again. That completes all the stuff that was broken by the changeover. :thumbsup:

We only have that Mineral Patents layer on 3 Mining Claims Maps - California, Arizona and Colorado. The Mineral Patents layer not only shows the sections where there is a mineral patent but the information feature gives you a link to see and download a copy of the actual patent as well as a link to the current serial register page to view the transaction timeline and details.

Land Matters is working on a system to allow you to link directly to the survey map as well. If you like the mineral patents layers and would like to see them added in more States just Contact Land Matters and let them know what you need.

Heavy Pans

Linking directly to the survey maps would be SO helpful!

They doubled the size of my claim and want me to pay twice the amount! I guess I will have to call on the phone to sort out the mistake.

So, they upgraded LR2000, but they took away the topo map page.... I liked the one stop shopping aspect of the old version. Unfortunately, my satellite connection doesn't like mylandmatters mapping. Any suggestions?

There never was any mapping on the LR2000 Mike . Perhaps you are thinking of another system? The geocommunicator was a mapping system but it was replaced by the Navigator - better known as Tits on a Boar.

If you have a slow connection just make your Land Matters map window smaller and avoid turning on base layers until you are zoomed in to your area of interest. The old geocommunicator and the current Navigator use tiny tiny map windows to get around the speed problems. You can do the same on your Land Matters maps by reducing the size of your browser window. :thumbsup:

Heavy Pans

They doubled the size of my claim and want me to pay twice the amount! I guess I will have to call on the phone to sort out the mistake.

Interesting. Were you ten acres? Did you claim a Gov lot?

If tho doubling takes you over 20 acres you need another locator. From 20 to 40 you need two more locators.

What did the letter they sent you say?

It is a 20 acre claim and it said I have 40 acres claimed. It has since been revised. Must have been a glitch in the transition.

Posting in this thread becasue I have an lr2000 report question. I've never used the lr2000 up to this point. Seems like I can manage with the geo report, although I don't understand the meridian township range selections, but what I want to do is run a 631 action code report. Seems like no matter what I do, and I've tried with several other codes too, I get the message:

No results. The specified criteria didn't result in any data. This is often caused by applying filters and/or selection steps that are too restrictive or that contain incorrect values. Please check your analysis filters and selection steps, and try again. The filters or selection steps currently being applied are shown below.

I guess I just don't understand the system. Of course the website instructions and tutorials are no help at all.
What am I missing about running the report?

Example for Washington State; I choose by action code, OR (state office), code 631, date one year, state WA, closed claims.

code631.webp. results result_code631`.webp

I give up tiring to use the list of meridian township range and just type them in.
someone should redesign the interface, it's really bad...

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Interesting. That’s exactly what I’ve done and it has always returned the same no results message. I’ll try again today.

Alright, I tried doing exactly as you did several times and got nothing. Tried again maybe the 5th time and for some reason, it finally decided to spit out the report. Thanks winner.

Just get the maps with the mtrs units marked on them. Not all maps have that info.
Or even easier, use land matters interactive map to get the info, then use the mtrs info to get the claims maps you need from the county so you dont trespass anyones claim. You can also compare notes between the lr2000 and landmatters and be extra safe. I always double check my info that way.
Landmatters interactive map has made my research much easier and faster. Now I dont have to unfold a huge map and that is NICE!

The lr2000 is difficult to learn, just takes time. Everyone usually struggles at first with it.

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