120, 90 and 60 micron 6" sieve report


Bronze Member
Apr 17, 2014
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Golden Thread
Colorado Springs, CO
Detector(s) used
Bazooka 48" Miner and 30" Sniper, Le Trap, Wolf Trap, A52, 2" dredge, Miller tables, Blue Bowl, wheel, Falcon MD20, old White's detector
Primary Interest:
In another thread, http://www.treasurenet.com/forums/sluicing/454120-got-out-little-today-4.html

I posted that I was going to buy some of these sieves that were just under $19 for three of them in the MICRON sizes given in the title. (They are listed at just under $20, but by choosing the slowest shipping, I saved a dollar, which was added to my Kindle account). I did order; they came earlier than promised and here is my initial report on them.

As you can see from the pictures, they are aluminum and the screen is crimped down and the aluminum rims are rolled, both on the top and bottom. The bottom roll will gather some material as you use it since both rims are rolled down and in. However, that can be tapped to have it continue downward with the (-) fraction. If you immediately turn the sieve upside down to remove the (+) fraction, you could dump some of the material caught in the bottom rolled rim into the larger fraction. Just being careful to tap sideways a few times first will probably solve that.

I cannot confirm that the screen is steel, though the ad did say steel in such a way it implied it was the screen. I have not tested it for metal type nor have I yet used it. What you are seeing is the 120 micron or about 112 mesh.

Overall, the work looks like what I might have done in high school shop perhaps using similar equipment. It does not look shoddy. There are tiny spot welds on the vertical overlap of the cylinder and on the crimp. They look neat as those though they were not just slapped together. I think for just under $6 a screen, it is a good purchase.

I will report more when I have used them. Here the link so you do not have to search for them. You can compare their pictures to mine; theirs do not show the underside as mine do. Amazon.com : Aluminum Herbal Pollen Set of 3 Screen Size stackable sifter 120, 90, 60 Micron Hash Extractor sifter Shaker : Patio, Lawn & Garden

Spring Break 2015 120 micron 024.webpSpring Break 2015 120 micron 025.webp

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Hey Dave,
Have you had a chance to try the screens out yet and did you try dry, wet or both?

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Hey Dave,
Have you had a chance to try the screens out yet and did you try dry, wet or both? Any screen blinding problems?

Thanks for asking. I am chomping at the bit to try them out. The garage was freezing recently, so I have not worked out there. I am taking one screen to work to snip a bit of the screen metal off (underneath folded over excess) and test it for iron. I will report that this week. Next weekend should be nicer for garage work. The overnight lows are going to be moving into the high 30's and lower 40's (last night was 29), so the garage should be warmer during the early-to-mid-afternoon.

I have dry material to run and hope to also run some wet. Sorry for the delay, but the one weekend it was warm enough to work, school demands (work) and grandkids too up the time (the first is tolerated, the second encouraged). :)

My wife says I am too busy with work and family to have any time for gold prospecting and besides I never get enough gold to pay the gas (usually true) and she thinks it is a waste of time. Those of you with wives encouraging you to go gold prospecting or go with you should be very grateful. However, the probability of my completing the testing is directly related to the Colorado temperatures more than my wife's (she is a great one, just not too keen on gold).

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Those are the same set I ordered but I received 2- 120's and a 60... no 90. Been a week and no response from the seller.
I've not had a chance to use them yet but they're made pretty good.

Save up that gold and have a piece made for her to give on Valentines day, your worries will be over. What's the diameter of the screens? Probably not very good qualtiy for field work but they look like they'd be perfect for cleanup stuff as that's all you'd be doing with that size anyway. I looked at some brass framed ones that looked just like the ones you got from a school supply place and they wanted like 50 bucks a pop, so I'd say you got a great deal.

Save up that gold and have a piece made for her to give on Valentines day, your worries will be over. What's the diameter of the screens? Probably not very good qualtiy for field work but they look like they'd be perfect for cleanup stuff as that's all you'd be doing with that size anyway. I looked at some brass framed ones that looked just like the ones you got from a school supply place and they wanted like 50 bucks a pop, so I'd say you got a great deal.

Well, they are 6" diameter, well-made and run about $6 each in the lot of 3. I think 6" is a bit small for work out in the field, but as you noted, I think they are going to be just fine at home. Now if I can just get the weather to cooperate so my garage is warm and I can try them out.

BTW, I did cut some spare mesh off one; that was not easy. The wire mesh is pretty strong. This was the 90 micron size I was snipping on.

As far as the gold giving--tried that. I took a nice sized nugget with lots of character (about 3 grams) and had a local goldsmith put it on a necklace. The result was, "It is so heavy, it feels like it is going to pull my head down to my chest." Consequently, she doesn't wear it much.

Dave, try a ring or earrings instead. I had a ring made from some of my gold...my wife never takes it off! She also doesn't tease me about how little gold I may bring home from an outing :)

Those are the same set I ordered but I received 2- 120's and a 60... no 90. Been a week and no response from the seller.
I've not had a chance to use them yet but they're made pretty good.

Hmmm, 120 vs 90; isn't that high? :)

Very nice looking ring. As I recall, so was the one Kevin had made. OK, I guess I will have to try a ring; did you two choose 14 K or a higher gold percentage?

Kevin's ring is gorgeous. My ring is at 20k took 15.7 grams. My wife's ring is silver with nuggets in top.

Now you are on the governments hash smoker list :D. Have you put a magnet to the sides and screens?

Hey, no problem there...remember Dave and I live in CO where such things are legal :)

Ps thanks for the nice comments on my wife's ring ...you guys just made my day!

Now you are on the governments hash smoker list :D. Have you put a magnet to the sides and screens?

Well, duh!! Just goes to show you that you get blinders on and cannot see the forest for the trees. We had been doing an experiment with the cadets with thiocyanate ion and iron(III) ions. A small drop of thiocyanate into the iron(III) solution gives you an immediate orange color (red in higher concentrations). So I took a piece of the material and dissolved it in nitric acid. Today I was going to add thiocyanate.

BUT, my thinking was carried that way probably due to just doing chemistry stuff. However, the magnet test is far simpler, quicker and easier!! OK, at home, all I have are refrigerator magnets. They show an attraction to the screen, so iron or steel mesh. Also an attraction to the sides. The entire thing is so light that I guessed it was aluminum, like the ad said. Must be some ferromagnetic material in the sides, though. The screen is very light; too light to be all iron sheet metal, I think. I wonder if it is 80% aluminum 205 steel, which is on the market, or other Al-Fe alloys? The ad said aluminum and stainless steel. If bought in China, as one review said, I guess the Chinese could have used an Al-Fe alloy but just said aluminum when they sold it to US wholesale buyers....

Anyone on here know much about these alloys?

As for being known to the feds--yeah, but I live in Colorado. I am more worried about the drug-free Air Force Academy wondering what I want with hash screens. I do have a good answer for that--with documentation right here on TN. Interesting side note; I was talking to a junior cadet yesterday who has some interest in gold prospecting. I told him my 7 year old grandson seems interested. He said to get the kids involved in gold now and any extra money they get, they will want to spend on gold equipment, not MJ. There is some truth to that. This cadet shoots, fishes, and flies radio controlled airplanes. Has he got any extra money? Nope.

Thanks Conceptualized for the (obvious) suggestion.

BTW, I can test the dissolved metal for aluminum also and see if the screen is an Al-Fe alloy or just stainless steel.

For this purpose, stainless is probably a better thing :D

I agree the mesh is better all stainless. It will wear better and if it has Al in it and you get some mercury on the Al, corrosion will make it weak and probably break.

Now you are on the governments hash smoker list :D. Have you put a magnet to the sides and screens?

They probably have a pollen smokers list too... you know if your a registered motorcycle driver your on the FBI's gang list?
Word up, G...

Ne way if someone wants the xtra 120 screen I have let me know... Can send it "general delivery" too...

Well, I am getting back to work on the gold rod mill and results; see original panning thread http://www.treasurenet.com/forums/panning-gold/456622-simple-solution-fine-gold-recovery.html

Just to update, the screens were just under $20, now just under $23. They were 120, 90 and 60 microns. In mesh that is 122.2, 162.7 and 60 microns is 243.6 mesh. I already had a 100 and a 60 mesh screen, plus larger sizes (lower numbers) so I probably need to get one in-between those two; maybe 80 mesh.

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