saw this on the news last night, tip of the iceberg. California is soo broke, and the voters eat up Browns carp when he said we have a balanced budget last month, Cronyism, Nepotism etc ignorance
Oak, A new modular was getting put in place yesterday next to mine and a lot of the residents in the area were out to watch, coffee in hand doin the same thingAnyway, being new to this area I am still meeting folks, seems they all know about me “ oh, you’re the miner” Me, not really; I just dig gold”
=Calibri]I met this guy Steve and he was tellin me about a buddies claim and on a Saturday a month ago FS place a bunch of berms ( small hills blocking the road )in place FS never gave notice or even checked to see if anybody was down the road, Steve said that an old timer was down in the camp, caretaker I guess. So I gave him my number and asked if knew of PLP[/FONT]
The thing that gets me, almost everybody I meet since I moved up here never heard of PLP, or defend rural America, CAPR and I am in gold country
this morning heading out with drywasher/ detector, seems the crevicing and sluice box not performing well