Fraud from CDFW, No supervision of employees.


This is a copy of a post off of our club website. Thought you might get a kick out of it..

Claim jumping by the groveland ranger district. « on: June 07, 2013, 10:52:39 PM »

On a recent trip to the UPI claims at Bull Creek, just up from the king tut I discovered that our path to the claims was blocked by boulders. Prior to this when I heard on our forum about miners not being able to pull their wagons over the boulders I called the ranger station and debbie quoted from the ADA handbook that all the boulders were in compliance and that a 32" gap was provided for handicapped access. The photos I took with a tape measure and the claim marker in view showed the actual gap was 12". I visited the groveland ranger station and talked to Ranger Vern who claims the trail is an unauthorized trail and must be closed. I quoted the 1872 mining law and the ADA handbook requirements. Then showed him the photos and the fact that that trail was in existance long befor we aquired the claims. He did not seem to care I told him that there were members who are in a wheel chair, and many with handicaps that prevent them from accessing the claims. He finally relented and promised that by the next week the problem would be solved. I also found out that the contractor had been visiting other locations and picking up boulders. Some of those came off of coarsegolds claims.
I told vern that he was in violation of the mining law as "all minerals on a valid claim belong to the claim owner or those authorized to remove said minerals." last time I checked a boulder is also a mineral and the forest service was claim jumping. I did not go into the regs or legal reprecussions. He said they bought all their boulders. Told him there are witnesses to their activity. One week later I called vern back and he feigns no knowledge of the repair and wanted to see the photos which I emailed to him. He put me on speaker phone so I do not know who else was on the call. In the end he agreed again to removing the boulders and re store the trail to one that was accessable. Today no phone calls were returned ranger vern was out of the office. It seems that they are going to continue this process of locking up the trails and will only fix the problem when they are called on the carpet by the claim owners. Vern claims that the boulders are to keep the off road vehicled out of the area but truth is the bikes are always going to find another way in. On the memorial day trip I also found many of the roads along moore creek blocked. Why should we be paying for the sins of a few when the real problem is an enforcement issue by the rangers. Monday I call again. I already sent PLP a heads up letter about what went on and that it was being negociated. Hope this turns out well and we do not need to stress PLP resources.

All to familiar sounding as to their responding to mining laws.
They all act DUMB, or not in the office.

Call the county sheriff. Start having people arrested.

saw this on the news last night, tip of the iceberg. California is soo broke, and the voters eat up Browns carp when he said we have a balanced budget last month, Cronyism, Nepotism etc ignorance

Oak, A new modular was getting put in place yesterday next to mine and a lot of the residents in the area were out to watch, coffee in hand doin the same thingAnyway, being new to this area I am still meeting folks, seems they all know about me “ oh, you’re the miner” Me, not really; I just dig gold”
I met this guy Steve and he was tellin me about a buddies claim and on a Saturday a month ago FS place a bunch of berms ( small hills blocking the road )in place FS never gave notice or even checked to see if anybody was down the road, Steve said that an old timer was down in the camp, caretaker I guess. So I gave him my number and asked if knew of PLP
The thing that gets me, almost everybody I meet since I moved up here never heard of PLP, or defend rural America, CAPR and I am in gold country
this morning heading out with drywasher/ detector, seems the crevicing and sluice box not performing well

Egress and regress were righteously further codified under the Nixon administration and this scam, being tried ALL over as this roadless mandate continues illegally. Winch outta the way,blow'm up whatever,cut locks,yank posts as this is war man. Meet fire with fire is the only way left....John :skullflag:

LMSAO Hefty, Hoser i agree, this S@#% is gettin old
so i spent a couple of hours detecting and drywashin this morning, five mins after getting there found this little guy so i set up the drywasher


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saw this on the news last night, tip of the iceberg. California is soo broke, and the voters eat up Browns carp when he said we have a balanced budget last month, Cronyism, Nepotism etc ignorance

Oak, A new modular was getting put in place yesterday next to mine and a lot of the residents in the area were out to watch, coffee in hand doin the same thingAnyway, being new to this area I am still meeting folks, seems they all know about me “ oh, you’re the miner” Me, not really; I just dig gold”

=Calibri]I met this guy Steve and he was tellin me about a buddies claim and on a Saturday a month ago FS place a bunch of berms ( small hills blocking the road )in place FS never gave notice or even checked to see if anybody was down the road, Steve said that an old timer was down in the camp, caretaker I guess. So I gave him my number and asked if knew of PLP[/FONT]
The thing that gets me, almost everybody I meet since I moved up here never heard of PLP, or defend rural America, CAPR and I am in gold country
this morning heading out with drywasher/ detector, seems the crevicing and sluice box not performing well

The berm situation sounds like another job for the MMA to handle (Midnight Miners Association)

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