FUEL to BURN, wake up folks not just about dredging

maybe send a copy to Judge Gilbert Ochoa since his Bio mentions Sandrails n Quads

maybe send a copy to Judge Gilbert Ochoa since his Bio mentions Sandrails n Quads

Do ya think that will make a difference to him? We already know where he stands on mining issues....I don't quite understand how he could over rule another judges TRO....could someone please make it clear for those of us that are legally challenged? :hello:

legally challenged?
LMAO, maybe we all are,
sink your teeth into this one New EPA Chief Gina McCarthy Will Focus On Coal http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/07/18/epa-administrator-gina-mccarthy_n_3619548.html

Do ya think that will make a difference to him? We already know where he stands on mining issues....I don't quite understand how he could over rule another judges TRO....could someone please make it clear for those of us that are legally challenged? :hello:

The courts have a pecking order. local county, state, federal

On the lower end any judge can issue orders. Many times they counter each other. Ochoa in Superior Court is up the ladder and can change the lower decision to incorporate all the cases together.

First it was the dredgers plumes, now it's the off roaders plumes. Only difference is California off roaders have big numbers and big dollars, CBD will have a hard time trying to shut them out.

Every forum I'm apart of it seems the "Center" shows up and are in direct opposition. First heard of them on the off-road forums sueing left and right for trail closures. Then they popped up on the hunting forums going after lead and anything else related to hunting. On to the fishing forums where they've attacked the stocking programs and the "non native" Stripped bass. And now here. Never seen a bigger bunch of uncompromising blanket spankers in my life. My hope is that because of them we all get more involved in the conservation and preservation of our passions. It's time we start buying a few less toys and start donating a few more dollars in support of OUR causes. We still have the numbers in our favor but not for long at the rate they are mis-educating the general public

Great post, fowledup - welcome to tnet! btw, love your location signature.

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