Things I Miss The Most.


Gold Member
Nov 22, 2013
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Golden Thread
Mountain Maryland
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Detector(s) used
Garrett AT Pro, AT Max, Minelab
Equinox 800
Primary Interest:
Metal Detecting
I miss waking up and coughing up enough thick phlegm that it’d be too nasty to swallow.

I miss sitting on the toilet to pee first thing in the morning, and spitting half of my lung between my legs into the bowl....sometimes I’d miss.

I miss staggering down the stairs, and making my way outside for that first smoke of the day, while my coffee was brewing. Temps below freezing? I’m still in my underwear, not enough time to get dressed, I need that smoke, and I already wasted time on the toilet.

I miss losing my lighter. If I can’t find it, I’ll kill someone, especially if that unlit Marlboro Light 100 is hanging unlit out the side of my mouth.

I miss getting in my truck, getting situated, and taking that sweet drag as I shift into drive.

I miss the ashes, especially when they grow so long off the butt in my mouth, they fall onto my lap while driving,

I miss when the windows are down, and the gust of wind blows a hot ash into my eye.

I miss when I flick my butt, the cherry hits the window frame, flies off, and ends up burning a hole in my seat, clothes, floor.... it depends on the luck of the day.

I miss when I’m feeling good, smoking like a champ....hanging my arm out the window , and fumbling my cigarette. No time like immediately to light another!

I miss tossing my butts out the window and littering the roads of America.

I miss the tar and nicotine attached to my moustache.

I miss walking into the convenience store, and the worker smiles at me and grabs 2 packs of my brand, without me asking! kind they were.

I miss my truck smelling like an ashtray. Ashes all over the floor, dashboard, the bed of my truck at anytime would have pinched out butts near my bungee cords.

I miss my yellow teeth....they’ve gotten whiter lately.

I miss my smelly fingers... wife doesn’t. Just sayin.

I miss leaving my family after dinner to go outside and smoke. Always a selfish move, especially at a restaurant....but they knew it was coming, so it was ok.

I miss a heater hanging out of my mouth, while I’m driving the company vehicles... the no smoking policies at work didn’t apply to me at any time. Ever.

I miss the handful of butts in my finds pouch (no littering at permissions). When I dump out my coins and relics, they smelled so yummy.

I miss my elevated cholesterol and blood pressures. Doctor said they are both quite lower than they were.

I miss talking to my Grandmother every Sunday nite (she’s 93) and sucking down 3 or 4 in the hour long chats.

I miss my wife criticizing our bank card activity....$16 give or take every day at gas stations. If I had any amount of cash, that’d be gone soon enough.

I miss the Marlboro App, that with my password I could unlock special savings for smokers.
I wonder if they will still send me a birthday card with coupons? I deleted the App. And also unsubscribed from their emails.

I also miss the Sheetz App, save $1.50 when you buy two!

I miss winning any amount of cash on a scratch ticket, because I’d be able to budget my smokes through the lottery, not really my money, right?

I miss my wife going to bed before me, as I stay up for my goodnight smoke. I’d come to bed, kiss her goodnight, and she complains that I stink.

I miss going to ball games, and walking a mile and a half to the smoking section, missing half an inning or more.

I miss walking up to my neighbors house, up the hill...and being out breath when I got there.

I miss taking a hit from the Symbicort inhaler so I can breathe somewhat normally when I go to bed. The wheezing and gurgling made it hard to fall asleep.

I miss going to the beach, or park, and feeling like a pariah for polluting the experience.

I miss my clothes smelling like tobacco. Tide Pods, whatever scent solved that problem.

I miss finding a lighter, and feeling like I hit the jackpot.

I miss my great grandfather, who died of lung cancer.

I miss the bottles of Stella, that I used as an ashtray when I’d reflect after a hard day of work.

I miss the security of a carton of smokes when embarking on a road trip.

I miss the rare times I’d have to fly, and buying some nasty Skoal bandits to help me get through.

After I hit send and go to bed tonight, I’ll think of dozens more things I miss.

I miss everything about smoking. I was EXCELLENT at it! Average of 2 packs a day, since what, 1987? That’s what 33 years....

33 years x 365= 12,045 days of smoking
Say 2 packs a day, say at just a random average of $6 each. (Less back in the day, more lately)

12,045 x $12= $144,540 ballpark I’ve spent on smokes in my life....most likely more...HOW ABOUT THAT!!!

So then this happened...The price of cigarettes skyrocketed here in Maryland, they added like $2.80 in taxes, so now my smokes are over $10 per pack! Nice.

On January 25, I called Quit for Life, and told them I had a quit date of February 6.
I was assigned a quit coach, and they sent me the patch kit, also encouraged me to combine that with either gum, or lozenges, to help take the edge off.
I had maybe 5 “slips” the first few weeks, I think it was just to reinforce the fact that this isn’t for me anymore.

About a month ago, on a Saturday I was in a rush to beep, I left the house without putting on a fresh patch, also forgot my lozenges ....YIKES! So that was my first real test, no nicotine that day, at all. Same for Sunday, then Monday...before I knew it....I’m done!

I QUIT.:hello2:

My wife, family, Doctor, Dentist, boss, coworkers, customers, neighbors, and especially my Grammie are all very proud of me.

But most of all, I’m proud of myself.
I never thought I’d be able to break the habit.

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Good for you, dont give in, but if you do, kick it back out the door quick. I never smoked but did smoke everything else and after 32 years of feels reeeeall good.

Way to go, Dave!

Stick with it.
You don't need nicotine anymore.
Does not mean you are not vulnerable.
Simply , don't fire up again.
Carry a small tin of loud tasting sugarless mints just in case.
I suggest sugarless , due to the amount of sugared I consumed before being stupid and firing up again.
But , the key is to quit. Not fire up again....

48 hrs without nicotine , the nicotine part is over. (My opinion.)
The habit is not. Nor the excuses like to pick me up /calm down. (Oh really?)
To drive. Truck won't start or something without a cigg....
To be on the phone awhile. O.K. , senseless enough.


I quit 25 tears ago, cold turkey.... Shook for a week!

good for you dave.i quit in 2001 after they removed my left lung. keep up the good work.

Dave. Hang in There,,,I quit in 1978 and by doing so my wife also quit,To this day in 2021 Never went back,,

Ozzy said quitting smokes was worse than smack, leave em behind and don't look back.

I thought this was going to be a thread about missing Florida! Gary

I got a long list of things I sure didnt miss from smoking, it's more like a list of positive things that have happened since I've been cigarette free....feel better, free, and alive.
I have and it's been over twenty years now.

Congrats Dave on the quitting.
The health and the over all hacking will improve greatly over time.
Been 34 yrs this summer since smoking of anything and the pipes are thank-full for the quit.
Now wonder if you just put the $$$ into a separate account for a year or two-then bought a toy for the Mrs/yourself-basically it's free-well earned.
I justify most everything in life as being free-36 yrs for drink/34-drugs/smoking. My wealth runneth over with savings.....:laughing7:

A lot of thought went into the miss list-well done sir.

Dave I am VERY PROUD of you !! January 16 1990 at 3:16 pm in the afternoon I quit. I was going through 3 packs a day!! I was not smoking them all . I ALWAYS did have one burning though !!! My wife told me i could use the cigarette for ANYTHING i desired for EVER !!! I know have a VERY LARGE METAL DETECTOR collection.
I went and got hypnotized. He had me make a list of the 3 times I HAD to have a cigarette and then worked on those times.

1. When i got up in the morning I would fire one up first thing. Now when i get up i jump in the shower so you could not smoke in there
2. when i would get done eating I would fire one up. My wife is a slow eater and i would set there trying to RIP my shirt pocket off reaching for one. I finally just got up and left her
there to eat. She understood !!!
3. When i got in my car I would roll the windows down and turn the radio on LOUD till the urge went away.

YOU can NEVER prove to your self you can HAVE JUST ONE !!!


Proud of you Dave, I’ve heard how hard it is. I’ve always known you were a quitter!

I thought the thread was going to be about your mind.

congrats on quitting bet your truck still stinks

Congrats!! Stay strong! I smoked for almost 13 years and I give it to you for quitting. I quit smoking cold turkey and it's the best decision I've made!! Keep on keepin!

Keep up the fight and all the best! I quit in my early 30's after smoking from my early teen days, woke up one day and had no smokes and no way to get to the store so pulled butts out of the ashtray, then it hit me hard, cigs controlled me for too many years. So took a shower, had breakfast, went out and sat on the front porch and let the sun hit me the warmth was feeling good and said to myself, "today is the day i quit" and i did, unfortunately, my wife didn't quit and today suffers terribly from lung disease, COPD actually, every day is a struggle for her, and retired so i could take care of her fulltime and! tobacco has taken a toll on our lives and will continue to do so. It breaks my heart when i see young people smoking, not a habit to easily shed.

well done! Quit 17 years ago when we became pregnant...pack a day. Never looked back. 7 years sober , also quit drinking when kids were born but drank after 5 years for about 4 -5 years on and off so 12 or 13 sober years in the last 17. Will never do either again.

Its incredibly selfish. My old boss...insisting on smoking in my new car...hate bieng around smokers with all my clothes , hair, beard etc stinking of someone elses smoke. 10 years for a but to biodegrade...

keep up the excellent work!


Great post. I smoke like a train and always have an excuse for either not quitting or for going back to it. I put on weight and according to my wife I become irritable. There have been times through the years that I've quit and she's suggested that I go buy a pack, that's how much of an azz I become over such a destructive and expensive habit. Your post is inspiring me to give it another whirl, I'm tired of it, they taste bad to me at this point, and I need to just put them down.

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