Attention All eBay Sellers (And Craigslist Too) Please Sign this petition!

I saw what you did! LOL!
You know I gotta stay impartial. I love you both, but living in a cesspool and all, I'll run in to diggs at my local Salv Army or Goodwill, before I run in to you way up in Ky. :laughing7:

Thank you DDDinMD, it's a lot to read, maybe once my eyes rehydrate, I can go over it better. Did you have any thoughts on the case?
Just curious....... :cat:

I saw what you did! LOL!
You know I gotta stay impartial. I love you both, but living in a cesspool and all, I'll run in to diggs at my local Salv Army or Goodwill, before I run in to you way up in Ky. :laughing7:

Thank you DDDinMD, it's a lot to read, maybe once my eyes rehydrate, I can go over it better. Did you have any thoughts on the case?
Just curious....... :cat:

I had only heard of the case yesterday. From what I had skimmed over, Kirtsaeng made 1.2 million selling textbooks not intended for sale in the US, all the while undercutting the publisher. It's a lot to read and I have not really dug into the particulars of the case. My first instinct is to say that a person is free to resell their personal property to anyone that wishes to purchase it. But, I feel there is more to the case than we are being told. That is why we should all read up on what really happened and make a decision after we have educated ourselves on the merits of the case.

I applaud the guy for making a million bucks off of them. The way I see it, if they can afford to sell their product in a foreign country that cheap, then they should be able to sell it locally in their own country, for even cheaper. It's a scam and in this case the scammer (publisher) got got. Yes, I said.. got got. lol

The fact of the matter is, regardless of the fine print, new case law opens the door for all sorts of unnecessary litigation.

I also signed it. But I agree with some of the other posters that there may be a bit of an overreaction here. This seems to be more of a "gray market" case than anything else. There are many variables that dictate what something costs in one part of the world versus what it costs in another part of the world. In the U.S. the books have to be packed, transported, distributed and retailed by people who are at a minimum making minimum wage and might even, god forbid, have some sort of benefits package. You can add on to that loads of soft costs in the form of regulatory expenses, legal expenses and oppressive taxes. It's thus quite possible that something actually costs one price in the U.S. and another price somewhere else. Then, you have the simple fact that people in the U.S. generally (and I do mean generally) enjoy a first world standard of living that allows them to pay a little more than other people for certain goods.

If all the publisher is seeking to do is stop this dude from importing its products and selling them in the U.S. than I unfortunately have to say they are probably in the right. Also - the Supreme Court generally does not like to take big leaps --- "extreme / radical / revolutionary" interpretations are rare. Rather, you usually see either a slow building up or a slow erosion of a principle over the course of many years and many decisions. That's my two cents on the issue.

Well, Well, this is where our country is going. . . down the tubes! . . . hope not. You might as well get rid of our right to sell at garage sales and flea markets around the country. Been buying and selling LP records, books, VHS movies, DVD movies for YEARS and haven't had the police or anyone else tell that I'm doing wrong. Sure I make a little profit and sometimes lose some money. I don't think that I'm cutting into their profits and frankly I don't think they care. . . They're well aware of it by now.

Thats my 2c on it.

Well, Well, this is where our country is going. . . down the tubes! . . . hope not. You might as well get rid of our right to sell at garage sales and flea markets around the country. Been buying and selling LP records, books, VHS movies, DVD movies for YEARS and haven't had the police or anyone else tell that I'm doing wrong. Sure I make a little profit and sometimes lose some money. I don't think that I'm cutting into their profits and frankly I don't think they care. . . They're well aware of it by now.

Thats my 2c on it.
You better not do it in Louisiana using cash, it's illegal already. Louisiana Bans Cash for Secondhand Transactions

If all the publisher is seeking to do is stop this dude from importing its products and selling them in the U.S. than I unfortunately have to say they are probably in the right. Also - the Supreme Court generally does not like to take big leaps --- "extreme / radical / revolutionary" interpretations are rare. Rather, you usually see either a slow building up or a slow erosion of a principle over the course of many years and many decisions. That's my two cents on the issue.
I still gotta read more of this thing. But correct me here plz, if I'm not right. A US book comp, makes it's books overseas, someone buys them overseas at reduced price (cause "hey the company sells them there that cheap"!), imports them and resells them. To me, that sounds like free enterprise. I would think that is the risk any company would take, if they sell their product overseas 5 cents on the dollar, that someone may buy container fulls, and import them and resell them? Quess no one in their "out-sourcing research team" saw that one coming, as they were shipping jobs out. How come, here in US nice mosquito netting gonna run you $99, while in Africa, same netting sells for $5? Could I import them and resell them under free enterprise rules? Hmmmm :icon_scratch:

Been buying and selling LP records, books, VHS movies, DVD movies for YEARS and haven't had the police or anyone else tell that I'm doing wrong. Sure I make a little profit and sometimes lose some money. I don't think that I'm cutting into their profits and frankly I don't think they care. . . They're well aware of it by now.
Thats my 2c on it.
Are you talking illigally pirated films, records, DVD's, or ones just bought and resold, or did they fall off the truck? (rhetorical question) Also, I wouldn't want you to answer anything that may incriminate you, LOL! If you're ever given immunity for testimony.......... :laughing7:

You better not do it in Louisiana using cash, it's illegal already. Louisiana Bans Cash for Secondhand Transactions
See! This is the kinda mess I'm talking about! Since when is legal tender not legal tender? Or Am I just naive and stupid? The cops can't get a handle on the criminals, good ppl do nothing, some actually perpetuate the criminal activity, when/if they are caugt, slap on the wrists, and set free to continue said criminal activity, - oh, but with a catch, now they get to PAY the police for probation and parole, not to mention the jail/prison contracts. Yeah, somebody's making money here, and it LOOKS like the police and the criminals! The correction of error in the country is ineffective, imo, and does nothing to reduce the recidivism rates, not to mention, ever notice how, like, 80% of all elected and appointed officials, seem to always go down for crimes of greed, or is it just me notices that stuff?
AND WHO PAYS FOR IT? You and me, by the shacklings of OUR hands in needless laws, and the criminals are still dealing in CASH, but YOU BETTER NOT! WHAT A JOKE! Strip away another right! Yeah, man can't govern himself, and the police and government seem even less effective, in governing perople! So now we MUST make laws to protect ourselves from ourselves, because our policing/judicial system has become ineffective, and cops CAN"T stop the criminals.
Maybe I have some kind of blinders on, going through life, but a lot of this kinda stuff, just don't sit right with me.
ok rant over, rawr! :cat:

Our federal court system... a non-common sensical approach to every matter brought before it.

I signed. It's BS. The prof writes the text book, and wants every student taking his class to have to purchase a new book each semester. One reason I don't want a kindle is if you buy a book, you can't share it with more than one other person. And to me folks, that's all BS and there needs to be a stop put to it someplace.

This is definitely a good thing IMHO.....
I hope that they apply the same justification one day, in striking down the "copyright" protections currently afforded to Monsanto in ALL of its food production entities....GMO's still tend to reproduce biologically with "native" varietals, thereby making virtually EVERY agricultural product grown in some small way share genetically identical DNA similarities to Monsantos' GMO seeds... Thereby making it illegal to plant THE SEEDS OF YOUR OWN produce that you/yours may have harvested and replanted for generations of farmers here in America.....Copyright infringement and Patent law.
Now THAT'S disturbing to me. And I'm no commercial farmer in any way shape or form, but Monsanto is SO big, and has so many lobbyists, it is only becoming more and more restrictive to grow food here. Foreign giant companies are realizing they can literally BUY America....
....And our elected officials are right on board with it.....Both parties.

WooHoo for resell! (as I am currently editing pics for etsy and ebay!) :laughing7:
Glad someone was paying attention and thanks for the update.
You know, I get all my world news from here at tnet, of course, worldtalker! :laughing7:

CleanSweep, I'm on board with you. How can someone claim ownership rights to a plant!? :icon_scratch:
I do not like the tampering Monsanto has done with our crops. Heck, bugs won't eat the stuff and they want us to!?

I do see ads all the time for non-gmo seeds. I also know, things get cross-pollinated too.
And how can China and other foreign countries just ship us seeds willy nilly and you can't even bring them in to the country through the airport? Or am I just thinking soil?

Uhhh, what's this thread about.........? :icon_scratch:
Oh, ok, yeah, go Supreme Court, show us some more smarts, please. Like stop gmo foods, if you can.

Uhhh, what's this thread about.........? :icon_scratch:.

I know.....My bad. After 4 shots of espresso, and reading this link on copyright stuff, I got worked up a wee bit....kinda went a bit off on a tangent. The Monsanto issue is a personal hot button topic for me.....I'm seeing someone and taking pills (Wait, are THESE OWNED BY THEM TOO!!?) Ha!
Still, In a "6 degrees of seperation" kind of way, the two are related.....vaguely :)

Signed. Thanks for the heads up about this too.

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