I found treasue


Jr. Member
Jan 28, 2006
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Hello everyone,I am Ken Morrison,71 years old,and my grandfather got me started in treasure hunting. I have found several treasures over the years,but most pretty small. I made my first metal detector from a boyscout book at the library,I was trying it out in a local park,when a old man walked up to me and asked what that gaget I had was,I explained it was a home made detector,he said why dont you go to a place I know and there used to be a log cabin there,I went and spent about three week ends to locate the site of the old cabin,when I found it,it was almost dark,but when I put the dectector over the old fireplace,it screamed.I ug out round objects that was heavy,and actually thought they were old cast iron things you put under bed legs,so I tossed them in the brush(duh!) I kept one to take back to the car,as I was going to show my mother one.I got in the car and turned on the interior light,the object I was holding was kinda green colored,I took my knife and scrapped it and seen it said remington on it,it was a old pistol cap container,I opened it and there was kind of a velvet cloth that turned to dust soon as the air hit it.but what got my attention was the golden gleam from the coins.I went home and could hardly s;leep waiting for daylight,I went back and managed to find the ones I threw in the brush,I found more in the old fire place,and right at the bottom was a nest made of newspaper,and the coins were piled in there,I almost had a heart attack,I was looking around to make sure I was alone,I went to the car,but alter went back and found a old karo syrup bucket full of silver dollars,most were in the 18 50 and 60,s,the oldest coin was a five dollar gold coin 1838d , the newest coin was a 1918 d twenty gold coin. I have so many treasure stories in my head,but can,t remember a lot of names,Regards to all of you....Ken Morrison

Good one Ken, keep them coming!! :icon_thumleft:

ken, thanx for the interesting story. About what year was it that you found those coins hidden in that fire place?

how about posting some picks im sure everyone reading would love to see your fortune!

I could sit and read your treasure stories all night long. Keep them coming sir.

I'm waiting to hear more and than you :hello2:

That sounds spectacular! I'm starting to read more, and more of posts like these, and it's getting me more and more interested in MDing myself.... (Coins of Course) Awesome find though!!! And HH with your future hunts as well!

Sluice Box

kenmore, congrats you found a lot of treasures, most pretty small. But not all were pretty small, right? Some were pretty big I understand. You are a treasure pirate. You have gained wealth by finding many treasures, some pretty small, and the rest must be pretty big I guess. God bless you.

Hello again guys,I forgot to say I am retired in the Philippines,about the year I found the one treasure of gold coins was 1971,as far as pictures,I have none,it would kind just tell uncle sam a lot.Now where I found the treasure mentioned there was at one time two log cabins with a dog run between them,one of the cabins had been moved from another place,and there was peach trees there where it was moved from,there is still gold coins buried at one of the peach trees,but I could never find where the cabin was moved from. Now here is a treasure story that might interest someone ,I had a friend who worked in a grocery store at excesior springs missouri,one day a old woman come in and was digging in her purse for change,my friend said he would get his frend with a metal dectector to help her find the money,she asked what a metal detector was(at that time I was using a d-tex BFO) She go excited and told him when she was a little girl,her grandfather one night was babysitting her whie the others had went to town,it was after dark and her grandfather filled a copper tea kettle with gold coins and took her and a lantern and went out by a welled in spring,he sat her on the end of a rock wall and she could hear him digging on the other side of the spring. Later her grandfather died and no one ever found the money he buried.Someone would have to do a lot of research ,but I believe the money is still there,why didnt I get it? At the time I was going tru a family situation,and lost my guns and metal detector,including a proton magnemeter had built,when I walked in the house everything was gone and my clohes was tossed out on the floor.,regards.....Ken Morrison

Here is another of my finds,I was home one sat. morning when a older woman knocked at my door,she explained she was a widow and her husband had buried 4 gallons of silver dollars,after a friendly dicussion we agreed on a 60/40 split and I went to her place( a farm) and started detecting,there was some old teeter totter boards from the back of her house and I found a gallon within 20 minutes. under the end of a board,I sat the jar out on the ground and she hurridly picked it up heavy as it was,I asked her how do you want to do this,sell them and then split,or just starting dealing 6 and 4, her reply startled me and made me a little angry,she said you know that was my husbands money,and I don't think you should get anything,you never worked that hard to get it. Well I figured we made a agreement and she broke it,so i waited untl I found out she went to visit her sister about 150 miles away and needless to say I got the other three,from then on I always had a signed contract,regards....Ken

kenmor you are one serious butt kickin treasure finding machine. My sincerest apologies to you for being so facetious. I hope you find plenty more. Best regards to you sir.

This one I will call a accidental find,I had went over to olathe Kansas to look at a fisher metal detector,The man who had it let me put a deposit on one ,so I could try it out,he suggested a area to check out down a old country road,so I drove down the old country road,and was looking for signs of old home foundations when I spotted a big old cedar tree out in a field,I walked out the with the fisher and started walking around the old cedar tree and was half hearted looking around for any signs of a house,when I got a faint signal on the fisher,I got a small shovel out of my car and started to dig,down about eight inches I struck a old fruit jar lid,and discovered that the jar was still attached to the lid,the jar was full of old pennies,most were Indian heads with a few big cents mixed in.Did I buy the fisher,no sir the signal was faint with a quart fruit jar of pennies,the old d-tex I was using would have screamed at that depth. I have a story about frank James and buried money that I will put under treasure leads,actually there are 3 different treasures very close in Missouri. I am not much of a writer so please bear with me,I am open to questions,regards...Ken Morrison

Here is another time I found treasure,I had heard a story about a man who had buried his money around a log cabin,gone at that time,so I went to the land owner and asked about hunting his property,He stated to me he had people digging holes everywhere on that property and that I was the first that ever asked so he gave me permission,and even told me he had another property(farm) that the house was falling down but was pretty old,and if I found anything it was mine to keep,really a nice farmer. I went first and checked out the old log cabin site,if the money was there I never found it,or else someone did,a lot of holes all over where people had dug and left the holes,people if you hunt treasure be sure to backfill the holes.Anyway I went to the farmers other property and started first to check the house out,I won't go into details of how I checked the house,but I found going up the stairs a hidden compartment next to the ceiling,in it I found a old diamond ring,2 men gold elgin watches,1 Lady's gold elgin watch,and a lot of coin silverware,of course there was more but enough said,regards...Ken Morrison

Good Lord, I'd be ecstatic just to find ONE of those finds. I check out old houses. Maybe I'm not looking in the right places.

Awesome stories Ken, I enjoy hearing them :)

Closest thing to a cache on any of my hunts so far was an old bottle of Jack Daniels beneath the porch of an old cabin my son and I found. Still had empty cans on the shelves that said "Luncheon Meat" LOL!

Here is one that I lost sleep over,I had a treasure lead out on a old farm,the Granddaughter was in her 80's and had called me to find her grandfather money,she stated all she knew is it was in a container and was buried in a fence line and her grandfather had dug a hole and then put concrete around the container,I was working this one hard, miles of old fence line, she had sold one part of the farm and they was clearing the brush and trees off it,so I was working this first,short of it was I talked to the dozer operator who had shoved out a fence line near a old corn crib,near by was a ditch that was about 25 feet deep at the top and deeping as it went down hill,he had already filled it in,he knew nothing about the money ,but he saaid the day before he had shoved out a fence and then went to eat,when he come back,laying in front of the blade was a round obling concrete chuck and on the top it had a hammer impression with a date of early 1800, I asked him to see it and he said he shoved all of the brush and dirt into the ditch, now there is new houses built there,but that was the money I was looking for,regards....Ken Morrison

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