How deep?


Sr. Member
Feb 11, 2019
Carson City NV
🏆 Honorable Mentions:
Detector(s) used
Equinox 800, AT Pro
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
What is the deepest coin you’ve found with the Nox and what conditions and settings were you hunting in?

Beach hunting in clean sand I’ve found coins to approximately 14” using a low recovery speed of 2-3 with sensitivity maxed out. In dirt the deepest coin I’ve found has been around 9” running park 1 with a recovery speed of 4 and sensitivity at 23.

I’m trying to find the deepest setting for coins in mineralized dirt.

What is the deepest coin you’ve found with the Nox and what conditions and settings were you hunting in?

Beach hunting in clean sand I’ve found coins to approximately 14” using a low recovery speed of 2-3 with sensitivity maxed out. In dirt the deepest coin I’ve found has been around 9” running park 1 with a recovery speed of 4 and sensitivity at 23.

I’m trying to find the deepest setting for coins in mineralized dirt.

How deep do you want to go? In order to give you the magic answer I am going to need to know exactly what type of coin you are after and and exactly how mineralized your soil is, how much junk is present, how much moisture is in the soil, the orientation of the coin targets you are going after, the type of coil you are using, how many power lines are present, and, for good measure, the phase of the moon on the day you expect to hunt.

Of course I am being facetious, but I am trying to make a point. You have asked a specific question (how deep was your deepest coin found and what were your settings) with non-specific conditions (a coin in mineralized conditions) and the settings answers you are going to get are going to be all over the map and probably not useful for the relatively specific situation you are thinking about.

Think about the two scenarios you mentioned. You did not mention the type of coin and you didn't mention the settings you used at the beach. Your results are pretty consistent with mine at both a salt beach and in relatively mild ground. Could I tell you exactly what settings I was using, or even the mode I was in when I found my deepest coins under similar conditions with the Nox. Probably not exactly, the reason being that I vary my settings on the fly depending on the situation at hand with the knowledge of what those settings do and how they affect both depth, separation, and ground noise. All factors that determine the general success at recovering targets at depth. BTW for the beach, it was nickels in approximately 15+ inches deep in wet sand probably in Beach 1 mode at default settings with sensitivity cranked (my typical setup at the beach) and on land my maximum recovery of a coin was probably about the same as yours, but I would be lying if I knew the exact settings and even the coin. My deepest recovery inland, in mild soil was probably closer to a foot for a quarter sized, brass button - probably using field 2, stock settings. Is any of this helpful to you? Probably not.

What modes are going to work best in mineralized ground for X composition coins (e.g., nickel, gold, copper, silver) of X denomination (the answer for a 3 cent silver trime or half reale is going to be a lot different than a even a silver dime or quarter).

Understand the tradeoffs of the settings and what targets each of the modes are optimized for and you will be able to answer your own question. Furthermore, you should know which modes might excel under mineralized conditions. Hot soil can severely limit target ID depth to around 3 to 4 inches max (sometimes even less than that) and absolute target detection (without reliable ID) down to about 6 inches. The mode you choose is dependent on the target type of interest. If you are looking for nickels or small silver coins like trimes or gold $1 gold pieces, then Park 2, Field 2, or Gold modes are your best bet because they are optimized for mid-conductive targets. If you are looking for silver, then Park 1 or Field 1 are your best bet. In heavy mineralized soil, reducing transmit power is can help, so that means there may be rare inland situations where the mineralization is so bad, that running Beach mode (Beach mode 2 cuts transmit power in half from the get go regardless of the level of mineralization present) which reduces transmit power when "black sand" mineralization is sensed might actually run well. But don't expect miracles. We are talking shades of gray here, incremental less than an inch improvement in depth.

Regarding recovery speed, it is true that lowering recovery speed improves detectability at depth somewhat, but lower it too much, besides losing separation, you will also increase ground noise (in all metal) which is counterproductive because in highly mineralized dirt, maximum recovery depth means you probably have to dig iffy ferrous signals due to the loss of reliable target ID at depth. Speaking of which, you might think that lowering iron bias is the right answer, but for iffy targets in mineralization, your best bet might be to increase iron bias to make those iffy signals definitely sound like iron which might help depth. No real right answer on that one. BTW - on that really deep nickel I found at the beach, I was using the stock beach mode recovery setting of 6, go figure. Same goes for that deep button, which was at the default recovery speed of 7, but I was trying to pick it out of a bunch of iron nails.

Sometimes, single frequency can help, too. Sometimes, not.

Proper ground balance is key in really mineralized dirt, so be sure to check that. BTW - the Equinox can only give you a relative ground reading and it is applicable to the specific mode you are in at the time. The number high or low, really doesn't definitively tell you how much mineralization is present. You need a detector with a separate mineralization meter such as a Deus/Orx, Fisher F75/T2, or a Whites that has this capability.

The best thing you can do is do some sample target experimentation at the site. Bury some desirable targets in the dirt at the site (don't worry about halos which don't apply to non-ferrous targets, pack the dirt down tight (air gaps reduce detection depth), use a baggy with a string to make your target easy to recover when you are done, and use your knowledge of of how the settings vary depth and noise to tweak and dial in your detector.

You are invariably going to get a variety of specific settings answers in this thread, hopefully, this information will help you sort through it all.

HTH and good luck.

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I’ve found quarters with clean VDI’s and fully repeating tones at NC beaches up to 16-18” in the dry sand. I’ve dug Large Cents at 12” in the dirt with squeaky strange super high VDI’s and tones. 2” dia thick old brass pipes at many feet down as I tend to give up at 12” if the target starts to pinpoint too big...

I am looking for older coins. I’m sporadically finding wheat pennies at around 7” with low VDI around 20. I’m thinking there’s got to be some silver there but it must be a little deeper. Now I’ve run into some people that tell me they pulled some silver dimes between 9-14” in my area. I haven’t seen that kind of depth. 9” on a couple clad quarters. I’m thinking VDI must be gone and they’re getting blips that signal something is there so they dig.

I’ve found quarters with clean VDI’s and fully repeating tones at NC beaches up to 16-18” in the dry sand. I’ve dug Large Cents at 12” in the dirt with squeaky strange super high VDI’s and tones. 2” dia thick old brass pipes at many feet down as I tend to give up at 12” if the target starts to pinpoint too big...

I experienced those strange squeaky high vdi’s and tones last month, I could only get 2 inches down due to frozen ground but will be back first chance I get this spring.

I am looking for older coins. I’m sporadically finding wheat pennies at around 7” with low VDI around 20. I’m thinking there’s got to be some silver there but it must be a little deeper. Now I’ve run into some people that tell me they pulled some silver dimes between 9-14” in my area. I haven’t seen that kind of depth. 9” on a couple clad quarters. I’m thinking VDI must be gone and they’re getting blips that signal something is there so they dig.

Now that I know that you are after silver primarily. Park 1 or Field 1 are your best bets. Listen for those high squeakers. Go to all metal when you hear an iffy or clipped signal to see if it is possible discrimination-clipped falsing iron. Dial back recovery speed slightly if the junk is not thick. Dial back iron bias if constant falsing is not an issue (I prefer F2 iron bias, go to F2=0 if you want max depth and minimal masking unless the ferrous noise is overwhelming). Try not to overdrive sensitivity. Give low single frequency modes a shot (5 or 10 khz) and even Beach 1 if you dare, it has the lowest multifrequency profile ideal for silver but may not give you the depth of Park 1 or Field 1 because it will dial back transmit power if the ground is hot.

Also, take what other detectorists are telling you regarding recovery depth with heavy skepticism. We all tend to exaggerate the depth/length numbers just like in fishing and other "endeavors". GL HH

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My guess is the silver is around 10-12” where I’m looking. If there is still silver there. Would a 14” coil get me from 7” to that depth? Seems 7” has been about max depth in my soil.

My guess is the silver is around 10-12” where I’m looking. If there is still silver there. Would a 14” coil get me from 7” to that depth? Seems 7” has been about max depth in my soil.
Not really , the 15” coil just covers more surface area. If you were just looking for a certain item single frequency might help. Some have had luck doing that .

12+ inches on a silver half in wet soil with the bigger coil. 10" inches on a silver dime, dry soil, stock coil. What I like about the equinox is that deep silver gives a higher than normal vdi for me vs Garrett series the vdi drops on deep targets. I'm more inclined to dig a deep high number vs a deep low number. The deep dimes give a very quick high squeak on 50 tones. I do a circle around the target signal, wobbling the coil to verify its a good signal from all directions. I have a 600 and I use park 1 50 times full recovery speed on 3.

"We all tend to exaggerate the depth/length numbers just like in fishing and other "endeavors".

I fish, therefore I lie!!

Found my deepest silver so far. Found an SLQ around 8” with the 6” coil. Jumpy VDI and had a nail in the hole. So far my two deepest old coins have come with the 6” coil.

"We all tend to exaggerate the depth/length numbers just like in fishing and other "endeavors".

I fish, therefore I lie!!

I don't exaggerate, I embellish. LOL


This is not about a deep coin but a coin co-located with two iron objects. I have my 800 set up for coin hunting only with bins. Keep everything low pitch, and low volume on everything but coins and all above 30.

Got a fleeting 19-20 but audible tone for a penny. Dug and recovered a bent 4" rusty crusty nail, then a 1.5" square piece of rusty, crusty metal and then a 1917 wheat. all in the same small hole. Was using the 11" coil, recovery speed 5 and sensitivity at 22.

It just shows me that if a coin is co-located with junk, the 800 has a real good chance of alerting you. It gives me a lot of confidence in the 800 if I set it up properly.

I just got a 9" deep SLQ with a perfect ID on a live dig a few days ago. Granted, it wasn't a booming was rather tight, but I would have been a fool not to dig it!

There really is no magic number on depth. If a coin is a little on edge ect it could sound like it's many inches deeper than it is. If can sound more shallow. I have realized in this hobby that many people get caught into the depth trap. I've come to notice that most of your silver coins are in that 4-7" range but may be a tad handicapped in some way and seem to be passed on by many.

I just got a 9" deep SLQ with a perfect ID on a live dig a few days ago. Granted, it wasn't a booming was rather tight, but I would have been a fool not to dig it!

There really is no magic number on depth. If a coin is a little on edge ect it could sound like it's many inches deeper than it is. If can sound more shallow. I have realized in this hobby that many people get caught into the depth trap. I've come to notice that most of your silver coins are in that 4-7" range but may be a tad handicapped in some way and seem to be passed on by many.
You are correct and there are so many variables that come into effect.
We all get fooled all, the time.
I hit a clad Quarter on the beach (fresh water) that I didn’t post it because I figures I’d be laughed at and my large stainless steel sand scoop was well below the surface but everything was just the right condition. The coin was not in the side wall and fell deeper.

You are correct and there are so many variables that come into effect.
We all get fooled all, the time.
I hit a clad Quarter on the beach (fresh water) that I didn’t post it because I figures I’d be laughed at and my large stainless steel sand scoop was well below the surface but everything was just the right condition. The coin was not in the side wall and fell deeper.

how close to a wire fence will the EQ 800 give false readings/or pick up the fence? I was getting a good signal but dug down and the little dig arrows said it was deeper. I dug about 5" but hit a root, It was about 4 of the little dig arrows down.

how close to a wire fence will the EQ 800 give false readings/or pick up the fence? I was getting a good signal but dug down and the little dig arrows said it was deeper. I dug about 5" but hit a root, It was about 4 of the little dig arrows down.
That depends , it could have been below the root or getting EMF off the fence. But if you are determined. Lower sensitivity to the point you can still detect a dime or quarter about 4” below the coil also lower the iron bias and the recovery rate way down , basically de tuning the detector, I got a newer Monroe $1 below the down curved end of a steel slide that way last summer. The NOX is very sensitively and at times too sensitive but just lowering the sensitivity may not be enough. Most people detecting would have never been able to get near that coin.
also if you are getting a lot of EMF chatter in some locations go to single frequencies of 10khz and it may quiet down and also lower the sensitivity.

how close to a wire fence will the EQ 800 give false readings/or pick up the fence? I was getting a good signal but dug down and the little dig arrows said it was deeper. I dug about 5" but hit a root, It was about 4 of the little dig arrows down.

Im no expert having only been MDing for a few months, but if it was picking up the wire fence you should get the same/similar signal at that distance the length of the fence. 4 of the little dig arrows indicate approximately 8"s deep, so my guess is that the object was just under the root a little ways.
On another note, i love the EQ only "complaint" is the emi at some locations. Changing sensitivity & recovery speed helps. May be bad one hunt & not the next hunt. Repetitive Noise cancelling helps, but gets annoying. However, the Equinox still always finds good stuff even under the tough conditions if you can just slow down & hunt thru the emi! Good Luck!

Im no expert having only been MDing for a few months, but if it was picking up the wire fence you should get the same/similar signal at that distance the length of the fence. 4 of the little dig arrows indicate approximately 8"s deep, so my guess is that the object was just under the root a little ways.
On another note, i love the EQ only "complaint" is the emi at some locations. Changing sensitivity & recovery speed helps. May be bad one hunt & not the next hunt. Repetitive Noise cancelling helps, but gets annoying. However, the Equinox still always finds good stuff even under the tough conditions if you can just slow down & hunt thru the emi! Good Luck!
yeah I have to get a pinpointer, Im new to the MD game so Im learning also. I though for sure i had a good silver...turned out to be a beer top ;) I did move down further by the fence about the same distance and the signal died Im guessing theres something there just a bit deeper...

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