High VDI, the Equinox is the end all of metal detectors and is so smart, you can stay at home and it will detect for you. But in real life, it is Minelab's attempt to dethrone the Garrett AT series machines, and perhaps some of the other mid priced machines out there. Similar price, lots of similarities, internal configuration is different, a total unknown except for the hype out there on it, and the paid demo promos. Should be a good machine for sure, doubt if it will walk on water.
Shipping time: 1 week or more to get to the dealers, if you are near a dealer with one available you could probably pick one up if they ordered enough, if not, one preordered for shipment I would expect them to arrive not later than February 18, assuming standard ground delivery to the US. During blizzard season. Here in Maryland we are WAY overdue.
I want to see a head to head comparison to some of the better known machines out there. I have two good machines right now and since I'm not water hunting, probably won't buy one. I'll have a friend test one out with me next month in the horrible Virginia red dirt. In that case, if it's good there, I'll get one.