Minelab EQUINOX = Unprecedented Anticipation?


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Dec 3, 2014
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Meh- stoking their own fire.

Perception is reality for the sales rush.

People on the fence read something like that article and the hook is set.

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Steve Herschbach is a very well respected detectorist, runs his own forum and you can pretty much take his opinion to the bank 99% of the time.

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Another good read. Can't wait till it is actually out there and have some regular Joe's swinging it.
That's the data I want to read.
Best part of the story... "so I am coming out as an official Minelab EQUINOX Fanboy"

I always have room for another toy... this just might be it! :occasion14:

Steve Herschbach is a very well respected detectorist, runs his own forum and you can pretty much take his opinion to the bank 99% of the time.

Give me a break- he is posting on a manufacturer webpage with hot links embedded in the article. Don’t just take it with a grain of salt, bring the whole shaker.

Will it be a good detector? Probably.

Does his article do anything other than help sell hype for it? No.

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This shameless over hype is a buzz kill for me, am about to tune it all out until next spring.

Give me a break- he is posting on a manufacturer webpage with hot links embedded in the article. Don’t just take it with a grain of salt, bring the whole shaker.

Will it be a good detector? Probably.

Does his article do anything other than help sell hype for it? No.

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That does not change the fact Steve Herschbach is a well respected detectorist.

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I will say Steve know's what he is talking about when it comes to detecting . And i thought his post was a very good and true post. For that was my thought's about the Equinox also .I do follow his site for i am a member of his website a lot of good info there.

There's a very few people on the net that I believe completely due to their extensive past history of honesty and competence. Steve Herschbach is among the top of that list. Of Course he's human and can make mistakes, but I dare say he makes fewer than almost anyone posting in this forum.

Steve is one of the testers so he does know what he is talking about. He has also sold most all his coin hunting detectors, including his CTX.
Hype??? I don't think so.

Steve Herschbach is a very well respected detectorist, runs his own forum and you can pretty much take his opinion to the bank 99% of the time.

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For that very same reason, companies will get a hold on him and most likely pay for that type of propaganda.

Not saying this is the case, but for what you are making it seem to be just because a knowledgeable guy posts/writes something, that's how things should roll, and it is not.


You state that just because a “knowledgable guy” says something that it doesn’t make it a fact - fair enough.

There’s a lot of difference between “...a knowledgable guy” and a person who has demonstrated over more than a decade of published opinion and advice that he is not only very knowledgeable but straightforward and credible.

In spite of your disclaimer “Not saying this is the case...” - You are getting very close to implying the Steve Herschbach’s opinions are bought and paid for - don’t go there unless you want a mountian of hot and heavy personal criticism from the many folks on this forum and elsewhere who would very much NOT like someone “dissing” Steve. He has earned a sterling reputation.


You state that just because a “knowledgable guy” says something that it doesn’t make it a fact - fair enough.

There’s a lot of difference between “...a knowledgable guy” and a person who has demonstrated over more than a decade of published opinion and advice that he is not only very knowledgeable but straightforward and credible.

In spite of your disclaimer “Not saying this is the case...” - You are getting very close to implying the Steve Herschbach’s opinions are bought and paid for - don’t go there unless you want a mountian of hot and heavy personal criticism from the many folks on this forum and elsewhere who would very much NOT like someone “dissing” Steve. He has earned a sterling reputation.

You don't know if a free detector and other goodies influence his words or not - So you ought to practice what you preach in your 1st sentence.
He teasingly said himself that "I am in fact in danger of being an outright fanboy", IMO a mistake when trying to convince people [who may have no idea of his alleged sterling character] of his objective neutrality when publishing a view on a company website.
Yes, it does sound like an infomercial ,,, Maybe thats not the case at all but we are creatures of perception and, as already stated, alot of folks if not most don't know him from jack.

Don't see why this needs to get hot and heavy or personal, we are adults here stating opinions, observations and perceptions of an anticipated gadget, not everyone is going to agree with or appreciate the over hype.
The opinions I'm waiting on are from average joes who have bought them and swinging them in the field.

I agree that Steve is the man. I love reading what he has to say about what interests us.


Thanks to many of you - you know who you are :icon_thumright:

You other guys may want to rethink your strategy. If I was a shill I would be here and on other forums doing my job. As it is I stopped posting on all but one forum, and I don't do Facebook, YouTube, etc. Yet Minelab asks if they can reproduce a couple of my posts as a Treasure Talk blog you guys are off to the races with the insinuations or outright accusations.

That's fine - believe what you want. The fact is I am an extremely fortunate individual who gets to enjoy aspects of metal detecting that few others ever will, and it would be churlish to complain. However, until the Equinox is released, the only people who have real information are testers like me and the others. And since despite what you all think, we are under no obligation at all (or at least I am not) to say a single thing as regards Equinox, then ask yourself this. Reading the commentary from some, why would we want to? We are not welcome.

As Xraywolf says "The opinions I'm waiting on are from average joes who have bought them and swinging them in the field." I respect that and so I don't post here. However, anyone that's goes to the Minelab website and complains that what they read there was positive really needs to take a chill pill. And no, I did not get paid to write it!

Anyway, I am sorry to intrude and promise this is my last post here. It's just some really nice people took the time to say something kind in my defense, and I wanted to thank them. And for everyone, best of luck in whatever detecting you undertake with whatever detectors you choose! :occasion14:

Points taken Steve, you sound like a stand up guy.
Never heard of you until now, not much in tune with MD hierarchy.

I personally did not make any accusations or insinuations, just being real.
Company web site reviews to me are about the same as an paid Amazon review, real good until you see the caveat "I received this item for free in return for my fair, impartial review".

I tend to dismiss those, maybe I am wrong, maybe I am missing out but to me, its human nature.
We tend to think "oh yeah sure, he is really going to kill the golden goose by saying anything negative abut the product". Maybe the guy genuinely loves the product and simply could not find anything negative to say about it, but most who read don't perceive it that way, and alt of folks on Amazon flat out say they skip over the paid reviews.

Your comments there were informative and interesting - As you say, not many with these machines in hand so naturally, 1st hand impressions are very limited at this point.
Still think the "fanboy" comment was a mistake though, lighthearted though it may have been.

I can see from deleted posts that some are getting combative and very sensitive about this, relax.

No one is insulting anyones character or looking to slander anyones good name.
Minelab has an interesting and highly anticipated gadget slated for release, they are hying it to the high heavens, some are fine with that others not.

They are going to wind up with some egg on their face if its anything less than stellar, only time will tell.

For that very same reason, companies will get a hold on him and most likely pay for that type of propaganda.

Not saying this is the case, but for what you are making it seem to be just because a knowledgeable guy posts/writes something, that's how things should roll, and it is not.

Some people value their reputation over money. I think SH is one of those. If anyone can point to an example that proves otherwise, I'd like to see it.
Steve tells what he sees, good and not so good AND backs it up with extensive, well reasoned scientific logic. That's rare in this hobby ime.

Some people value their reputation over money. I think SH is one of those. If anyone can point to an example that proves otherwise, I'd like to see it.
Steve tells what he sees, good and not so good AND backs it up with extensive, well reasoned scientific logic. That's rare in this hobby ime.
That is a very true statement you can trust Steves reviews . You get no bull from him.

Maybe another good thing from his observations about single freq detectors, as stated in his words, is that other manufactures will take note and the whole MD industry will take a giant step forward instead just changing up what we already have. I'm interested in the Equinox, but will wait a bit and not rush into them, i'm a cautious fellow.

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