"Sediment no threat"


Bronze Member
Sep 8, 2010
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Golden Thread
Groveland, CA
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All Treasure Hunting
Thought a few would be interested in what Forest Service Biologist Crispin Holland says. Below is a link from our local paper in which he says: "That excess dirt and sediment in the water won’t bother the native aquatic creatures such as rainbow trout and various species of frogs and toads."

So which is it?

Muddy water no fish danger | Sonora / Tuolumne News, Sports, & Weather, Angels Camp, Twain Harte, Jamestown | Union Democrat

Ya beat me too it!!I just copy and was getting ready to paste!!!
Explain that one to me.....please!!!This can not be let go.Record salmon runs again this year too

Only trouble when we dredge. I was in Junction City monday-home to the billion dollar kill the salmon restoration projects. Talk about filth,sludge and turbidity unknown ever,just as salmon/steelhead season begins. They have decided to MOVE the trinity from the left to the right side of the canyon and that is going to help the fishies hahahaha yep move the river from the historical channel as the current biologists smarter than god and mother nature combined-NOT-sic sic sic sad state a affairs-John

Unbelievable John. I was on the Trinity last week. That looked like a giant sand and gravel operation but I didn't know for sure what was going on. They raised the water level quite a bit to forestall a dieoff. Now the Eureka Sport boats are reporting a sea of brown water. You have to wonder if there is a connection.

I s our society so dumb and void of memory that initially the said dredging was killing the endangered salmon,and then dropped that argument when last year we had a record run...and again this year.Then they went on to the sediment argument....and now are realizing what the studies done years ago found?What makes me sick is people on the street(and vote)only seem to see the lies that get spewed and dont put 2 and 2 together...and nobody seems to be holding those that have the say accountable?Have we as a society really fallin to that depth?
Calisdad you well know my activity on a specific news site and I know you dont agree with all of my views but does the common thought on most all subjects not scare you?I can tell you one thing....I can back up all of my views with fact and experience and not what some web site,or news brief has told me

....and on another note........most all of the streams around here are bone dry right now,I am sure glad that doesnt kill any fish........wait.......

I'm pretty sure we agree on more things than we don't Kuger. Respecting each others point of view being one.
If voters had to pass a test far too many would fail and I have a suspicion some of the more vocal don't even bother to vote.

On this particular issue it's ludicrous that they even choose which study base their actions on and not weigh all the evidence.

I'm pretty sure we agree on more things than we don't Kuger. Respecting each others point of view being one.
If voters had to pass a test far too many would fail and I have a suspicion some of the more vocal don't even bother to vote.

On this particular issue it's ludicrous that they even choose which study base their actions on and not weigh all the evidence.
:icon_thumleft: I agree!

What I really don't understand is my claim is above two major reservoirs, there are never going to be any salmon anywhere near my claim. Why can't I dredge if the reason for the law is to protect the salmon and my claim has no effect on the salmon? Can't I claim the two reservoirs as my settling ponds so the salmon below the reservoirs don't get any sediment from my claim? ???

What I really don't understand is my claim is above two major reservoirs, there are never going to be any salmon anywhere near my claim. Why can't I dredge if the reason for the law is to protect the salmon and my claim has no effect on the salmon? Can't I claim the two reservoirs as my settling ponds so the salmon below the reservoirs don't get any sediment from my claim? ???

Dont try to make sense out of it....my historical spots were behind 3 major dams before they got any where near a salmon,and as of right now they are dried up any way(last time I checked water bourne organisms,kind of need water?
They have jumped off the "fish",boat now anyway because of the record salmon runs.Now they are saying Mercury floats

It's no longer about salmon or sediment or endangered species or even mercury, now its about the lack of money in California to police us, the reasons have changed and they'll just keep finding excuses or outlaw it indefinitely one day, screw 1800 mining laws, they'll abolish them one day, if we allow them to.....

Vin,JFYI,they have Marijuana money(F&G)and are using the Helo recon flights to look for dredging

Well how bout that . It just keeps git'n better out there don't it . :BangHead:

KUGER, the cdfg does not let the lack of water stop anything--they just lie. My trinity claims had a multi year study( drunken orgies on the sandbar) done and published and they claim to have electrowinned the water and found hundreds of steelhead and salmon but 100% BONE DRY THAT YEAR. Good ol'cdfg just never let the truth interfere--don't believe--just read the comic book called a EIR just published AND APPROVED this year that specifically states they are too stupid to even complete a EIR anymore.....sic sic sic bs---John

By my count, there are way more than 3,000 "environmental scientists" and "environmental engineers", most of which are making $70,000 plus a year,
working for the cdfg, the water resources board, the air resources dept., and the toxic substance control dept, etc. who know that dredgers and highbankers
do no harm to anything. Over the past ten years they have drowned us with millions of pages of EIR reports, studies, monitoring data, all of which conclude
with findings that favor enviro extremism. And just like the "Good Germans" they prefer a paycheck and don't speak up while the Jews are loaded onto
trains. Not only has their science been prostituted, but most subjects have been dealt with in countless redundant and tarnished reports. I find myself
thinking what a miserable "inner self" they all must have. If you want to see how many of these lackeys work for calif., go to - sacbe.com, click on data
center at the top, find "salaries of california state employees", scroll to the dept. you want and hit search.

I want to
Be a gold digger! Would love to dredge

Wait, so the first thing that gets me is that they now say Rainbow trout can live in muddy water?

I am sorry but I have been fishing my entire life and have never once seen a Rainbow trout in muddy, silty or debris filled water.
The darker the water the warmer too, we all know Rainbow trout do not tolerate warm water well.
Muddy water also holds less oxygen, starting at about 8mg/l for slightly muddy going down from there and depends on temp.
Trout need about 5mg/l oxygen so this level can go below what they need quickly.
Muddy water can also promote algae blooms which also reduce oxygen.

Here is great info on how to care for farm raisded rainbow trout but gives good base info.

How to Care for Rainbow Trout | eHow.com

Now while the trout may be able to survive muddy water, they will not stick around in it for long and try to see out clean, cooler more oxygenated waters.

Now I can see if he is placing his findings on course debris like chunks of vegetation and lighter but not fine sediment in which case the water will not be "Muddy" but still sprinkled with light material.

Just seems wrong, but I have not read his report fully.

Here is something that I have noticed though, when I underwater snipe fish gather behind me to feed even trout in the colder creeks.
I have caught trout on the Trinity just down from Dredgers in the past without problem, they put up a super strong fight and were healthy.

Dredging in these cases does not put enough sediment into suspension to cause ill effects to fish and the sediments are usually heavy enough to settle quickly.

As I read more on the forums here I see how much twisting of lies goes on to try to kill prospecting, its crazy.
I just came into prospecting this last month and have been a nature boy since I was born, I care about our wilderness as much if not more than the next guy but I can open my eyes enough to understand that prospecting is not the problem here.

Count me in to this war.

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