Solid Rolls

Hero Member
May 8, 2012
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Just as the title says. Please put all your complaints about your parents on this thread.
No need to have a bunch of parenting complaint threads floating out there.
This might even serve as a support group for some.

"They don't let me CRH"
"They are so unfair"
"They don't understand what a "dump bank" is"
"They don't understand me"
"They make me eat vegetables"
"They don't want me selling junk copper for a living"
"They don't understand my "investing" in copper strategies"
"They make me go to bed too early"

These should all be placed in this thread from now on. Thanks in advance.

Happy Hunting!!

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They make me eat my vegatables, lol. Had to laugh.

I'm 21 and my mom still doesn't understand why I get half dollar boxes. She doesn't understand why I tie up my money in coins... Like the bank won't give you paper money for coins anymore or something. Lol. :laughing7:

Lol, I know it was made because of me, but I found it funny! And on that note, My parents are so unfair!!!! :laughing7:

Ah ha, the thread is working! lmao. Maverick.

Lol, I know it was made because of me, but I found it funny! And on that note, My parents are so unfair!!!! :laughing7:

I wasn't trying to single you or anyone else out, just observating (yeah, just made that word up) as I normally do.
There have been a bunch of parenting complaints the past few weeks or so.
Seems like "parents being parents" has replaced "Brinks culling our silver"......

You're a good sport, and a good member of this forum.
Don't take any offense to what I post. It's all for fun.

P.S. - At 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and well you get the picture, I was chasing something a lot more valuable (to me at least) than copper cents. Maybe I'm just old now, but I would think and hope teenagers aren't spending way too much time sorting coins, and not enough time chasing girls. You only live once, and you don't get those years back when you get older.

Happy Hunting (whatever that may be)!!

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I wasn't trying to single you or anyone else out, just observating (yeah, just made that word up) as I normally do.
There have been a bunch of parenting complaints the past few weeks or so.
Seems like "parents being parents" has replaced "Brinks culling our silver"......

You're a good sport, and a good member of this forum.
Don't take any offense to what I post. It's all for fun.

P.S. - At 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and well you get the picture, I was chasing something a lot more valuable (to me at least) than copper cents. Maybe I'm just old now, but I would think and hope teenagers aren't spending way too much time sorting coins, and not enough time chasing girls. You only live once, and you don't get those years back when you get older.

Happy Hunting (whatever that may be)!!

Don't worry I still hang out with my friends and family plenty, and I am enjoying life for what it is at the moment!

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Wish I would have CRHd and bought silver in high school! Silver was cheap and plentiful.

"Please don't come home with $150 in change. And go bring your copper pennies to a coin star." :laughing9:

lol my mom is AWESOME!! she buys my half dumps off me :D

My parents did NOTHING for me. All they did was:

Conceive me
Care for me through infancy
Provide for my medical care for 20 years
Feed me for 18 years
Assist in my education for 18 years
Act as mentors continuously
Provide all manors of support, emotional, parenting, baby sitting, etc, from 0 to 32 years
Food, clothing, supplies, hobbies, mentorship, transportation, guidance, etc 0-32 years
Etc, etc, etc....

Yeah, my parents were TERRIBLE. I wish I had never listened/learned from them. They did nothing for me...

Listen to your parents/elders. You may not like it, but they know more than you. Fact of life. Learn from them.

Meh my parents are another story, drugs and alcohol and abuse and stuff... but this thread cracks me up.:headbang:

LOL i glad someone did this im new to TNET and i was beginning to think this was some kind of teenage EMO site instead of a treasure hunting site. I think they all just need a hug lol.

Keep in mind I am several.... ok alot of years past the parents telling me what I can and can not do. That being said we have a great relationship and talk often.

When I first started this hobby my mother told me "You are wasting your TIME"!! "You are burning up gas to find skunks." "There is no silver left because everyone looks for it"....speaking of its about time for a currier culls silver thread.

After making a good hit on a box of halves and letting mother pull the silver from my hand out of the rolls she now helps me sort my boxes.

She called yesterday to be sure I had boxes ordered for next week and how many boxes for Monday.

It is hard to justify this hobby while the skunks are running wild but, when the silver vien hits the proof is in the keepers and attitudes change.

My parents hated it when i CRH'ed but a few months back i pulled out a solid dime roll, and let my mom empty it and look up the price, now she askes me when we should go to the bank and preorders my coins

Recently I went home on vacation and found my mother had 1,700 dollars in change that she had been saving for a few years. We went thru it all and found about 160.00 bucks in melt value. She said when we go turn this in I wanna pick up some half dollars at the bank and go thru them too! hahaha

I wasn't trying to single you or anyone else out, just observating (yeah, just made that word up) as I normally do.
There have been a bunch of parenting complaints the past few weeks or so.
Seems like "parents being parents" has replaced "Brinks culling our silver"......

You're a good sport, and a good member of this forum.
Don't take any offense to what I post. It's all for fun.

P.S. - At 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and well you get the picture, I was chasing something a lot more valuable (to me at least) than copper cents. Maybe I'm just old now, but I would think and hope teenagers aren't spending way too much time sorting coins, and not enough time chasing girls. You only live once, and you don't get those years back when you get older.

Happy Hunting (whatever that may be)!!

Get enough silver and you won't have to chase girls, they will come to you....:icon_thumleft:

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