Forrest Fenn s treasure

I dont believe its a matter of trial and error. I think he said all you need is the poem and some research, but it isnt easy. You will move with confidence implies that you will understand completely and not be guessing.
He likes word play in the sense that you think he is saying one thing, when in fact you are wrongly inferring what his words mean. Don't rush, its not a sprint, its a marathon. Read carefully, research your ideas and decode the poem one clue at a time.

Thanks Dave. That truly was inspirational. (Ooops!. I hope that doesn't mark you as a deamon now... Lol.).

And on that note, I respectfully request the moderators to check jayackam's IP address against the infamous Puzzlesolver and New_explorer IP to see if there is yet another violation of the rules.

I did find more Info to support my hypothesis today. Wish me luck If I find the treasure, I guess that will mean I am the chosen one! Just make sure you call me "MR." antichrist... Lm(backside)o.

Oh, and I guess I might answer to "forest" on odd days of the week. What will happen though when I kick the bucket and have not found a receiver for all the souls crowded inside my body.

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Good Luck on your search, remember to keep a tight hold on your soul. Apparently they are being stolen and locked in that box. Lol

Good Luck on your search, remember to keep a tight hold on your soul. Apparently they are being stolen and locked in that box. Lol

Wow... This is so spooky. We are in the New era of mythology and instead of Pandora's box, it will hence-forth be known as Fenn's box.
Ooooo- ooo- eee- oooo (creepy melody).

ENTER... DENZEL WASHINGTON... smoking a cyanide laced cigarette.... In hopes of putting and end to the soul-jumping evil spirits. But wait... The cat! (Who obviously migrated to Fenn's humble abode... To reinfect a human soul once again).

Has anyone besides jayackam and I seen that movie? Lol.

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Well we went to Montana and searched beaver creek near the campsite and I'm positive there was no blaze anywhere to be found,pics tomorrow. I was sire we were on the right track.My boss Eric is awesome he helped me and our other partner get there for the search and I can thank him enough!!!.The home of Brown is definitely a big clue and now I'm not sure that hebgen lake is the home of Brown,it is a home for Brown trout although we did not locate the box we were able to cross that area off of our search areas.
Any thoughts on this people?
We believe its in another area,going to get the book and do more research. Got a pic of me and mike at the beaver creek sign .We were going to search more of beaver creek but a big ass grizzly and her cub was right there and we decided to get the heck out of there lol,lots of blaze marks along beaver creek cabin rd tho but way to many bears for two unarmed people.
Anybody think they know where the home of Brown is? Hebgen lake no Brown resident? Brown realator?
Also the term in the wood is a cross country skier term for being in the woods?
Any feedback is welcome......
Maryland Steve over n out


Pics tomorrow .to ur email account.also sending pics to my partners and Forrest email.Hope Forrest responds to my email

just out the box, even though i think it can be found and retrieved

is this fenns rainbow, the rainbow ,known as Morning Glory, fenns snub nose to the NPA,
good place for FF to laugh on way back to car,mark may be right unretrevable,unfindable
just thinking out the box

Several entryways have been clogged due to objects being thrown in by tourists, reducing the hot water supply, and in turn altering the overall appearance of the pool. Several attempts by park officials to artificially induce eruptions to clear the pool of debris and clear blocked entryways have been met with mixed results.[4] An interpretive sign, placed near the pool by the park service, discusses the damage caused by ignorance and vandalism and suggests that Morning Glory is becoming a "Faded Glory."[5]
Morning Glory Pool - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

OR the tbox is in a beaver dam, IDK just thinking out the box
Morning Glory

Yeah, it leads you to a very special spot alright, you might just be unpleasantly surprised if you were to find it and understood the danger of it and its purpose.

Poem is not solved by speculation, rather it is solved by an inspiration. He does not want the treasure to be found by just anyone. The treasures serves as a bait and trap. I wish you guys would wake up already. He is not being charitable here. He is simply seeking an eternal life - for himself, on your or rather your child's account! Remember his comments " life is like a thunderstorm - it gets dark, everyone runs for cover. Many get wet, the ones that survive are the ones with the biggest ambrela" and " I left a large part of myself in that box, I felt it go in when I closed the box last time" - parafrased. So stop making it into some Grandiose or philanthropic action by Fenn.

This is a modern day story of Daedalus and the ant. He is not giving the treasure just to anyone.

He, rather more correctly "They" are looking for something more specific. He is not doing it alone! The gold might not even be his - it is a gold and silver of Diana.


Still need the book....

Our 2nd President John Adams had a great quote: "A fine load of manure is a fair exchange for the honors and virtues of the world."

Reading some of these posts about Fenn's treasure makes me think he could just as easily have been talking about this thread..... It's starting to remind of the story about the 3 blind guys touching different parts of an elephant and being asked what animal they think it is.

I'd like to hear Forrest's insights by reading the 'Thrill of the Chase'

My earlier offer is still on the table for anyone who wants to sell or lend me the book via paypal....

Jackhammer, how about an update, here or PM.

I thought about taking a flight, but would never get past security so need to drive I guess.

Thanks F' for the perfect amount of vagueness. How else could folks look but not see.

To see what you missed, consider the things F' didn't say in his quotes and poem. Like I said many posts previous, a magician knows how to create an alternative perception. F' is a GREAT magician when it comes to writing and speaking. Lol, he would have made a great politician if he were not so honest and "for the people".

.........And on that note, I respectfully request the moderators to check jayackam's IP address against the infamous Puzzlesolver and New_explorer IP to see if there is yet another violation of the rules........

And on that note, I respectfully request the moderators to check Au-artifax ID, and verify his age, to see if he is not in violation of the minimum age requirement to post on this site!
Thank you

And on that note, I respectfully request the moderators to check Au-artifax ID, and verify his age, to see if he is not in violation of the minimum age requirement to post on this site!
Thank you

Do not insult members again..

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

au-artifax, I agree about the magicians traits. Even in the poem, words can be used to distract or provide misdirection, that we need to recognize.

Begin it where warm waters halt

In that line the first word is Begin and the last is Halt. I believe they are instructions on where to find the first clue (all the words between those 2 words). By using the word halt, people are associating it with the action of the water, rather than seeing it as an instruction word about where the clue ends.

Dont get caught looking at the lovely assistant while the magician does his slight of hand.

au-artifax, I agree about the magicians traits. Even in the poem, words can be used to distract or provide misdirection, that we need to recognize.

Begin it where warm waters halt

In that line the first word is Begin and the last is Halt. I believe they are instructions on where to find the first clue (all the words between those 2 words). By using the word halt, people are associating it with the action of the water, rather than seeing it as an instruction word about where the clue ends.

Dont get caught looking at the lovely assistant while the magician does his slight of hand.

Interesting... I'm not sure I agree, but that's a clever way of approaching it.

au-artifax, I agree about the magicians traits. Even in the poem, words can be used to distract or provide misdirection, that we need to recognize.

Begin it where warm waters halt

In that line the first word is Begin and the last is Halt. I believe they are instructions on where to find the first clue (all the words between those 2 words). By using the word halt, people are associating it with the action of the water, rather than seeing it as an instruction word about where the clue ends.

Dont get caught looking at the lovely assistant while the magician does his slight of hand.

I don't know if I would have any better luck, but I would definitely have more fun with a lovely assistant.

On the more serious side, (what could be more serious than having a lovely assistant you ask!), considering what F' says, he never said where in relationship to the blaze you should b

e in.... On top of... Next to... In back... In front... Off at a distance... Etc.

In the same context, he has been know to say "I never said that I/it...", quite a few times. That does not give any absolute answers.
Ex: I never said bears (do their thing) in the woods, but they do. Just the same F' holds that he never said he buried the treasure, but what do consider buried anyways. Is something under a stone buried or simply conceiled?

That's my 4cents for now.

What is a BLAZE? It is a marker above the trail we want to follow. Its not on the ground, it is at eye level.

If you want to know the answer to a clue, look at its BLAZE.

Can you see it too?

What is a BLAZE? It is a marker above the trail we want to follow. Its not on the ground, it is at eye level.

If you want to know the answer to a clue, look at its BLAZE.

Can you see it too?

If your definition were the only plausible one, then how would you explain how a strip of snow on Blaze Mountain can be seen for miles, and extends up the whole side of a mountain. It is actually not visible the whole year round when the rest of tje mountain is also covered with snow.
Is this at eye level?

So in all due respect, I think you are limiting your view by not considering other perspectives.

If there are exceptions to a rule then it is not a rule. Statistics and chance do not a rule make either. Are all bananas yellow?

Here is a good question which might even come into play:


Does that mean don't stay in the water long, OR does it mean there is no such thing as being in the water too much?

So.... what is Your interpretation of that statement above?

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#1283 got me total confused, but then many comments get me confused. Help.

I didnt say there was not a blaze in the search area, I gave my opinion, that there is one in the poem.

I am trying to limit my options. If the poem said make a left at the end of the street, I would want it to tell me which street. I dont want to start randomly making a left on every street that comes to an end.
Unless something specifically ties back to the poem, isnt it a guess, one of thousands that might loosely apply.

My point is that we must be able to move with confidence. That strongly suggests to me that each correct answer can be confirmed within the poem.

Before I move from one clue to the next, I want to be convinved I am moving with confidence, not just crossing my fingers and hoping I guessed correctly.

I am not suggesting that you, or anyone else here is doing that. I am trying to point out that words must be analized and clues decoded in some manor that would allow one to move with confidence.

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