1777 USA Continental Army Soldiers Button


Jr. Member
Apr 27, 2007
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Golden Thread
South Eastern Connecticut
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1777 USA Continental Army Soldier's Button

I'm new to posting on this forum but have been reading in the background and admiring all of your finds. Some of you may have seen this button earlier as DFXMatt and PBK were helping to identify this button. I thought it was about time I posted myself and get involved. I just subscribed to your magazine and looking forward to my first copy. I found this button at a relative's farm in CT. We have found flatware handles, teeth, folsom points, pottery, buttons and a few CT Coppers that were pretty much slugs by the time we found them. This button was nestled between some rocks when my DFX gave off a loud consistent tone. I moved a few rocks and there it was..a pretty 1777 Continental Army Soldier's button. Didn't even have to dig for it! We brought it to DT here in CT and had in authenticate it and he graded it to be in excellent condition. Love my DFX and looking forward to posting and getting more advise from you all. This button is also on the White's website for June 2007.




Re: 1777 USA Continental Army Soldier's Button

fantastic find cole and welcome aboard. Can't wait to see what else you post

Re: 1777 USA Continental Army Soldier's Button

Fantastic Button!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the oldest military button I've found around Michigan is American Indian war era, that's a really nice find.

Re: 1777 USA Continental Army Soldier's Button

Yeap, remember it well. Great find in unbelievable condition.

Welcome & happy hunting

Re: 1777 USA Continental Army Soldier's Button


Re: 1777 USA Continental Army Soldier's Button

Very very cool. I hope to find one someday.

Re: 1777 USA Continental Army Soldier's Button

That is a great find! Congrats on a fine piece of History........... :o

Re: 1777 USA Continental Army Soldier's Button

WOW!!! Nice, Congrats!

Re: 1777 USA Continental Army Soldier's Button

I LOVE that button Cole !!! 'specailly with that 1777 date !!! KILLER !!!

That's a killer button!!

That's high on my list! I've found the regular USA style but your type. Congrats


Re: 1777 USA Continental Army Soldier's Button

I had various offers from $7500-$3000. Ended up selling it to a collector for
$4000(+). The offer at $7500 was getting sort of shady so I didn't go with that. UCONN just opened up an artifact museum that I brought it into to see if they were interested in the button..not for $$, but as a donation for a year. I had all the arrowheads, musketballs, coins, buttons, jew harps, flint from the site. She said it was a nice button but that they really wouldn't have any interest. I think she was a grad student there at the museum. Oh well. Decided it was better in the hands of a collector than lost in some museum storage room.

Re: 1777 USA Continental Army Soldier's Button

I must have somehow missed this post over the summer. That is an awesome find, and you made out great in the end!

I will be heading up to CT next week (Middlebury area), and I am hoping to sneak in a quick hunt!

Happy Holidays,

Re: 1777 USA Continental Army Soldier's Button

That is a great find and you did the right thing selling to someone who appreciates and gave you a great fair market value, the museums in this country and some historical societies have a different view on history than we do and true collectors.
Again, it shows that relics have great value, especially buttons, and for us as detectorists, not as much worry about finding a relic and hearing from a company, "Cleaned- Environmental Damage, etc" oh , knock off 50% of value. does not happen as much with relics thank goodness.


Re: 1777 USA Continental Army Soldier's Button

Wow! Incredible find!

Re: 1777 USA Continental Army Soldier's Button

Great find! Have interest in Revolutionary War, one of my relatives on my father's side was a minute man in Rhode Island, served for over a year, I have copies of his pay slips, so any find from that period is valuable. Thanks for the pic. :hello2:

Re: 1777 USA Continental Army Soldier's Button

Very nice find. :hello2: I have been reading, this winter, more Revolutionary history. Got curious and found your post. Nice find. Out here in Oregon we do not have the early colional sites you guys on the right coast do.

Stryker :icon_thumleft:

Re: 1777 USA Continental Army Soldier's Button

I'm fascinated with the revolutionary war finds..

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