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On June 17, 1948 Flight 624 Left California for a flight to New York, With 43 on board......... On Board were Earl Carrol, famous for his Vanities Showgirls, His Leading Lady, Beryl Wallace, Venita Varden, Comedian Jack Oakies wife, & many other stars & Dignitaries of the time. also on Board was a package Containing $250,000.00 in Cash & a Shipment of Uncut Diamonds. At 1:40 P.M. Eastern Time, The Plane hit a 66,000 Volt Substation Transformer , exploding over a Mountainside, Scattering everything evrywhere. ............ Newspapers of the time Reported the Search For The Cash & several Packets of burned Bills being Picked up along with most of the Diamonds, being picked up 1 by 1 from the Mud.......... after The Investigaters Ended their job, they declared the Site Cleaned up and Turned it back over to the Land Owners. A local Mining Company. the Site is being Stripped out for Coal Silt, to Fuel Electric Plants........................ 55 Years after the Crash , My Friend Rich & I obtained Permission to Search the site for 1 year. We received Written Permission Letters, which included Waivers, in case of Injury......... Here Are A few Of Our Finds. About half, of them are Mine, the Coins His, As I don't Have All the Pics of his, or mine.
Make up case, purse or Luggage Tag
for venita varden

or Vanities Showgirls

Vintage 14K 1/4 K Diamond Mason Ring

22K Gold Teeth

Sterling Silver Brooch

CRL Token's


Parts Inspection Tag

Largest Piece of Plane, Possibly part of Seat. 22 1/2 "

Make up case, purse or Luggage Tag

or Vanities Showgirls

Vintage 14K 1/4 K Diamond Mason Ring

22K Gold Teeth

Sterling Silver Brooch

CRL Token's


Parts Inspection Tag

Largest Piece of Plane, Possibly part of Seat. 22 1/2 "

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