
Full Member
Mar 23, 2012
Reaction score
Golden Thread
Detector(s) used
Caesar II prototype, minelab xplorer XS
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Large ammount of ancient stuff !


Large colection of finger rings from ancient era to new era!


Medieval finger ring colection of 12 nice finger rings


Ancient Celtic, Avar or some other tribe belt part


Ancient roman sleeping lion figure. Cleaned and preserved.


Bronze finger from ancient roman sculpture in real size. Amazing!


Rare silver fibula with no needle


Lot of 500 uncleaned roman coins, mixed types and conditions

And much more!

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Now that im charter member can someone delete this warning post and all other posts here except my first post?

How can you guarantee the authenticity of these rings?

Look my friend...
Im owner of antique store, web store, seller for 10 years, detecting for about 6 or 7 years, im president of numismatic society and expert in ancient numismatics and relics.
Had tons of coins, relics and other stuff you cant even imagine in my hands from bronze to gold. Im author of one book and one coins catalogue, and i guided many colectors in colecting, buying, selling and smart investing in colectibles. So i am pretty much sure no one can know better is something ancient authentic or not, how old is it or anything else.

I'm not questioning your reputation I am simply stating most won't buy on a sellers word whenever they are spending their hard earned money

Note to all those who are suspicious: I dont make you to buy from me. You buy by your own free will. If you dont believe me, my reputation, think you wont get what you pay, think items are not authentic - dont buy. It is easy that easier cant be. Nothing to talk about and nothing to discuss. This topic i have made to sell or answer different question about items from those interested to buy, and not to make philosophy classes like "are they authentic" , "how do you know they are authentic", "why do you know they are authentic", "Will i get item", "will you scam me"... Theres no single reason you should be suspicious.
If i say in the beginning of topic item is 100% authentic then it is authentic. If you dont believe-dont buy.
So i will add all that info on beginning of this topic and please dont ask or repeat same questions because it will be deleted. Thank you.

He has answered your questions.
If you are interested then send him a pm.
If you are just here to ask lots of questions with no intentions of buying I suggest you move on.

Welcome to Treasurenet !

Active... Bargain prices...

Just wanted to confirm that I purchased some items, had them authenticated, and all is well. Thanks Viminacium!


Just sold this lot. Many new is coming. Price is best you can find.


You have beautiful pieces.

Please note that in the United States, the coin collecting industry is in my opinion extremely corrupt. In high quality coins, the coin grade depends on whether you are buying, or selling. If a collector is selling to a dealer, the grade will be lower. If a dealer is selling to a collector, the grade will be higher. Thus grading is subjective.

And that is why collectors here have been taught to purchase only professionally graded and certified coins.

So, the comments you've seen on this thread reflect our experiences with coin and antiquity dealers in the United States. Additionally, since you are located in Serbia, we cannot easily evaluate the antiquities in person. No offense to you at all or your integrity. It would be the same in any purchase from overseas - that we would be buying "a pig in a poke" - an old saying here.

The complaint is against the entire industry, and not specifically you.

This should explain the reactions.

DeepseekerADS i agree... but thats why there are feedbacks :)

where did you find the rings my friend and also the coins in what country and near cities my friend

All rings 17-18 century AD

He has answered your questions.
If you are interested then send him a pm.
If you are just here to ask lots of questions with no intentions of buying I suggest you move on.

Welcome to Treasurenet !
Curious if the rules have changed about non contributors being allowed to make "for sale" posts. I see well respected contributing members being reprimanded for asking legitimate questions and nothing being said about non contributors running an advertisement ? :icon_scratch:???

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Curious if the rules have changed about non contributors being allowed to make "for sale" posts. I see well respected contributing members being reprimanded for asking legitimate questions and nothing being said about non contributors running an advertisement ? :icon_scratch:???

See post #2 above he was a Charter member when He Was selling.

Post is now edited Just for enjoyment.

Member has not been back since
Last Activity Sep 20, 2015 03:17 PM

I don't know if he Was Driven off By Suspicious, Rude Members.
Sold out,
Or if he just felt this was the Wrong Place to Renew.

We don't Stalk Charter Members with ads to see if they Renew.
so Thank you for the Heads Up.

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Any use for Antique straight razors from different countries?Thank you ------william

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