Is "Injun" offensive to you?

Are you offended, or do you think it's offensive to call the Indian Head Penny an "Injun"

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I'm offended. Lol

3 Words for Ya ....

Get Over it

No unless the user of it purposely intends it to be even then the users offensive not the word

One of my favorite lines in the movie the Outlaw Josey Wales was when Josey was meeting with Chief 10 Bears and the Chief says to Josey Wales: " These things you say we will have......We already have. " I don't know how factual this statement was in the movie, but this statement was indeed a fact. What more could be given to the Native Americans that they already had or owned?

proper PC term ---Native American or first people (those who came over the land bridge and came down thru Canada into what we now call "America" and lived here before ---Colunbus and Europeans arrived in 1492)-- Indain was a term coined by Colunbus ---since he was on a voyage to find short route to India when he found "the America's"--odd named after his navigator "Amerigo" --- injun was a slang shorted term for Indain --a error of a wrong European explorer --that's been repeated over and over again ---just a historical boo boo --by a confused explorer really

i'm sure the penny does'nt care what u call it ? as for me i dont care either ? i'm a zombie. who cares about that ?

I can't speak for the American Indian experience, but imho it is important to distinguish between North American Indians and South American Indians.

But what do I know. I'm just a pasty white boy honkey, or so I am told.

And another thing,

Why Should someone choose to get offended when someone refers to them with a slur?

If they sugar coat things, then you really don't know what they mean to say. If you are really concerned with the use of slurs I think pity would be more appropriate than anger. To some people the use of slurs mix like Indians and alcohol, and if that offends you well then I got news for you- historically Indians don't do well mixed with alcohol, but then again no heritage does.

heck ! would i be offended if you called me zombie rather than nomad ? nope. now lets move on to more interesting matters.

Montana Jim, I don't know your nationality but I'm sure there are other names for it you might have a problem with. Sometimes people try to change history by re-inventing meanings of words. Like "Red neck". It was a derogatory term until a country song was recorded saying "Red neck" was just a working man. NO, wrong.
I believe "First Nation" fits way better than "Indian, Injun, Redman, and the rest. It also speaks poorly to the terms given for things that are not true. Indian giver, Indian tobacco, and Indian summer.

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