AlgoForce E1500


Bronze Member
Feb 10, 2022
OZ (Down Under)
Detector(s) used
Xterra 705
AlgoForce E1500
Hi guys. Been doing some getting to know the Algo for a couple of weeks. Have done a bit of trial stuff with a couple of guys. One has a Gpx4500 and the other a GPX6000. Tried the Garrett 24k on some targets for some comparison.
Its a nice looking unit but at present comes bare, no coil, battery or headphones. My Algo cost $2275, coil $525, power bank battery $80 and headphones $60, all in Aussie dollars. Just shy of 3k all up.
Couple of things I dont like, coil connection to shaft is solid plastic with no rubbers and a pain to line up the holes, the area the power bank sits in allows too much movement of it (i fixed it adding some adhesive neoprene to give it grip both on the power bank bottom face and the area the Algo weakly grips it) doesn't budge now at all. Speaker volume is too soft and top shaft section twists at times.
Handle is hard plastic too which is disappointing, no foam grip.
Dual purpose buttons can be fiddly too for anyone with big hands, they're pretty small. Icons on the small screen at times appear too small, Id like a bigger screen, I carry readers when using it.
Pics of the crap coil connection and some Neoprene fitted where I said.


Unfortunately I did my back in before I got out for a serious go and am recovering slowly.
Ok. Tried, tested out on the actual Vic Golden Triangle areas where I live.
Here's one area.

I tried some little bits the Garrett can get ok, one is around 1/40th gram, the other a small vial of minerals with gold specks in it. The concentration the Garrett can get no worries.
The Algo with an Evolution 12" was blind to both sitting on the surface so it wont retire a hot VLF. Could it do better with a smaller coil? Maybe but the 12" Evo is a pretty hot coil. Will see in a couple of weeks when I recover and try a smaller coil.
By the way, neither the 4500 with a bigger eliptical Evo nor the 6000 with 11 mono got them either.


Ok so tried a 2 oz nugget out to see the difference in settings, Ultra Fine down to Large gold modes.
This was where I tried those modes. I let the gold for the picture be seen, but trying it out it went right under the wash out. I know its not perfect but these days you could go for months and months before you got a slug this size and I really wanted to get an idea of what the modes could or could not do.
The nugget.

Here is where I tested it. Wrapt in a tissue so not to damage it scraping it back out

Ok. Was 12 inches.
Ultra Fine just got it, you would stop to check the signal out and investigate. Not a banger signal, just a signal.
None of the other modes could get it at all no matter what you did. Only Utlra Fine did.
After several other trials in various spots my conclusion was that going through the other settings from Ultra down to Large simply desensitised it overall and slightly reduced depth. I didn't see Large gold as an option to seek large gold deeper than Ultra Fine could do. I saw it as an option to use the Algo in a quieter less sensitive to minerals and tiny annoying targets way, where you are just listening for larger targets not getting held up on every tiny speck of whatever or tiny birdshots.
I did not see it gain depth, to me it lost a little.
Against the 4500 and 6000 there was not a huge difference to be honest on the 2 oz bit. They were an inch or two better. I was surprised as I was expecting them to blitz the Algo but they didn't in this case. They were better, but not hugely.
I got lots more to try when I get better from this back but im not disappointed in the Algos performance overall. A hot Vlf is still alive for the weird specimens and tiny flakes I have no doubt, the Algo doesn't retire them.

Upvote 8
The under cutting of that BIG rock is real dangerous ! It's called a "coyote hole " it will collapse before you would have a chance to vacate that hole ! Please be careful !!!
Looks like one can walk around the left side to place a sample with out risking ones life for a reasonable test.

The under cutting of that BIG rock is real dangerous ! It's called a "coyote hole " it will collapse before you would have a chance to vacate that hole ! Please be careful !!!
Hi, no its not a rock. Thats the ground it often comes in here. It can be like digging through concrete at times. Its not conglomerate, its just clay and gravels baked in our sun. When you get a seriously hard patch your pick can bounce as it chips away cm by cm. You can get easier to dig ground but thats common. There was just a small natural gully washout.

Take a closer look it's only a foot or so thick.
Still some safety should be used. Don't think the foot or so is going to kill you if you walk around the side so you are out of the way.

Chilli, thanks for the write-up on the Algo. I'm very interested to see how you like it when you're all healed up as I've been waiting for something that's light in a P.I. model.

Just a quick question, does it have a target I.D., and if so, did it work?

Thanks again, and all the best,


Chilli, thanks for the write-up on the Algo. I'm very interested to see how you like it when you're all healed up as I've been waiting for something that's light in a P.I. model.

Just a quick question, does it have a target I.D., and if so, did it work?

Thanks again, and all the best,

Hi Lanny.
I over weighted it in my opinion. I had a power bank that weighs almost 500 gram and the 12" solid evo coil. I have a new power bank being delivered thats 150 gram and getting a coil half the 12" coils weight.
That day with the 6000, the 6000 was much much lighter than the Algo with what I had on it. The 6000 had the 11 mono. Comparison was Algo front heavy brick, 6000 light as a feather.
So if you want light, like I do, your going to want a small light coil and lighter power bank.
The power bank im getting delivered is just 5000mah but using a calculater online it should last up to 7hrs.
Like this one.
Im not convinced yet about the target id reliability in heavily mineralised ground, I did see when trying it the numbers bounce in the highly ironstone laden ground I was in at one place.
Im looking forward to getting out again, just have to be patient.

Hi Lanny.
I over weighted it in my opinion. I had a power bank that weighs almost 500 gram and the 12" solid evo coil. I have a new power bank being delivered thats 150 gram and getting a coil half the 12" coils weight.
That day with the 6000, the 6000 was much much lighter than the Algo with what I had on it. The 6000 had the 11 mono. Comparison was Algo front heavy brick, 6000 light as a feather.
So if you want light, like I do, your going to want a small light coil and lighter power bank.
The power bank im getting delivered is just 5000mah but using a calculater online it should last up to 7hrs.
Like this one.
Im not convinced yet about the target id reliability in heavily mineralised ground, I did see when trying it the numbers bounce in the highly ironstone laden ground I was in at one place.
Im looking forward to getting out again, just have to be patient.
Thanks for the quick reply, and thanks so much for the highly detailed description of what you've experienced so far. I really appreciate your information on the Algo and am looking forward to reading more.

All the best,


Hi Chilli.... thankyou for sharing your findings with us to date. Appreciate the descriptive photos and comments, and look forward to hearing more from you on this topic.

Meanwhile, hope and trust your back is on the mend, and that you will soon feel much better. All the best.....Jim.

Hi Chilli.... thankyou for sharing your findings with us to date. Appreciate the descriptive photos and comments, and look forward to hearing more from you on this topic.

Meanwhile, hope and trust your back is on the mend, and that you will soon feel much better. All the best.....Jim.
Thanks Jim, I appreciate that. Hey im not going pretend im any expert on gold, I might slot in midway here in Oz, i know quite a few better than me.
But I like to share what I can with the crew here as I have learnt a lot here too, regardless of being on the other side of the globe.

Thanks Jim, I appreciate that. Hey im not going pretend im any expert on gold, I might slot in midway here in Oz, i know quite a few better than me.
But I like to share what I can with the crew here as I have learnt a lot here too, regardless of being on the other side of the globe.
The common thread is how one use's the metal detector no matter where you are detecting. Plus I like the idea of having different pocket targets to carry with you to use out in the field.
Look forward to what you have to share.

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