old mexico

  1. Sonora Antiquities by Lieut. Henry O. Flipper - 1889

    Sonora Antiquities. {Lieut. Flipper in Nogales Herald.} While Padre Niza, Coronado[,] Espejos[,] Father Kino and others were exploring Arizona and New Mexico, the Spaniards were pushing across northern Mexico west from Tampico and other points on the Gulf of Mexico. They founded Monclova and...
  2. Mayan or Aztec clay figures

    My grandparents traveled to Mexico quite often in the 60's and 70's,always picking up treasures along the way. These clay figures have been around since i can remember but i have no clue what they represent or if they are artifacts or replicas. If someone has even the slightest clue about them,i...