spyguy said:
Part of TN is debating, sharing knowledge and getting at the truth behind treasure legends. Nobody here knew or interacted w/ Doc Noss so anyone's theory is as valid as anyone elses. With that in mind I'd like to add to my post from the other day discounting Doc Noss's story. A question nobody above has answered so far is: Why was Noss who supposedly discovered a huge treasure that could be sold (and recovered) piece by piece on the black market always broke

Clearly, Noss was ALWAYS trying to involve guys like the one who shot him for more ca$h to finance the recovery. Yeah, gold was illegal to own back then but drugs are too, yet noone has any problem finding willing buyers....
Someone else above pointed out that lawyers F. Lee Bailey became involved with the Noss family as did John Dean which is true. But Bailey also represented O.J. and was disgraced and disbarred for his dealings with a known drug king pin more recently. And Dean, well, he was one of the KEY players with Nixon and Watergate. These two lawyers of dubious reputation becoming involved hardly gives weight or creedence to the initial treasure story! Bailey DID produce a gold bar that he claimed was from the site of Noss's treasure, but carbon dating was still in it's infancy then in the 70's and they weren't able to prove conclusively that it matched with the era & origin suggested by Noss's story (i.e. early Spanish). The bar he produced although real gold
was probably just a ruse to get the rights to investigate further on behalf of the Ova Noss family. A trick nobody would put past a greedy lawyer milking a hopeful family for billable hours.
I'm not familiar with the article from 'Freedom' magazine cited religiously above. In fact, despite being extremely well read I've never even HEARD of this magazine. I do know that the Victorio Peak treasure tale is intriguing and sells copy so I can only believe that including the article cited above couldn't hurt sales and circulation of an otherwise obscure publication. One of my sources is a book by a former army sergeant named Kevin D. Randle who really did do his homework and discounts the Noss story as a hoodwinking by old Doc. The weight of the evidence from other books also paints Doc in a less than flattering light although I can't remember all those titles and authors. Just google or do a library search on "victorio peak"....
NO DOUBT --- Victorio Peak is one of the most pervasive and fascinating stories in treasure lore, but our job as treasure hunters is more about science than art! Conspiracy theorists will continue to debate it just like they do Jack the Ripper and other famous cases. In short, people will believe what they want to believe. But for those of you who still accept Noss's story and some of the above posts as gospel, I've got some swampland down here in Florida I'm selling --- CHEAP! It's target rich for treasure hits too. Be sure to contact me soon though, because an offer this good definitely won't last long!

Hey Spyguy,
Did you even read the Freedom Magazine Story? It doesn't sound like it. Freedom Mag has been around a long time. It is owned by the Church of Scientology (I am not a Scientologist, and I make no arguments for or against Scientology). I am very well read about the Victorio Peak story as well. How can you claim to be so well read, and not know more than one side of the story? This version is the most well researched I have found. Here is the link to the magazine article:
You seem to dislike F. Lee bailey for some reason. While he did represent OJ, he also represented Dr. Sam Shepard (wrongfully accused of his wife's murder), and Capt. Ernest Medina (wrongfully implicated in the infamous My Lai massacre in Viet Nam). If you are so well read, then you know why he was disbarred. Have you read his side of the story? Probably not. Here is what he says about it:
"He thinks he was unfairly targeted in the case. Bailey's client, convicted drug smuggler Claude Duboc, gave Bailey several million dollars' worth of stock, which Bailey said he could have sold that day. But he didn't, and the stock's price rose considerably.
"They [the government] decided they wanted it back, so they created a story that I was holding it—for the first time in history, a defense lawyer holding property in trust for the government," he said. "And the judge said he believed that and put me in jail until I could raise enough money to pay the loans on the stock and give it to the government. So I am pretty embittered that that happened and, number two, that that was used by the bar to say, 'Well, you're guilty of trust violations.'"
There is ample evidence to show that Bailey was railroaded in that case, as he stuck it to a Florida Court in a 1998 fraud case regarding William McCorkle (you can research that one) for about $9 million dollars.
BUT......let's assume for the sake of discussion, that both Bailey and Dean are complete scumbag attorneys. They are both well-to-do scumbag attorneys, and like all scumbag attorneys, why would they jump into a 30 year old case that was based on nothing? Doesn't sound like any scumbag attorneys I know (and I know some). The ONLY reason a scumbag attorney would jump into something like that, would be if they REALLY believed that there was going to be a big payday. That type of scumbag attorney charges about $2000-$3000 per hour for legal work.
You state:
Why was Noss who supposedly discovered a huge treasure that could be sold (and recovered) piece by piece on the black market always broke

Clearly, Noss was ALWAYS trying to involve guys like the one who shot him for more ca$h to finance the recovery. Yeah, gold was illegal to own back then but drugs are too, yet noone has any problem finding willing buyers....
You obviously have no idea how difficult it is to unload a lot of gold bullion on the "black market" It would be very difficult now (when it's legal to own bullion), and in the late 1930s, dang near impossible (unless you had the connections (he didn't). Drug dealers have a lot of connections that enable them to sell their wares. If you found 100 kilos of cocaine, do you think you could sell it without getting arrested or murdered? Probably not. I have wealthy friends who could probably buy all the gold under the table I could find, but Doc Noss was not a wealthy man, and didn't have wealthy friends. People like you who think things like that are so easy, are the same ones that would get arrested or killed trying to sell it (drugs or gold bullion).
Here are some of the problems Doc Noss would have faced:
1. The gold needed to be assayed to determine actual gold content. Most assayers keep written records of assays, and report to the Federal Government. He would have had to find an assayer who would assay his gold in secret. How would Doc know whom to trust to keep THAT secret?
2. Gold in excess of five (5) ounces was illegal for regular citizens to own from 1933 until the mid 1970s. He would have had to find someone who had the cash on hand to buy all that bullion, that he could also trust not to murder him, as well as keep the secret (that rules out the mob. They would have killed him and kept it all).
3. Do you remember a little thing that happened on Thursday, October 24th, 1929? Not much. Just a little thing called "Black Thursday." Ring a bell? The great stock market crash that ushered in the Great Depression? The depression we didn't really come out of until after WWII. How many people do you think were around central New Mexico who had the cash to buy up 93,000,000 troy ounces of gold bullion?
4. Keeping the gold hidden until a buyer could be found. It could be years before the investor/investors could be found. What do you do with all that gold in the meantime? You do just what his family members said he did. Get some trustworthy friends, and take it out of the cave, and hide it where only you can find it.
5. The United States Government. Noss was very paranoid that Uncle Sam would jump in and take away whatever he had found. He was right to be paranoid. That's exactly what Uncle Sam would have done. Since it was illegal for private citizens to own gold (and there was no liberal media to fight Uncle Sam), they could say and get away with just about anything they wanted (which they did).
6. How does he show up anywhere with a bag of gold (nuggets, dust, or bullion), without drawing a LOT of attention in the Dust Bowl area of central New Mexico. The second he tried to sell ANY appreciable amount of gold, he would have had locals and Feds crawling up his backside with a microscope!
7. Whom do you trust? Do you REALLY know your friends and family THAT well? 93,000,000 troy ounces of gold does things to people. Whom do you entrust with the location? Who wouldn't kill you, and keep the secret for themselves? If you REALLY think about it, that question is actually pretty difficult!
I think that covers my end of the argument for now.