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I have many pictures of this project, even have one video. I live in a suburb of Washington DC. All these pics were taken in my neighborhood. This tree is in my backyard. We used to call it that weird backwards 4 tree, then I stumbled across some thong tree sites & I began to wonder.
This appears to be a marker tree at least, if not something more. I read that a good place to begin when trying to figure out what the tree is trying to tell you, is to check 20 paces in the direction it is pointing. I used my woodburning "uh, that's a joke" metal detector, and it absolutely pinned at 20 paces. I have a video of that, but don't really know how to post video, & don't want to put it out on YouTube. I dug 5 feet down, and still never found anything. The hole is still there, covered with a tarp. I just can't make myself fill it in, but I have to turn it into a bigger project to go deeper. Then I read, that they, & by they I mean KGC or other white men sometimes used surveyor's math when using these kinds of markers, and that they sometimes would bury their goods or leave another clue a furlong from the first mark. That's 660 feet. I google earthed that in the direction the tree points & luckily for me, it is in a wooded area that still exists... with a creek running through it. That sounded good. So I went down there & searched for the largest tree around, & it was right on the creek bank. It is absolutely loaded with very old carvings. Here are a few. The first couple are most interesting to me. At first, it appeared to be the initials D. S. I There were vines on it, so that was somewhat obscured. But when I cleared them off, It appeared to be some sort of arborglyph.
I've done quite a lot of digging trying to find the meaning of these images... possibly silver, possibly the phases of the moon... I've considered that it might be a message for the underground railroad, since I'm in Va. & near DC. These marks are deeply chiseled into the tree, & I didn't notice the mark above the S till the third time I went down to the tree. It looks different depending on the time of day you go down because of the shadows that are thrown.
This is chiseled on the other side of the tree. It looks like J. D. with another mark. I've searched for that mark & found so many things that it could be, that I don't think its any of them. The really interesting marks are on another part of the tree. I'm very curious about the "7" looking character shown here.
Here are some more curious marks.
I saw one site that suggested the PL seen in this pic may represent a property line. That seems reasonable, but isn't necesarily the case. Here are two more pics that I took near the creek and that are about a block away from this tree. I may post them in the "What is This" section someday, but for now, I'll show them here. I really don't know what the first one is. But it's clearly not something found in nature. The Second, I believe is a grinding table. The way it is worn or ground down looks right, and it has mold in the "grinding spot" I believe that is because there was organic material ground there. All this leads me to believe that there were native Americans living in this area, and that takes me back to my tree. It may be a mark they made to show something... possibly water, hunting, a way home on the trail of tears or maybe a great big treasure.

This appears to be a marker tree at least, if not something more. I read that a good place to begin when trying to figure out what the tree is trying to tell you, is to check 20 paces in the direction it is pointing. I used my woodburning "uh, that's a joke" metal detector, and it absolutely pinned at 20 paces. I have a video of that, but don't really know how to post video, & don't want to put it out on YouTube. I dug 5 feet down, and still never found anything. The hole is still there, covered with a tarp. I just can't make myself fill it in, but I have to turn it into a bigger project to go deeper. Then I read, that they, & by they I mean KGC or other white men sometimes used surveyor's math when using these kinds of markers, and that they sometimes would bury their goods or leave another clue a furlong from the first mark. That's 660 feet. I google earthed that in the direction the tree points & luckily for me, it is in a wooded area that still exists... with a creek running through it. That sounded good. So I went down there & searched for the largest tree around, & it was right on the creek bank. It is absolutely loaded with very old carvings. Here are a few. The first couple are most interesting to me. At first, it appeared to be the initials D. S. I There were vines on it, so that was somewhat obscured. But when I cleared them off, It appeared to be some sort of arborglyph.

I've done quite a lot of digging trying to find the meaning of these images... possibly silver, possibly the phases of the moon... I've considered that it might be a message for the underground railroad, since I'm in Va. & near DC. These marks are deeply chiseled into the tree, & I didn't notice the mark above the S till the third time I went down to the tree. It looks different depending on the time of day you go down because of the shadows that are thrown.

This is chiseled on the other side of the tree. It looks like J. D. with another mark. I've searched for that mark & found so many things that it could be, that I don't think its any of them. The really interesting marks are on another part of the tree. I'm very curious about the "7" looking character shown here.

Here are some more curious marks.

I saw one site that suggested the PL seen in this pic may represent a property line. That seems reasonable, but isn't necesarily the case. Here are two more pics that I took near the creek and that are about a block away from this tree. I may post them in the "What is This" section someday, but for now, I'll show them here. I really don't know what the first one is. But it's clearly not something found in nature. The Second, I believe is a grinding table. The way it is worn or ground down looks right, and it has mold in the "grinding spot" I believe that is because there was organic material ground there. All this leads me to believe that there were native Americans living in this area, and that takes me back to my tree. It may be a mark they made to show something... possibly water, hunting, a way home on the trail of tears or maybe a great big treasure.