Ancient Aliens


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Mar 7, 2006
New Mexico
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Bounty Hunter
Primary Interest:
I was flipping channels late tonight, and I just ran across a show where they were highlighting Spanish/Ancient rock markers with highlighters, much like we do here on tnet. They marked Janus faces, frogs, and lying camels, among other things. They chalked them up to aliens. I chalk it up to Pizarro's slave labor.

The show was Ancient Aliens, and the spisode was Mysterious Places

Mysterious Places

Mysterious places can be found around the Earth, and, inexplicably, UFOs are often sited near these mystical areas. Planes and ships unaccountably disappear in the infamous Bermuda Triangle. Strange magnetic anomalies in Mexico's Zone of Silence have not only drawn missiles off their course, but seem to pull meteorites out of the sky. An ancient doorway carved into a sheer rock wall in Peru's Puerta de Hayu Marka is said to be a portal to other worlds. Markawasi's plateau is filled with strange rock formations allegedly left behind by an ancient advanced civilization. What connections do these and other "hot spots" share? Is it possible that ancient extraterrestrials also knew about these mysterious places?

The King

I love this kind of stimulating controversy. Since I have no dog in this pony show, I'll just pay my nickle and sit in the stands. Thanks for the links.

There was an ancient advanced civilization, but it wasn't from aliens. The same advanced civilization is here today. Not aliens.

Saw that one.
Was very intresting
they mentioned we may be the fourth Advanced
Civilation on earth

the first 3 Destroyed

1 by Fire, one by water & I Believe
one by Wind ?

& That these may have been what's left of carvings
from them.

I Always wondered if the Pyramids may be from one of them,
and that the Egyptions just turned them into
tombs, because they were there.
I Like the Idea they were Power Stations

No bodies have ever been found in the Great Pyramids in Egypt. THAT is one reason why they are such anomalies. For the Great Pyramid to have been built in the time span that is commonly referred to, each of those blocks would have to have been put into place every 6 seconds (or minutes, can't remember for sure). That large and unique structure was not put up as a tomb.

Kentucky Kache said:
There was an ancient advanced civilization, but it wasn't from aliens. The same advanced civilization is here today. Not aliens.

Interesting statement. Care to elaborate?

Shortstack said:
No bodies have ever been found in the Great Pyramids in Egypt. THAT is one reason why they are such anomalies. For the Great Pyramid to have been built in the time span that is commonly referred to, each of those blocks would have to have been put into place every 6 seconds (or minutes, can't remember for sure). That large and unique structure was not put up as a tomb.

Yea I Remember it as Every 7 Minutes.
Either way it's Impossable
For Human Beings to do this.
(Can you imagine putting
the second stone in place on the great pyramid
in 7 minutes ? only if your 100
feet tall )

Even if you had a Million Slaves
they would be in the way of each other
trying to do this in time.

it is possable the slaves worked on the pyrabids
to Repair and/or place the Paintings in them,
but never to build them.

Kentucky Kache said:
There was an ancient advanced civilization, but it wasn't from aliens. The same advanced civilization is here today. Not aliens.

I agree and the proof is available if folks will look at it with opened minds and not closed ones. Pay more attention to the verbal histories passed down through time that are now referred to as myths. I believe that much of mythology is actually true stories that may have been expounded upon through the centuries.

Cat J.:
I follow Graham Hancock's theories very well, but he sure does get DETAILED in his explanations and you have to have good stamina to thoroughly read his books. LOL I'm presently reading a book by David Hatcher Childress, as well as, Joseph P. Ferrell, and Frank Joseph. These in addition to Barry Fell's book. The new season of Ancient Aliens started out great. I think the 1 hour program will go over better than the 2 hour ones last season.

The recent theory I've seen concerning the Great Pyramid being a hydrogen power generator makes a lot more sense than it being a place to bury a pharaoh. The Pharaohs were all buried in the Valley of the Kings, not under any of those huge monuments.
I have my own thoughts on the supposedly Egyptian complex inside large caverns down in the Grand Canyon. If you read those old stories from India, written in Sanskrit, about the great cosmic wars fought by the Angels, then what better place to build a complex than deep inside a mountain that is BELOW the level of the surrounding plains and foothills. Years ago many of the supposed meteor craters of the moon were shown to mimic bomb craters in Vietnam that resulted from the carpet bombing missions flown by B-52s. Recently, I've seen photos of craters on the moon that are not round, but are polygonal shaped. There is a crater on Mars' moon that is a hexagon. Many craters on our Moon are SQUARE; some equally squared and some with more rectangular shapes. These are not natural.

jeff of pa said:
Shortstack said:
No bodies have ever been found in the Great Pyramids in Egypt. THAT is one reason why they are such anomalies. For the Great Pyramid to have been built in the time span that is commonly referred to, each of those blocks would have to have been put into place every 6 seconds (or minutes, can't remember for sure). That large and unique structure was not put up as a tomb.

Yea I Remember it as Every 7 Minutes.
Either way it's Impossable
For Human Beings to do this.
(Can you imagine putting
the second stone in place on the great pyramid
in 7 minutes ? only if your 100
feet tall )

Even if you had a Million Slaves
they would be in the way of each other
trying to do this in time.

it is possable the slaves worked on the pyrabids
to Repair and/or place the Paintings in them,
but never to build them.
There are no works of art in the Giza pyramids. There aren't even soot marks on the passages' ceilings from torches that would have been necessary to light the way. There are no proven records of who built the pyramids or had them commissioned to be built. See this web site: others.

The credit is given to Egyptians in much the same way credit is given to 'ancient travellers' concerning the many Rorschach rock jumbles posted on this forum. That 'way' is because an/the establishment says so. 7 or 8 minutes?

The smaller pyramids, around the bases of the larger ones, were built by the Egyptians. These people were barely out of the stone and still recorded their lives with full blown pictures. Where are the construction records? Hmmm? They recorded everything else in Egyptian life.

I find it hard to believe that the pyramids were built in 100 years. Where do the '100 year' believers get their information? Parchments? Glyphs? Paintings?

I wasn't baggin on you. Just quoting in agreement with a little flare of my own :icon_thumleft:


Blind.In.Texas said:
There are no works of art in the Giza pyramids.

I wasn't baggin on you. Just quoting in agreement with a little flare of my own :icon_thumleft:


Are you saying there are no Hieroglyphics in
the Giza pyramids ? I Honestly Don't Know,
Never been there.

When I Said "Works of art" it was because
a Brain Fart made the word Hieroglyphic
Disappear from my mind at the moment :tongue3:
& Figured everyone would know what I Meant.

By the way Your Link didn't work.

jeff of pa said:
Blind.In.Texas said:
There are no works of art in the Giza pyramids.

I wasn't baggin on you. Just quoting in agreement with a little flare of my own :icon_thumleft:


Are you saying there are no Hieroglyphics in
the Giza pyramids ? I Honestly Don't Know,
Never been there.

When I Said "Works of art" it was because
a Brain Fart made the word Hieroglyphic
Disappear from my mind at the moment :tongue3:
& Figured everyone would know what I Meant.

By the way Your Link didn't work.
Nope. No records of any kind in the pyramids. The link will describe the fakes. Seen written across the web from various sources. For the link, I forgot a space afterward. Works now.

Also, the stones of the Grand Gallory of the Great Pyramid have the same precise angles and flat surfaces that are present on the stones at Puma Puku (or however that city is spelled) in South America.
PLUS, the stone used in the construction of Puma Puku is harder than granite and is one of THE hardest stones in the world to cut, yet, some of those stones have dead straight incised right angled cuts that are only 1/8 th of an inch wide. The main stream scientists tell us that the tools used were stone (?), copper, and bronze. EXCUSE ME??? I'm not THAT dumb.

By the way.......................have the scientists managed to figure out how to decipher the Olmec hieroglyphics yet? Hmmmmmm.

Cat Jockey said:
I follow Graham Hancock's theories very well, but he sure does get DETAILED in his explanations and you have to have good stamina to thoroughly read his books.

He definitely has put time into developing them. The detail is what is appealing ... I will have to look into tho
se other authors if they are along the same lines as Hancock.

Both Childress and Ferrell are in the same vein as Hancock except not as scientifically in depth. They don't write a PhD thesis in each book. LOL I think you'll enjoy them. Childress has many, many books in this subject area. Go to and search his and Ferrell's names and you'll see their books and can read the synopsis for each one.

Shortstack said:
Also, the stones of the Grand Gallory of the Great Pyramid have the same precise angles and flat surfaces that are present on the stones at Puma Puku (or however that city is spelled) in South America.
PLUS, the stone used in the construction of Puma Puku is harder than granite and is one of THE hardest stones in the world to cut, yet, some of those stones have dead straight incised right angled cuts that are only 1/8 th of an inch wide. The main stream scientists tell us that the tools used were stone (?), copper, and bronze. EXCUSE ME??? I'm not THAT dumb.

If Not aliens using Lasers,
Maybe A much advanced Human race using Lazers.
or Gigantic Diamond Tipped electric saws.

I think we need to see whats under the
Antarctic for Proof

Springfield said:
Kentucky Kache said:
There was an ancient advanced civilization, but it wasn't from aliens. The same advanced civilization is here today. Not aliens.

Interesting statement. Care to elaborate?

Are OUR scientific advancements from aliens? In ancient writings we are told of people who flew through the air. Later generations, after the scientific world was destroyed by water, saw that as men having wings, like birds. But today people fly through the air. Ancient writings tell us about men who caused statues to animate. Later generations came up with all sorts of ideas about that. But today, we have such. We call them robots...androids, etc. There are a lot of things in ancient writings that we see today through advancement in science. Now I ask you, if all the things written in ancient times were just from men's imagination, how could they imagine so many things that we now have achieved through science? As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be...
Scientific age now...scientific age then. No aliens.

jeff of pa said:
Shortstack said:
Also, the stones of the Grand Gallory of the Great Pyramid have the same precise angles and flat surfaces that are present on the stones at Puma Puku (or however that city is spelled) in South America.
PLUS, the stone used in the construction of Puma Puku is harder than granite and is one of THE hardest stones in the world to cut, yet, some of those stones have dead straight incised right angled cuts that are only 1/8 th of an inch wide. The main stream scientists tell us that the tools used were stone (?), copper, and bronze. EXCUSE ME??? I'm not THAT dumb.

If Not aliens using Lasers,
Maybe A much advanced Human race using Lazers.
or Gigantic Diamond Tipped electric saws.

I think we need to see whats under the
Antarctic for Proof

There is evidence of atomic power in the ancient world.

Shortstack said:
The recent theory I've seen concerning the Great Pyramid being a hydrogen power generator makes a lot more sense than it being a place to bury a pharaoh.

Have you read Christopher Dunn's "Giza Power Plant"? If you haven't, believe me, you need to.

I have Gram Handcock's book, but I agree he does get a little wordy. He also tends to go a bit overboard on dates. Still, I like reading about these things.

I'll point out that when Adam was created, he was a young adult with full knowledge programed in. God assigned him to name all plants and animals. This was not something he could just PLAY at. Now, for those who might want to jump on this statement and call it RELIGIOUS in nature..............DON'T GO THERE. I use this as an example that early mankind did not consist of dumba----. Most people are not aware that Hebrew was the language of "heaven" and was the world language until the Babel incident. The words astronaut, president, nuclear, etc. were not in existence for the people who tried to write their descriptions of what they saw. The lesser knowledgeable peoples were members of the "lost" tribes of civilization. That is the only explanation to fit what we know so far about the history of the world. UNLESS you want to bring in the existence of extraterrestrials and I'm not there. My thoughts on UFOs are that they are mostly an advanced civilization that has remained hidden until now and the rest are OUR machines. You can BET that we have technologies that are WAAAAAY beyond what most people would think. We have technologies that are more advanced than even the Science Fiction writers can imagine.

Kentucky K, I haven't read that book yet, but it is on my wish list at with several others of this ilk.

Shortstack said:
I'll point out that when Adam was created

I won't go there Shortstack.
Defiately Religon

I'm talking Civilzations that Date back Maybe Millions
of years ago, one maybe Completely Freeze Dried under the Antarctic.
& Maybe even not the First.
I Wish My Belief could be Proven.

But We'd rather Explore Space
then Change Known History

Shortstack said:
Kentucky K, I haven't read that book yet, but it is on my wish list at with several others of this ilk.

Let me know when you get it. We'll talk. :thumbsup:

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