GA gold "Waterhouse treasure" possibly on "Rocky Face" mountain.

Re: GA gold "Waterhouse treasure" possibly on "Rocky Face" mountain.

Well friend,
Twenty-three years ago I went looking for this treasure. Didn't have a detector but I had some idea where the Cherokees had hidden their treasure.(old family tales) I haven't had a drink simce I came down from that ridge, and I swear to you if you go there be on the lookout for the little people.
No I don't do drugs either. I am more than 50 years old and have been a decent member of my church for most of my life and my friends will tell you I don't lie any more than most people, and I tell you I saw something on that ridge and more than once. About noon of my first day I began to feel that something was watching me. I spent 5 years in Viet Nam and know that crawling feeling when a body isn't alone. I felt it on that ridge. I know a few tricks myownself so I did a bit of dazzling deception and made it seem that I was where I wasn't. Before too long two little fellows about 3 feet tall come stealing through the woods looking for me. I had a .30 caliber with me and I thought about taking home some trophies, but just as I upped with my rifle, another little fellow just popped up from right beside me and put his hand on the barrell of my gun and pushed it down. In the next three seconds I swallowed my chew and peed all over myself. I'm not a fast man but I got off that ridge about as quickly as anyone could. When I got down to the little town at the bottom of the ridge I did some checking with some of the oldsters in town and found out I wasn't the only fool to see these things on the ridge. They told me the Cherokee name for them but I can't remember it. It meant something like spirit watchers.
I know this is a long post and I don't expect you or anyone else to believe me, but if you go there TAKE A GOOD FRIEND WITH YOU AND KEEP AN EYE IN ALL DIRECTIONS.

Good luck.
grizzly bare

Re: GA gold "Waterhouse treasure" possibly on "Rocky Face" mountain.

Isn't coincidence wonderful? I just popped by the State Treasure Tales over on LT and this month for Georgia is the Waterhouse Treasure. Google or just click over.
grizzly bare

Re: GA gold "Waterhouse treasure" possibly on "Rocky Face" mountain.

Those "midgets" were as real as anything. Waterhouse and his party never found the treasure again because when they went back the landmarks had all been changed. The region is watched by a race of leprechauns, or elves, or trolls, or something. They bedazzle anyone who comes into the region. Waterhouse had a group so they couldn't all be confused at one time. The spirit watchers changed the trees and rocks after the Waterhouse party left.
The gold is there 29-30 Billion dollars. It can only be claimed by someone who understands these things.
grizzly bare

Re: GA gold "Waterhouse treasure" possibly on "Rocky Face" mountain.

i'b be interested in looking for this with you. there's enough in this place to make us all fat and giggly. i'd actually be interested in looking for several of the treasures in the GA mtns. this was what the cherokee called one of their banks. there are supposedly around 24 hidden caves or hoards of gold similiar to this in GA alone - all hidden before the trail of tears.

Re: GA gold "Waterhouse treasure" possibly on "Rocky Face" mountain.

there are a great many stories concerning the ''little people'', ''the people that live below the surface'', and also the ''nunnihi'' which were the spirit people , all carrying great importance in the indian lore.......there is a story told by Confederate soldiers concerning the spirit people...these Confederates were stationed at an old indian mound. they were a very few of them....a very large force of union soldiers found them out and were advancing the mound to attack, knowing they could wipe out the little force...the Confederates braced for what they knew would be the end. just before the attack was made the Confederates looked around and realized they were not alone. thousands of these ''nunnihi'' had joined their small battle many , in fact , that the union soldiers withdrew and stated in their report that there were so many Confederates that they would have been annialated had they pressed the attack......i will look up the book{i have it somewhere} telling this story and also some concerning the little people, and the ones that lived in the world below....some of these are said to be living under pilot mountain is said that you can join them by fasting for 7 days to purify your spirit, no food or drink,,then approach the mountain and wait till they come for you.............................many earlier accounts of being in these southern states mention the little people, and their great abilities..............................gldhntr

Re: GA gold "Waterhouse treasure" possibly on "Rocky Face" mountain.

for those of you wanting book info on the little people and the nunnehi, it will be in thread titled ''little people, nunnehi, and other dieties book info''

Re: GA gold "Waterhouse treasure" possibly on "Rocky Face" mountain.

" Little people"." Leprechuans"." Trolls". "Fast for seven days, and wait for them to come get you".

Where do you guys get this stuff?

Some guys on the Bigfoot threads swear these eight foot tall creatures exist. You guys swear you've seen the Keebler Elf.

Maybe someone drank too much beer, passed out while watching midget wrestling on TV, and had it ingrained in their subconscious.

Does anyone have a picture of one of these magical elves, or should I just look at a box of Keebler Fudge Ripple Cookies to get a description? Nah, I'll watch the Wizard of Oz..... follow the yellow brick road.....

Let me guess... is there an open season on Leprechuans, or are they a protected species, too?

I gotta tell you.... drugs, alcohol, and agent orange are all bad for you.....please get some help.....

Hey, since these magical fairies are battle hardened from action in the Civil War, maybe we can send them to Iraq in exchange for our regular sized troops. Look at the postives... they won't eat as much, you can pack a whole battalion into a duffle bag, and it'll be extra difficult for Al-Qaeda to get a good shot at them.....

Re: GA gold "Waterhouse treasure" possibly on "Rocky Face" mountain.

Ah, JT, my newbie friend, if only life could be so easily pigeonholed into "sane" and "Wacko". And what was it our friend Will Shakespeare said, "He jests at scars who never felt a wound"?
Just keep that incredulous disbelief firmly in place. Every legend has a basis in fact: every seeming outlandish statement has something to back it up. If you don't believe, good enough. Just don't make yourself the arbiter of what is right and wrong until you have the experience to know the difference. Films of birds with 18 feet wingspans, huge footprints in snow of Himalayas and countless other places, Patterson film of bigfoot that cannot be proven to be false, the Catholic Church officially recognized the existence of dragons by their canonization of Saint George, platypus, coelocanth,giant squid, giant octopus, metallic "ramming" submarines of 1850's/1860's.
Sure they're all fakes. NOW PROVE YOUR POINT OF VIEW.

grizzly bare
willing to do the research before I say something stupid

Re: GA gold "Waterhouse treasure" possibly on "Rocky Face" mountain.

Well, grizzly bare, lets debunk what you wrote.

1. Films of birds with 18 ft. wingspans... you can't tell wingspan with film. There's no scale to compare it to. If these "thunderbirds" exist, where are they? Have you seen one flapping off into the sunset, with a small child clasped in his claws? Open a hunting season, and tell everyone they taste like chicken. If they exist, some guy will roll up in a week with one strapped to the hood of his pickup.

2. Huge footprints in the snow of the Himalayas...footprints grow in snow with time. You don't know if you're looking at the footprint of a Sherpa or a skunk ape. As for Bigfoot prints in mud, several hoaxers have been interviewed, and they've displayed their fake bigfoot feet. Nothing conclusive here either.

3. the Bigfoot film that cannot be proven to be false... wrong again. I've seen the interview with the guy's accomplice that was wearing the monkey suit. In fact, they increased the resolution on the film, and you can see the zipper in the back. You're 0-3 so far.

4. Catholic Church recognizing the existence of dragons...nice try, but there's evidence that the Church saw some fossilized dinosaur remains, and thought they went to a dragon. Makes sense. Have you ever seen a winged, flying, fire breathing reptile soaring around looking for a thunderbird to eat? Have you seen the skeletal remains of one? I didn't think so. You still have no proof...0-4.

5. The platypus. It's an ugly creature. So's my neighbor. Science knows they both exist, and they've known for some time. Well, the platypus they knew all about. They had to study my neighbor for awhile. If 0-4 is called the golden sombrero, 0-5 is probably the platinum sombrero. Wear it with pride.

6. Coelocanth...It was found in a remote area of the ocean off of Africa in the '50's, I believe. They're not a secret anymore... you can go scuba diving and look at them. Giant squid/octopus...again, not a secret. There is a giant squid preserved that washed ashore I believe in the 1800's. Researchers are getting pictures, they are just tough to find since they live in the deep ocean. These were easy. Next...

7. metallic ramming submarines of 1850's/1860's. Again, I must be missing something. The Hunley is no secret. It's been found, brought ashore here in Charleston, and excavated. I've seen it. The David is believed to have been buried under Tradd Street after the Civil War. They've been looking for it with GPR. What are you, 0-7? You should be playing for the Cubs.

You said of yourself, "willing to do the research before I say something stupid". You really should follow your own advice, because I debunked you while sipping a cup of coffee.

But, that's the way most debunking is, because some people just make it so easy. Whether it's thunderbirds, Bigfoot, Civil War -fighting Keebler elves, Nessie, Ogopogo, the Congo dinosaur, space aliens, UFO's, Roswell, Area 51, Noah's Ark, or the Bermuda Triangle, it's easy to shoot down a theory, because all you have to do.... is say, where's the proof? PT Barnum was right... there are those that still believe in crop circles being made by little green men, even after some of the crop circle clubs went public, and showed video of them making intricate designs that fooled even "the crop circle experts." The Bigfoot guys claim they captured Bigfoot, took him to a secret location for medical treatment, and then had him kidnapped from under their eyes by an unscrupulous Bigfoot doctor. No witnesses... you'd think someone would notice a car speeding away with a heavily bandaged, 8 foot tall hairy creature sitting in the passenger seat. Jerry Springer couldn't make this stuff up.

You may get your news from the National Enquirer... I don't. By the way, it's not true that mobs of voodoo zombies unleashed by Katrina are eating their way through the French Quarter. Welcome to Mardi Gras.

I want to believe, I really do. But, I'm a rational adult. All I want is proof. I believe that, statistically, there should be some type of life somewhere else in our vast solar system. But, I want proof. I don't want to see a grainy video of "surgeons" doing an autopsy on a rubber alien body. I don't want to hear another toothless trailer park resident claim that they were kidnapped by little green men so that the aliens could do intelligence scans on them, or implant them with some sort of tracking chip. If you think your Civil War-fighting Leprechuans are for real, put some Lucky Charms on a mousetrap, and bring the little guy in. Maybe the wee little green fellow can dance a jig, or something.

Re: GA gold "Waterhouse treasure" possibly on "Rocky Face" mountain.

JT, my impetuous friend,
Please research the LAWNDALE incident where a giant bird picked up a child (10 yr old I believe) and flew for a distance of 40 feet before relaesing him when the bird was attacked by the boys mother. Please also see the JOHN HUFFER film of the two giant birds. This film has been authenticated by TWO University research teams as showing two giant birds, They referenced the size of the birds by comparing them with known and existing trees standing in the picture. Or ask JEFF about the huge bird he saw.
Now as for coelocanths, platypus, subs etc I put those in the picture to show that what once was called a myth by learned men of science can be proven to be true. (Think Copernicus and Galileo for two) The Patterson film has not been de-bunked to this date. A person of unlikely repute claimed to have been the accomplice but could provide no evidence as to his veracity. The suit was never found, the "accomplice" who appeared to be almost seven feet tall in the film was only about five feet nine inches tall. He could never explain how the suit made him look so much taller. The film may be a total hoax, but this guy is so implausible as to be laughable.
Oh. one other point. Who made the first written report of 'Nessie'? Look that one up if you care. Might raise the hair on the back of your neck.
I've never seen, but I can't say it's fake until it's been proven to be fake.
About the subs, wasn't talking about Hunley. Check newspaper and journal reports of survivors who swore that sailing vessels were attacked and sunk (rammed) by iron underwater machines during the period of 1840 to 1890, in five widely separated ares of the oceans. From New England waters, to Pacific to Indian Ocean. Grizzly bare

Re: GA gold "Waterhouse treasure" possibly on "Rocky Face" mountain.

grizzly bare said:
Oh. one other point. Who made the first written report of 'Nessie'? Look that one up if you care. Might raise the hair on the back of your neck.
I've never seen, but I can't say it's fake until it's been proven to be fake.

there was a crew in the late 70's or early 80's I cannot remember exactly, but I was going out with a woman that worked at a photo/copy shop in Needham Massachusetss. One of the major players in the Nessie hut at the time brought in a set of photo's that were taken using an underwater radar system to set off a strob with a camera system attached in various locations of the Loc Ness, both stills and video. While they did not get a shot of the creature smiling, they did get a very nice shot of a rather large triangluar flipper in living color. I personally saw the photo's there was nothing like a smoking gun, but there was enough to prove the existence of something. I know that national geographic or someone, perhaps discovery channel, did a show on the creature and did use some of the stills and a bit of the video.
I think the jury is still out on Nessie and I think it is still out on Champ, too.

With a bit of googling I am sure you can track down some of the photo's I saw, but I will say the best were never seen by the public.

Just because their is no corpse, yet, does not mean everyone who has seen Bigfoot or Nessie or Champ has been drinking

HH Vrent

Re: GA gold "Waterhouse treasure" possibly on "Rocky Face" mountain.

Grizz, you have to use some critical thinking. Do you actually believe a bird could pick up a kid weighing anywhere from 65-75 lbs., and fly away for 40 feet without leaving any kind of talon marks, scratches, puncture wounds, etc.? The biggest raptors known can fly off with a weight in the area of 5-7 lbs., around the size of a rabbit.

The picture someone posted is not an actual bird.... it's a representation of what one that size would look like. And there is great debate on whether or not it could even get airborne.

Some wackos claim to have seen whales in trees, with claw marks on them. Do you believe that, too?

The Huffer film? He could have started his video when the birds were sitting in the tree. Stationary, on a branch, you could mathematically figure size, because you have something fixed and close to compare it to. Instead of doing that, though, he scared them into the air with a horn, then started his film. There is no way to measure size on a bird or a bigfoot from a distance, moving, because of not having a fixed point without depth perception affecting it. Depth perception changes everything. I can take a picture of someone holding a 1 lb. bass, and it looks like a 1 lb. bass. Hold it at arms length, and the same bass looks like it's 10 lbs. Look at a few outdoor magazines sometime.

Norad has the capability of tracking every single plane flying in our airspace. If there were birds flying around that were the size of a Cessna, Norad would know it.

I have never seen an account of a ship sunk in the 1840's by underwater metal craft. Source? Maybe these are the same sailors that swore they saw mermaids with big hooters waving at them. There was work going on in the mid to late 1800's to make underwater craft, but since history records don't show any real success before the Hunley, I'd like to see where you're getting your info from.

The Patterson film has been cleaned up enough to show a zipper on the back. Unless that Bigfoot was just wearing his "Sunday go to meeting" suit of smelly hair, that alone should be enough to debunk it. Again, you can't measure size on a moving object at a distance and get a true measure. Have you ever asked yourself why this cowboy just decided to tote a movie camera with him that one time, when he never had before? Didn't think so.

I don't agree that you can't say something is fake until it's been proven to be fake. On the contrary, if it's real... prove it. These things get disproved constantly, and people keep contriving and faking evidence to try and prove something exists when it doesn't. That's why the film is always grainy and shaky, and pictures are always out of focus, and there is never a body of one of these creatures available.

Re: GA gold "Waterhouse treasure" possibly on "Rocky Face" mountain.

cherokee lore also includes the moon eyed people, who were an average of 3.5 feet tall, that the cherokee evicted {along with the creek tribes} from the area of n.c. and ga. when they first arrived........also another tribe of little people, near same size, that came many years later, stayed a short while, then went west......these may have been the melungeans from the west virginia area.......indian lore also has stories of giants with red hair, and 12.5 ft tall skeletons have been found to back this, so i would not think it too far fetched that there were little people, and spirit people, some of whom are guardians of the underworld.............some scientist say we evolved from you believe this is where you came from ? or do you believe in a higher power starting life ?........gldhntr

Re: GA gold "Waterhouse treasure" possibly on "Rocky Face" mountain.

Oh, mt goodness. Indian lore. Indian lore states that giant Thunderbirds flew around, and caused storms. Why don't Piper Cubs cause storms? Or F16 fighter planes? Or helicopters? Maybe that's why hurricane season has gotten so bad since 9/11/01......more planes on surveillance for national security, so it would make sense that we have more hurricanes.....EUREKA....we figured it out!!! Quick, someone call the President!!

Indian lore is just that.....lore. Stories. Fables. A primitive cultures' way of trying to explain things that they didn't understand. How many people do you see turn into wolves nowadays? Not too many. Name any Indian lore that proves true today. I'm not talking about medicinal remedies. I'm talking about people turning into eagles, birds causing thunderstorms, people materializing/dematerializing before your eyes, shape shifters, etc. Where do you find the"spirit people, guardians of the underworld"?

Mooneyed people? Where are they now? Where are their remains? How many were there? Is it possible that "mooneyed people" were actually a group of dwarfs or midgets that had to live together, because they were shunned by a primitive society that didn't understand them? That's the most likely explanation. That would also mean that there weren't thousands of them around, just a handfull that were forced to live together to survive. The fact that they called them "mooneyed" is just another indication that they were handicapped...possibly Downs syndrome. If there was any substantial population of them, there are bones somewhere. Where are the descendants? Are they African pygmies? Or did they disappear into the Bermuda Triangle?

Where are all of the thousands of 12.5 ft tall skeletons being stored? Why are they hidden away? A conspiracy theorist would think that scientists would stay away from them, not wanting to face ridicule from peers. Bull. Any scientist would love to be the first to release any kind of groundbreaking research to the world. If it's not being released, it's a dead giveaway that the bones are fake.

I'm willing to believe any theory that can be proved. Ghosts? UFO's? Leprechuans? Werewolves? Mermaids? 12.5 ft tall redheaded NBA players? Bigfoot? Show me conclusive evidence, and I'll believe it. I want to believe...sell me on it. The problem is, there are too many people that are gullible enough to believe anything, and too many people that are more than willing to offer up bogus evidence to suck in those gullible marks. Just read topics on this board. People take pictures of what are obviously freshly carved "treasure map" markings on a tree that is obviously not 150 or 200 years old, and posters fall all over themselves trying to decipher these "KGC gold depository maps". Other people wonder about whether or not rattlesnakes sealed in a cave by the Spanish 400 years ago are still there, waiting to bite you. Here's a, they are dead, and have been for 400 years.

As for whether or not we evolved from apes....who knows? There is evidence that goes both ways. But, I do believe that, irregardless of what we evolved from, everything was started by a higher power of some sort. I call this power God, some may call it Mohammed, or Buddha, or Allah, but the bottom line is, life started from some sort of higher power, for a reason. If you don't believe that, then show me another planet with life on it. If not, then statistically, we would be surrounded by other planets populated by everything from basic pond scum to 12.5 foot tall Leprechuans.

Re: GA gold "Waterhouse treasure" possibly on "Rocky Face" mountain.

Anyone who wants to read documentary proof of many strange happenings including airships before there were airplanes should read the works of Charles Fort. These are conveniently gathered in one reprint volume called "The Book of the Damned". This was not a religious statement but a reference to what the scientists and pundits called Charles Fort. You rarely heard him refered as anything other than "That damned Charles Fort." It is a documented fact that the National Academy of Science exploratory committee was invited to a viewing of Eastwood's new film developing process and denounced him as a fraud and charlatan because he had to do all the developing in the dark. exanimo, ss

Re: GA gold "Waterhouse treasure" possibly on "Rocky Face" mountain.

Come on, you can do better than that. Fort not only had a drinking problem, but he was nuts. He would routinely burn all of his notes, re-write them, then burn them again. He contended that everything on Earth was controlled by beings on Mars, and that a sinister civilization existed at the South Pole. He stated that he didn't believe anything he wrote. He isolated himself like a hermit. Yeah, he's someone I would believe. ::)

Today, he would probably be diagnosed as bipolar.

Eastman developed his film developing in 1889. Of course, scientists thought he was faking something. Along with the fact that, like today, there are those that like to sucker in gullible people, his technique was revolutionary for the time. Think of how backwards technology was then.

Re: GA gold "Waterhouse treasure" possibly on "Rocky Face" mountain.

Fort relied heavily on newspaper accounts for many of his stories and chapters. Then as now newspaper reporters will invent the news when they have none to report. He references the original accounts and their locations. You could read some of them if you choose to. My favorites are the numerous verified accounts of rains of stones, fishes, shredded meat, frogs and snakes over large areas..... Now that's a hoax. sorta puts crop circles to shame. I don't need anyone to do my thinking for me. As long as they list their sources and quote accurately the accounts I can make up my own mind. Therefore whether Fort believed the stories he quoted or not is immaterial. The point of the Eastman story is that scientists haven't changed at all. they villify and attempt to destroy anyone who does not conform to their beliefs. Years later when they are proven wrong they attempt to say that the facts were self-evident and not deserving of any honors. See how far you get if you don't buy into the global-warmers agenda. In the 1957 geophysical Year conferences the best and brightest all agreed that we were in the beginning of an ice age. Wouldn't it be a hoot if we stopped global warming totally and ended up under a hundred feet of ice? The simplest solution to your problem with the little people of Rocky Face Mountain is to go there and give us an eye-witness debunking. Seems to me that no one has asked anyone to believe anything except you. Don't the sceptics say that unusual beliefs require unusual proof? That would sure show us. Course if we just don't happen to believe what you say about your trip I guess that would just be your problem. exanimo, ss

Re: GA gold "Waterhouse treasure" possibly on "Rocky Face" mountain.

easy to debunk that one. If there is nothing to it just do it. I proved the superstitions weren't deadly by camping there several times with money riding on it. I also had firearms and the ability and inclination to use them. Since i have you on the horn SWR could you point me to any of your posts where you were positive about anything? I'm sure there has to be some but I sure haven't stumbled across them yet. exanimo, ss

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