Yea I believe in most of these cases the person relating the Story upgrades the amount to it's value at the time. { 1891 Values]
could have been as Little as $6,000.oo Of course it wasn't Dollars no Matter what. What was the Medium used for Money in 1783 ?
So at some point someone upgraded to $$$$
Could have been 60,000,000 Francs could have also been 60 1,000,,000 Franc Notes
Even if Coins or gold odds are the amount was adjusted for inflation by at least Three 0's
& Switched to Dollars a long time ago.
Doesn't mean there isn't a treasure
But most likely in a Smaller box
examples would be the 1715 fleets actual value on it's voyage compared to the portion brought up so far.
or value of Tutankhamen’s gold when buried compared to the story they relate now
paper bill issued in France as currency from 1789 to 1796, during the French Revolution.
a pristine note like this sold at Christie's compared to the value in a 18th century persons pocket
makes a big difference. & so does a Writers Value of a leather pouch full of them,
if they think in terms of gold bricks or gold dollars instead of musty paper.
But Don't forget a rotted leather pouch full of what's left of them, with Proof they were This Treasure
Could end up Priceless if Found by the Right People