A fair amount of crap at the fair grounds


Bronze Member
May 24, 2007
Reaction score
Golden Thread
Lexington, KY
Detector(s) used
Whites Prism IV / Bullseye II pinpointer
Crap, crap, crap, coin, crap, crap, coin, crap, crap, crap.... that's how my morning went today. I got up and drove to a neighboring county's fair grounds this morning to beat the heat of the day. It's the same fair (grounds) that my wife and I TRIED to attend last week, but SOMEONE misstepped off the curb and sprained her ankle... before we even made it IN the fair. <grin> <shrug> Oh well, Today the fair was long over and gone. I thought that I would "clean up " a bit if you know what I mean. Surely people would be losing change and spilling coins at the fair! Even if the rides were rinky dink and apparently not very well maintained. <shuddering at the thought>
Well.. I was WRONG! I mean about cleaning up. Figuratively speaking. I *did* clean up.. trash.. but didn't really make out very well on collecting coins. Sure, I found a "fair" amount of pennies, most of them as well as most of the other clad I found was under the grass though, in the dirt. Proving once again that old addage is true, "You can never really find everything." I've been over the same ground many times in the past year or so, and I'm still finding buried coins. <shrug>
A few coins, and a lot of garbage. Pieces of hardware from the rides and concessions..

7-01-08 006hardware.webp

There were lots of light bulbs.. some broken, some burned out, some still brand new and ready to "light the way".

7-01-08 009bulbs.webp

I also found lots of broken, and in some cases whole, plastic fixtures and lenses for the lightbulbs I found..

7-01-08 012lenses.webp

I kept finding these little metal hooks, I call them curtain hooks because that's what I remember my mother using to hang curtains with.. I don't think they were being used for curtains at the fair though, whatever they were using them for, they were EVERY-FREAKIN-WHERE! I don't think they are worth a damn, but I couldn't leave them there in the grass with those sharp points just waiting for some kid to stroll through the park's grass and find one with their foot. Know what I mean?

7-01-08 008curtainhooks.webp

Of course there were the usual suspects to be found as well.. just about can't go anywhere without finding the omnipresent pull tabs and can slaw..

7-01-08 007pulltabs.webp

I did find another vehicle to add to "Frodov's Used Cars" car lot.. <grin> Of course I think this one will have to go on the "bargain lot" as it's a little worse for the wear and needs some work..

7-01-08 002truck.webp

I found a lot of other nonmetallic stuff laying around too, bottle caps, makeup, sunglasses, a "gibbet" for someones Crocs (it's Pooh, and my wife's already claimed that one) and even plastic beads. Most of the stuff went right into the nearest garbage can of course, these examples were still in my finds bag when I got home..

7-01-08 010shades and junk.webp

I found one lone "visitor" or foreign coin.. a lone Canadian penny.. Hail Elizabeth.. long live the queen!

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7-01-08 004lizzyback.webp

Did I mention that I found a ten-spot? <grin> I WISH! I did find this one little corner of one though *sigh*

7-01-08 005tenspot.webp

Finding the rest of that ten dollar bill would have made my trip to the fairgrounds profitable, but it was not to be. I got just a little change, a LOT of trash, maybe too much sun (arms and back of neck are all prickly now). I simply ran out of time and all the glory faded.. faded glory.. <grin> I found a "Faded Glory" wrist watch buried a couple of inches in the dirt.. no, it was not still ticking, it's NOT a timex! <grin> It's junk! But it was still fun to find it.
Well here's my massive haul of clad for the day, all $3.12 of it (not counting the Canadian) not even enough for a gallon of gasoline..

7-01-08 001allcoin.webp

*sigh* .. Still though, as with fishing it's not called "catching" it's called "fishing". It's not that you catch anything but that you are in the act of fishing!.. sometimes it's not what you find but rather that you are finding anything. Yada yada yada.. <smirk> It's true, but I still like finding at least enough to cover my gas. <laughing> One thing that is true, though, is that metal detecting is like fishing in that "Even a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!" VERY VERY TRUE!

Happy Fourth of July Everyone!.. and as always.. HAPPY HUNTING!


Upvote 0
You must have had a Big Idea look at all them Light Bulbs! :D :D :D

Semper Fi :sunny:

you said the " C " word more than once shame ::)

some nice finds there

The truck & the watch would have Made my day.

Congrats !

Detecting is like a box of chocolates...never know what you're going to find :thumbsup:

bedpanmoneyman said:
Detecting is like a box of chocolates...never know what you're going to find :thumbsup:

<laughing> And my momma always said.. Stupid is as stupid does.. And stupid me was right there picking up all the stupid trash.. <grin>

Happy Hunting!


Actually Thats some pretty cool finds

Nice finds. I find the same crap at my local fairgrounds. When I find some of the pieces off the rides I think, "I hope they didn't need this." I have also found caches of light bulbs, sometimes 20 or 30. As far as the curtain hooks, I figured they were used to hang stuffed animal prizes on the wall. I've never been to one of these, so I don't know.

If those hooks were just in the grass, why not add a nail magnet on wheels to pre-pick 'em up, you know, like the ones roofers use to clean up nails after a job. Another reason for the lack of super nice finds is; Alot of the carnies have their own "Metal detectors" and they scan the areas themselves >:(. I have waited for carnivals in my area to get over with and upon arriving very early the next morning, I see 3 people hunting already, and I go over to see if they are someone I know, But I don't know them, they inform me that they operate the rides >:(!.....Not GE

capndan151 said:
is that a Bulova watch? that thing's cool

Well I don't know exactly who the manufacturer was for this watch I found, but I doubt it was a name brand or even halfway reliable a maker as Bulova. No, the "logo" or brand on the face of the watch says "Faded Glory" as in the jeans manufacturer. I'm thinking it was a promotional item or at least a "tie in" to their other merchandise. <shrug> Anyway, besides being cheap, and not working, and broken in several pieces, there's not much use for it now. It went into my "watch" bag. (ziploc baggie with other watches found metal detecting) That's one thing about this hobby, it can turn into many other mini-hobbies if you have a tendency to collect things.. you know, like me.. a pack-rat. <grin>
Gotta love this hobby!

Happy Hunting!



I too, find all those curtain hooks at the festival grounds...I just pick up & trash them. The nuts, bolts, washers, & cotter pins are put into 2nd use somewhere around the farm...so those are pretty well used again. So it's not all crap. ;D Still in all you had some good finds! :thumbsup:

:wink: RR

River Rat said:

I too, find all those curtain hooks at the festival grounds...I just pick up & trash them. The nuts, bolts, washers, & cotter pins are put into 2nd use somewhere around the farm...so those are pretty well used again. So it's not all crap. ;D Still in all you had some good finds! :thumbsup:

:wink: RR

I know what you mean RR, I have a whole drawer in my workbench in the garage dedicated to "crap" as my wife puts it, or junk.. it's a collection of odds and ends, nuts, bolts, screws, nails, pins cotter keys, washers.. you name it, it's probably in that drawer. So I don't throw away things like the cotter pins and bolts in this post. Now, scrap metal and junk I do.. well I put it in the recycling bin anyway.

Happy Hunting!


X-Terra70_TreasureHunter said:
Oh NO Fro you have gone from used car lot salesman too
recycleing junkman.

Yeah man.. it's a sign of the times.. Everyone is getting on that bandwagon, reducing our "carbon footprint" and trying to conserve resorces.. yada yada yada... It's like that little green dude says (Kermit the frog) "It Aint easy bein' green..." <grin>

Happy Hunting!


I would call that hunt a success, at least you got out, I spent the week at Boy Scout Camp. So how many cars do you have on the lot now?

Looks like a lot of work there Frodov, would have warn me out... ;D
Better luck next time, & Happy hunting~

jeff of pa said:
some nice finds there

The truck & the watch would have Made my day.

Congrats !
I like your attitude Jeff,,, that's the attitude I have to take or I'd almost never be happy with what I found... ;D

I've had quite a few hunt's that didn't even come close to that.Congrat's and HH!!

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