15 hours 40 buttons War of 1812 Era!


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Jan 8, 2009
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What a weekend! Mom and I headed out to some new farm fields we've been eyeing up and made out like bandits on buttons. We wound nearly 40 buttons and 6 of them were War of 1812 Era. I found 15 buttons first day and my first Artillery Regiment Coat button, An unknown navy button(the chipped one) A (Rare I believe) 1 piece US Marine Corps cuff button and another very toasted looking (not pictured) Artillery cuff, I think I can make out an eagle holdind a cannon. Mom also did very well with 18 buttons the first day one of them being an awesome 1 piece War of 1812 Naval Button and a 2 piece Eagle Artilley button. She also found a button that resembles a Dragoon Militia button with a galloping horse but we think its just a sporting button, also a modern eagle button. Bunch of 4 hole buttons some floral buttons, worlds smalled button pictured atop of one of the pics. Mom also found a colonial "puffy" button the kind with 2 holes in the back pictured between the Eagle A and 1 piece Navy button. Started at about 9:30 and ended in another field at about 6:30. Today we went back out to the second field mom found 5 or 6 more buttons no military and I ended up with 2 buttons (1 floral) and a cufflink. Cut it short around 2:30 we were both exhausted from the day before. Had a great time (Today is mom's Bday) nice present eh? Weird thing, NO COINS? Couldnt ask for better weather and a lot of very nice buttons I have never found before. Any button experts out there?(Don) Could use a hand identifying some of the military buttons! Thanks again, Jim and Diane







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Wow .. covered a few era,s with these button finds. U need some pics of the back marks on the military buttons , for id .That buff. nickel is a coin :icon_pirat: Nice birthday gifts :o

Great job!

Was there some action there, or just a camp?

Thanks, not sure about a camp no evidence of that but these buttons were only found in about a 2-3 acre area in a HUGE field so we concentrated on it and hit it hard. Its in a historic part of town near the Deleware. Your guess is as good as mine ???

wow! thats an awesome group of buttons!

Nice group of buttons!you have a very good site to hit over and over again........

Great Button finds SSJ,Just 40 flats would had been good hunt! :laughing9: But ya through in all those Naval Buttons and You & Mom had a slammer! :icon_thumleft: :icon_thumright: The one chipped is differrent being his wings are spread like that.But some of the others can be found here!
Maybe Don or Ip,will see and help you on it otherwise I have wrote to William Leigh before and he will help you! Seems Like a good guy! :thumbsup: At any point great finds you all made! :icon_thumleft: :icon_thumright:
Pete :hello:

Thats a dream day! Awsome buttons!

Great buttons guy! Congrats................Hogge :headbang:

Well, I gave a sort of quick look through Albert's, maybe if someone has Tice's book on Military buttons they might provide more detailed information, but from what I see of the ones I looked at, only one would be War of 1812 and the rest post War of 1812. Without backmarks it is hard to say but looks like ca 1820's for the rest, but not 100% positive.



  • sjJim1.webp
    52.6 KB · Views: 648
Wow now that is a great day and a super nice birthday present for your mom. the 2 piece button with the holes in the back is called an expansion button. the face was soldered onto the back and the holes are for the gases to escape. They were made from the mid to late 1700's. The 2 piece eagle A is 1830's to 40's.

Top one to the right is Tices....NA212A11....Robinsons and Jones 1835-1850 (Alberts NA106). Closest one for the middle in Tices is NA218A2 but die isn't an exact match.(Alberts NA108)1830-1852, But it also says High Convex 2 piece. :dontknow: Would like to see cleaned pics of the Marine.

hogge said:
Top one to the right is Tices....NA212A11....Robinsons and Jones 1835-1850

Hmmmn, even if you could see the backmark, Robinsons and Jones was only used 1828-1834 from what I see in Tice, Alberts and McGuinns book. Jones was no longer with the company after 1834.

goodness. that beats my total from the last two years, and i thought i was doing well!
i don't think the dark of night could tear me away from there.
look forward to more posts from this site.

Hey guys thanks for all the info. This is after cleaning :dontknow: Didnt come out much better, I suck at this peroxide stuff. Definitely a marine cuff you would have to see it in person my camera just couldnt get the detail. The backmark to the large artillery cuff and the backmark of the marine cuff. I added another button I found, some sort of torch/wreath not sure if its military or not. Thanks again. Jim

Eagle holding anchor with rope in a circular shape. Stars bordered.

Stars for backmarks.

Backmark large Artil Regt Coat.


Yeah, great job! Looks like a lot of people's clothes fell off back in the day! ;D

Ya its strange to see all buttons and no coins but Im not complaining! Don AY 47 depicts the word "Artillery" above the eagle. Mine does not. We went back to the field the second day and didn't find one more button or anything for that matter. I guess when we hit and grid a place we clean it out fast. Im hoping they plow this field in the future. Maybe the coins will come to the surface ;D

Don in SJ said:
hogge said:
Top one to the right is Tices....NA212A11....Robinsons and Jones 1835-1850

Hmmmn, even if you could see the backmark, Robinsons and Jones was only used 1828-1834 from what I see in Tice, Alberts and McGuinns book. Jones was no longer with the company after 1834.
In Tices NA212 it says from various dies 1835-1850 with Robinsons, Jones and Co. Just quoting what it says in the book for that style and button, which is the exact match. :dontknow:

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