I was the tail dragger with my ailments and finally hiked out to the site. Sniffer stayed behind with me and kicked me in the butt every so often to keep me going. (Actually I think he was waiting to see if I was going to pass out or not)! Burdie "ran" ahead and was chugging like a locomotive and had half the place dug up by the time I got there. Later he said he was going to follow me and find all I missed. However, about 30 minutes later I told him the same thing and prophetically I found a tax token and a 1940 nickel right behind him! After announcing those finds, I was soon surrounded and it looked like an army of armadillos had attacked the turf in that area. But I fooled them all. After they moved on off I found a costume jewelry broach that still had the pin in it..... which promptly broke as I tried to close it! I was getting a gold signal on my Safari and after cleaning it a bit it does appear to have some gold colored plating on it. Everything I found was around 5" deep and I got some faint signals deeper that I didn't dig after one try and finding a rusted square nail at about 9". When I was digging it I broke the rust corona around it and the signal turned from a silver 37 to an iron 9 and then I knew I had been faked out! Those who have a Safari will know what I am talking about. I was surprised that there wasn't that much trash but I had iron discriminated out so that may be why? So how did I get a 9 with the iron discriminated out? I had it set on ferrous mode and it will show a number but no sound. We had just had about 6" or rain and the gullies were full of water and so was the wash behind the house. I am thinking that area is where the trash dump was and we couldn't get to it. The ground was pretty easy to dig but being wet it clumped pretty bad and it was sometimes difficult to sort out your target. Well I kinda' gave you a technical rundown and after saying that I have to admit I really enjoyed the trip and cudos to Jeff and Evi for inviting me. We all live in less than a hundred mile area and it is not much more than an hours drive for any of us. Jeff's (Stoney56) place is pretty much right in the middle of our circle. We have been trying to get together for the longest time but this is the first time all of us could make it and the weather cooperated. So thanks everyone for "carrying" me and we have to do it again real soon. I just got a new printer and I am electronically challenged so I haven't figured how to post my pictures on this new program yet. It picked up all my old photos but when I try to access it I get the old program instead of the new. I deleted the old program but the pictures remained. Any suggestions? My oldest son is an IT proffesional manager if I can ever get him over her to look at it. Anyway, when I got home I was worn out, rode hard and put away wet! I took a hot shower and hit the sack by 9:30 pm. But I'm rejuvinated and ready to go again. I'll post pics as soon as I get my new pic program figured out. And as for the gang, I was just kidding, you are all the best. Monty