Busy, Busy Nana


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Feb 3, 2005
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Just like a zoo at Nana's house this month. :D


It's been a very busy April around here. And not the detecting kinda busy either. :tongue3:

:icon_sunny: My number three! I just love him! :love5:


I've been peeking in to see what all you've been finding, and I must say there are some pretty amazing things being found this month! And yes, a wee little bit of envy tried to creep in at times. :-X :D But being happy busy helped keep that sharp edge from cutting too bad. :wink:

I did manage to get out a couple of times. Nothing to brag about in the finds department, but a keeper or two. First place was a pasture with a clump of daffy's that Lisa and I saw while driving down an old dirt road weeks ago. Happened back by the place and the owner was there. He informed us that there had never been a house in that area that he knew of, but he gave us permission with a warning of copperheads in the area and we started digging. :wink: Too bad we didn't get there a wee bit earlier in the month, as the grass is already getting pretty tall.


These two were looking out for us as we played... :wink:


Not too many keepers from there, but I hope we can get back when the grass has been mowed...
thimble, part of a silver spoon, overall buttons, Shell token :icon_scratch: , 1942 war nickel, flat button, wheats etc...




Yesterday we tried out a new spot. This was a place that had houses but were torn down due to being in a flood area. The city is making a new park there, but we wanted to hit it before they got it all spiffy. They had worked on leveling while the soil was wet, so when it dried it was like digging in concrete. :-\


A couple of wheats, a sad little Tootsie car and a neat perfume atomizer and a bit of change...


The only thing keeping me busy this week is helping Charlie finish that darn deck he started LAST FALL. :-X Maybe this week. :wink:

Nana :-*

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I know what you mean by busy glad you got out though.

Nice hunt Nana............ WTG on all of the company too ;D Looks like you have you hands full ::)

Not too shabby at all Nana.... I like the silver spoon handle and old thimble. War nickel is good too.

Tell Charlie to get with the program ;D


Glad you did take the time to get out some.That boy sure looks great,hope he and shannon are doing ok.

All good finds in my book!

Very Nice Find in the 2nd pic Bama Nana!!! I laughed when I saw the Shell token. I was looking for CW relics when I pulled my first Shell game token out of the ground. I saw it about 6 inches down and just knew I had a silver dollar until I picked it up and felt how light it was. Nice finds and pics. HH.

Congrats on the little one! and nice finds

Excellent finds Nana,....Especially that beautiful baby!!!! What a doll.

Geez Nana.....I have been gone awhile. What a beautiful healthy baby! He's a biggun!! Glad you got to take a break for awhile. Pics are great as always! Love ya girlie!


Nice post Nana. Best find is number three. Just look at that hair. :icon_sunny: My number two had hair like that.

Love the MD finds too. Need to go back to that pasture when the grass is lower. That flat button tells me there's more there.


BANNER on picture #2!!!! :occasion18: :hello2: :wav: :occasion14: :thumbsup:
Congrats Nana. Holy smokes you HAVE been busy. I was just thinking about you today wondering where you've been.
Some nice relics there too. :icon_queen:
Thanks for the post & pictures,

P.S. That second picture looks like Andy when he passed out on me last Saturday from the heat. :tongue3:
Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, don't tell him I said that. ;D :wink:

Glad to see you are getting out again,even for alittle while.
Beautifull grandbaby . Jimbob

Great finds and that little guy is a dandy!

Congradulations Lady! On *ALL* your finds~ <smile>

~Happy Hunting~



Couldn't find any saying "Congratulations, Nana". So you're proud Nana again, fill us in...name, weight. He is a real little doll, and a load of hair...WOW!

Glad you're able to take a little time out to do a little detecting...great finds.

All my best to the proud parents and to the big brothers...and to grandpa too. :-*

:wink: RR

Congradulations Nana. What a beautiful baby. Glad you were able to get out a little. Nice finds.


You still found some nice things for only being able to get out for a couple of times. That spot you found, where the weeds were a little high, could turn out to be a real "gold" mine.

Oh yeah, that little guy of yours, your number three, is one super "3 C" kid (cute curtain climber). :icon_sunny: Enjoy them, they grow up fast.

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