the leg bones connected to the STOP!!! BUTTON-- geez I hate finding bones

ivan salis

Platinum Member
Feb 5, 2007
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had to stop rebury halt -- clearly it was very very old saw cut chunk of femur type leg bone (nice neat saw cut end)--the area was used during the CW era , and might have been a bit of a DR' S leg "trimming" work -- HALT STOP REBURY say 1000 hail marys and 1500 our fathers and say so sorry . geez I hate finding bones. ---(I'm going to just keep chanting --"it was a ham bone --it was a ham bone") till I believe it --- Ivan

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anything but that :stop:

surely bones that had been cut in the heat of battle wouldn't be so cleanly cut :thumbsup:

just trying to make you feel better ;D

failing that go to confession and be blessed!

yeah its probably a deer leg bone that was taken off.

Couldn't someone get some DNA off of it to determine it was a human leg bone.....I'm pretty quick uncovering thing's but that would be an even quicker re-bury.I'm alway's thinking about finding "thing's" around the field's at Antietam,read storie's about them burying them where they lay,no marker's either.You should at least contact somebody.....Joe

Poor Ivan. You just want to hunt and now you are on a burial detail. I would feel the same. Maybe contact local law enforcement and let them decide.


WeDigOhio- no bones about it

No sweat pal! I am just as close to something similar to your insident.I detected at Isla Verde beach a cloudy day with my coinmaster 5000d s2, a paper aluminum wrapped wood box containing a ragged pinned up vodoo doll with a note under it.Don't ask me what it said inside I didn't had the guts to tamper with the contents.I just did what the lady renting the beach chairs told me place your hand over it and pray with faith the our fathers prayer.I did that and slammed with all my might that darn thing in the waste basket I felt much better after that, what a yuckey feeling of death came upon me on opening that stupid thing. :tard: :o

shaun7 said:
surely bones that had been cut in the heat of battle wouldn't be so cleanly cut :thumbsup:

just trying to make you feel better ;D

failing that go to confession and be blessed!

I say definately ham or cow. If it were something that was cut while the animal was living there would be extra marks on that sucker from the amputee kicking around. They would probably look something like hesitation marks or maybe like when you miss the mark on the piece of lumber you are sawing...just a thought.

i guess it could be an amputated limb from a field hospital during the civil war. if it makes you feel any better, the guy very well could have survived his wounds and lived to a ripe old age. :wink:

I take no chances if the least bit of doubt -- rebury right away --I hunt deer and wild hogs -- didn't seem right shape for them the cut was very clean however -- I keep saying ham bone -- ham bone- ham bone

ham bone ham bone hammmmm bone...isn't there a song there?

like I said instant reburial* fast as my hands could go -- no photos no bring it home and returning it later stuff--just get it back in the ground as fast as possible --say I'm sorry and change spots right away . I never knowingly mess wit da dead --going to be one of em some day --and god help any that disturb my rest thinking its funny :boxing:

Good point.
Mkaes you wonder.
If it was sawn it may have been the lower half. No body, just a damaged leg removed after a battle perhaps.

I 'm thinking lower leg cut off by civil war era doctor-- it was a leg bone of some sorts --clearly very very old say 100 years plus and neatly cut -- I am a hunter and it the "bone" didn't seem "right" for a hog or deer --the spot was used by union troops and operations MIGHT have been done there -- many bullets and buttons where found in the area in the past (surgical dump areas often have lots of both items) mangled blood stained uniforms and limbs were often burnt or buried in pits nearby the operation area .

Hey Ivan,
I wouldn't tell anybody. They could cut off the detecting in a heart beat because of
a perceived historical site. But it was a ham bone anyway!!


yep ham bone --ham bone --ham bone :tard:

what did you hit on metal detecting that had you dig up the thing to begin with?

The hip bones...connected to the ham bone...the ham bones..connected to the leg bone..the leg bones connected to the gold coin ???

txkickergirl said:
what did you hit on metal detecting that had you dig up the thing to begin with?

The hip bones...connected to the ham bone...the ham bones..connected to the leg bone..the leg bones connected to the gold coin ???

She's got a good question! What was giving you a reading around the........uh.......... "ham bone"......?!?

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