Survey of the MINA VIRGON


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Mar 2, 2014
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Needed Treasure Hunters, Geologist, Archeologist, Cavers, Repelers, Historians, Historic preservation, Arms experts. Antiquities Dealers who are experts in the field. I have located the Mina Virgon, AKA LOST DUTCHMAN'S MINE. I have contacted D.C. and need expert confirmation of the site.
mina virgon.webp

Mina Virgon de Gaudalupev3.webp
The Gold of Mina Virgon de Guadalupe

Blown up mine from the Horse Map

Horse and No Way Out Indian.webp
Cabillo de Sante Fe and No Way Out Indian on trail to mine,

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zoomed in on Orb under monument

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Tectonics of the area

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Tumacacori Map overlay

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The Golden Heart across the Canyon that feeds the River of Gold

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The Rio Del Oro

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The Sierra Bell Ringer that the Eye of the Marker for the Mina Virgon looks directly at

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The Heart minus the m with the Priest, MAPA, Coazon

Indian Monuments of the Mine site

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Death and Eternity, can Mankind be saved? This monument has several unique angles including this where the Figure is kissing the ground.

The Heart.webp
This is the Heart of the Peralta Stones Trail Map. Notice that the Marker and hieroglyphic of the Mina Virgon are on the back side of the peak. The No Way out Statue is to the right however the statue has been destroyed when a stone the shape of a sombrero fell on it last year (2012-2013)


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The History of the Mina Virgon
Back millions of years ago when the area was forming it went through many stages of transformation. It started out as an ocean floor or seabed. Many volcanic actions caused the area to be raised from the sea floor to a Mountainous area we see today. There were many eruptions that even merged the sedimentary rock with intrusive volcanic rock. Some of the explosions were so violent that debris was scattered over the hillsides. Look around and you can see the evidence, as there are metallic minerals like silver that are disc shaped, and curved where they cooled as they fell back to earth. I saved several of these discs for my collection. There are many Quartz veins that separate each plate from one another. Almost all the hills have a quartz vein that run in the valleys.
There are many Quartzite Dykes that are massive. There are also many Quartz Spires such as Weavers Needle, Miners Needle, Jacob Waltz Needle, Pentacle Needle, and Needle in the Haystack (the last being in the area of our search). There are also many Dacite formations in this area, such as the one I call "No Way Out Statue". This rock formation that looks like an Indian looking at an arrowhead from one side but looks like a Mexican wearing a sombrero on a burro going down hill from the other side, Geronimo claimed it told the story of his victory over the Peralta group. The Apache saw the area as two rattlesnakes with a cave in between. To the east of this formation is a carved horse. I believe this was a natural formation enhanced by carvers. The carvers were the Indians that worked the mines for the Jesuit Priest. I believe the horse covered up or mutilated what the Indians called the Thunder God. I have a picture I drew that should be close to what it looked like before the mining by the Spanish. I put it together by combining what is around similar corresponding areas around the Superstitions. There is a cave close by that the Indians used to live in. Above this cave high up on the hill is a large rock formation shaped like a heart. The heart looks to be opening up in the center and has many hearts coming out of it. Around this heart shaped formation there are many heart shapes that get larger as they get farther away from this "Budding" heart formation, and then they become tectonic plates. Across the gorge the shapes are in the same manner except that the shapes are horses and priest that overlap (look at the Peralta stones). Each of these shapes overlap, in all four directions. All the plates seem to dive under at Angel Basin and Rogers Canyon which form a large cross. This area the Spaniards called the dividing line. The Native Americans could see that this was a special place and called it sacred. If a person stands and looks up the valley to the basin you can see the portrait of an Angel, thus its namesake. There are many cross shapes here.
The area is heavily mineralized and even has reverse mineralization (light on one side and dark on the other side). Native Americans believe that this is one of the centers of creation, like the Garden of Eden. They claim that everything that has happened from the beginning of time till the end is written in these rocks. They tell the past, present and future of the Americas. In these rocks you can find the shapes of Indians, Arrowheads, and all that was the Indian way of life. You can find shapes that say Sonora Mex. as if telling of the coming of the Spaniards, along with the shapes of many horses.The Spanish Padres learned of this area from the Mayans who said they traded with the Indians from this area. It foretold of the United States of America, with great shapes of Eagles with wings spread and the letters US. The sad part is that the wings are now folding down and heads are lowered, what it fore tales I can not say other that the U>S> may not be as influential worldwide as it once was. I do not care to look into the rocks and read the future as I may not like what I see. This is the area called “Hweeldi” by Native Americans and translated means “The Place of Great Suffering”.
Native Americans believe this about the writings in the stone:
The story of how God wrote down in stone that he loved us so much that he started us out in seven cities of Cibola. This city has streets paved with gold. Hence the gold bearing veins of quartz that surround the Thunderbird Gods from small to large. In all figures in this rock God included a light side and a dark side, all revolving the center of creation. The smaller of each figure is always under and behind the larger. Those that do not believe without seeing should research the heart. There is proof that God does love us and all you have to do is believe in him. He will return here for his people, animals and all life.
There are many Prophecies by others that could be examined here at this location.
I will not go into the mining history as that is for the historians to complete, except that it seems that the state of Arizona has failed to examine the history of the Jesuit mining and the locations of the earliest mines in the state. To me they are a National Treasure and should be shown just as Mount Rushmore is. When it is understood that the Peralta stones are a picture of the area as a geologist and surveyor would see land masses. The stones were made by the Jesuit Priest that lost their lives in this area. The Gold they had taken from this hillside mine found its way back "Home" to it starting location.
The shapes in this location grow larger till they form the whole of the Americas. Look at Florida and you will see the head of a horse, and Mexico is its legs. The horses face both ways and one direction the ears are forward, the other direction the ears are laid back. The Indians saw the horses as Bison then replaced by horses when the Spaniards arrived. Did this foretell of the Bison being removed as the main animal in America? Then replaced by Horses? It makes one wonder what is next? Who will replace us? Does it mean that we will not survive what is to come? (Back to the portrait of the angel)
The east side of Rogers’s canyon the mountains spell out Coazon (look overhead straight down or look at terrain maps). To me this means the Padres did not misspell the word Coazon only wrote it the way the hillside did. When Geronimo left White Mountain Reservation with his 39 Braves they had no guns as the American Solders had taken them from the Indians on arrival to the post. This means that Geronimo had to gather up the guns from when the Apache had killed the Priest and the Solders that protected them. So here was Indians using Spanish guns against 200 Spanish solders. Geronimo only lost one brave but killed all the Spanish solders. He had been close enough to them that he overheard the order of extermination from the Spanish leaders. When he heard this he gave his signal to attack. This is all in Geronimo's autobiography told to the author before his death. The year was 1858 and only eleven years after the 1847 date. So here are two massacres in the same spot. He hated the Spaniards because in retaliation for the killing of the Priest the Spanish army had located the village and went in and killed everyone. All that was there were the old, the woman and the children as the braves were all out hunting or raiding. When Geronimo returned he found his wife and two children were among the slain. The killing of the Peralta group was retaliation for the dead.
The trail stones show the path the Padres took when they first saw the Apache coming across the Tonto Basin toward them. I can only imagine what a sight it was because it was reported that this was the entire Apache Tribe Warriors. Imagine what the Braves must have felt like going to war against an enemy that had desecrated a sacred site, riding fast and whooping it up. The treasure they carried with them is listed as 200,000 coins, 40 bars of gold, and a 900 pound gold cross. The map starts at the mapa stone on the west side of the Grand enchantment trail at the end of forest road 213. This area should be where the Mina de la Purísima Concepción is. There are some stones placed on the over looking hill that may be the site, but I have also seen a cavern that looks to have stacks of treasure in it where I call the heart of the thunderbird or thunderbird city, to the top of the hill to the west (the hills that surround this site are all in the shape of thunderbirds). The small hill between the veins has a gold vein on its south side. This was the first stop to unload all heavy gear that was not needed. The south side of the mapa stone may be where the cross was buried and what Peralta may have been after. The second stop was the OPATA silver and gold mine in the lost Dutchman's Canyon. This mine can be seen from Google Earth with many tunnels going into the small hillside. Geronimo said the Indians took Fish creek Canyon to go back to the Indian village of Nacode after the battle. The mules were butchered five miles to the west of the battle site. I believe the Slaughter grounds are where the Apache killed these mules. They took very little what the mules carried except pots and pans. He said there were many strange objects in the packs. The Slaughter grounds are rich with treasure form this raid. When looking at the Tumacacori map the mesa larga is Horse Mesa, The River in the lower left corner is the Salt River, the "Purisimo Conception" or young heart birth is the Tonto Basin at Grand Enchantment Trail. There between the two hills by Kane spring is a heart vortex that I believe will match the heart used in the trail maps end. With analysis I believe that can be proven to be of the same composition. I have a photo of the location. “Junto de Priestas” or meeting of the Priests should be in the area of Lost Dutchman’s State Park and Blacktop Mesa. Sante y Isabella shoutld be the Buzzards Roost. San Pedro is White Mountain. The circle with lines in it should be Horse Camp Basin.
The trail Map where it makes a sharp turn is Tortilla Pass. Where the path slowly turns one hundred eighty degrees is Angel Basin. The Needle on the map is the “Needle in the Haystack”, the mine is south of this needle. The Mine is at four O’clock from the “Eye of the Needle” on the ridge top at an altitude of 4723 feet. The site should be the Virgon de Guadalupe mine also. There is a structure with a large M and a large V on top of it. The structure sits on a large 8 and next to it looks to be a -n-P. Along the edge of the P there are at the top stones placed so it says MINA. Following the curve of the P are stones placed to say VIRGON. There are 3 faults that cross here and very large ruin stones. There are several quartz veins that look to spell words. From the 8 it says Coazon. Over this area it spells Mapa. There are stones in the shape of footsteps, a large stone that looks like a sombrero, a stone that looks like the map stone that has a cross in it and two hearts. The P looks like a rounded triangle and on one side has a mark that looks just like the mine sign on the peralta stones. Next to the P is what looks like a huge face and what appears to be a dug mine entrance where the nose is. What would be the left eye is the C of Coazon and the part that turns to make the nose looks like a 7. Then a fault crosses and the stone that looks like a tablet with two hearts in it forms to be a 0. On the P in my picture you can see what appears to be a gold cross lying in plain sight. This whole site is at the end of a very narrow canyon on a steep grade.
The tricky part is that the Tumacacori Map says “Pirdra Guilta Boca de la Mina” which means “Stones Throw Rope to Mouth of the Mine”. Does that mean you tie a rope to the stones of the Monument and throw it over the cliff to get to the Mine, or does it mean you are really close? There is an “A” below the monument with a hole in it. It may also mean stand on the Monument and look the same direction the “Eye” is looking and hold the map up and look at the hillside across from you. There on the far hillside you should see lines or features and line them up till they correspond with the lines drawn on the map. Then you will see the hidden mine. I have done this and there seems to be Dykes that line up with the lines on the map. There are two pits on the far hill side and the upper pit looks to have a hole high up in the Cliff side. Along the Dykes looks to be a mule trail, that ends at the upper pit.
From Rogers /Reavis trail head you will pass by the 5 on the horse map. The 5 will be on the left across the stream. Stay on that trail till you come across the 5 round fire circles by the stream on the western side. Then take the lesser canyon west. When it narrows down and turns north you will be looking at the horse carving. To the west of that is the Indian looking at the arrowhead. Up on the hill side is a large rock cross.
The Cabillo de Sante Fe that is on the horse map is on White Mountain south side. To see the exact site of the horse map you go past the horse on Reavis Ranch Trail and turn north at the trail that leads nowhere but to the bottom of White Mountain. This is the exact spot that the Trail Map leads to. Turnaround and look toward the west (home of our ancestors) you will see the Natural horse on the side of the Mountain facing south. Beyond that the 5 will be across the river. Up on the side of Iron Mountain are two mounds. The upper mound should have one of the mines behind it. There is a canyon that leads up to this mound from Reavis/ Rogers Trails that when I was there caught my eye as a very heavily mineralized spot. Where the 5 is, is the Priest that the other map shows. The whole area is hearts overlapping each other when looked from overhead. The Mountain that follows the stream spells Coazon. Where the heart over the Indians cave dwellings is, spells Mapa, the heart is the “P”.
There are 10 mines in that area that I have confirmed by looking at. I still have not found the copper doors yet. But they should be where the young heart birth is. For those that know maps it should be easy to spot the heart shape on top of the hill over the cliff dwellings. I have seen there are many wagon tracks around that shape.
Now if you look at a good enough picture of the real horse map you will find that behind the horse there are many hearts overlapping with numbers everywhere. Along with Mountains that no one seems to see.
Godliness is achieved by awareness that self is nothing in the vastness of the universe. When self is forgotten and thoughts are replaced by desire for togetherness of the greater good of all, it becomes a higher plane of being, also known as holiness. This is the first thing that must happen for us to be closer to God, one must consider their hearts desires then analyze if it is pure Love or is it simply coveting. If this train of thought were applied, we will find that Love pours out of us for everything in all directions. Without pure Love there would be nothing, not even you or I. Pure Love is what keeps God alive. This code is written in the fiber of life, from tectonics to atoms. The extension of Love sacrifices all, and leads to the path of heaven.
God placed his son here to show us how to love unconditionally. We all have this code surrounding our hearts from birth. Life teaches us to hide this love because disappointment hurts. That is only because we think of ourselves as the most important, yet here we are an insignificant speck in time and space.
To find richness within one must cast aside all fears, trust in the solid foundation and then venture out over the edge. Finding the solid spot is a hard path to follow. Even knowing the trails end does not mean that it can be found. There are many barriers that one must negotiate to find the higher ground with the anchor point. Then cast a line of faith over the brink. Secure yourself to this line and plunge over the edge into the unknown. There you will find the entrance into the treasure vault.
Do not attempt to go after the treasure just to get rich or God will kill you just as dead as the priest and the Peraltas. If there is a pureness of heart and thoughts of how this will better mankind you may be successful.
Skull jesuit.webp Jesuit Mark and Skull of Baphomet
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That's an interesting story sailaway. What stood out for me is the rocks you described....being half light and dark.
Many people may not know about the light and dark side....or really understand the significance of what it means.
The New Testament was originally written in Greek. The Greek word used to describe the division of light and darkness is "prohoridzo". It's translated into our English word "predestined".
It's where we get our English word "horizon" (from the Greek word "prohoridzo").......which means to separate light from darkness. When you read Genesis again with this in gives new meaning to what is being said. It means that He chose who would dwell in the light or who would live in darkness. Many people have a problem with that...Him being in total control of our destiny.

The meaning of all the signs you see in that region would make for an interesting book with so much history there, and the significance of all the signs and their meanings. Maybe it's already been written....

Deganawidah and the Two SnakesB&R Snakes.webpRatle 2.webp
When Deganawidah was leaving the Indians in the Bay of Quinte in Ontario, he told the Indian people that they would face a time of great suffering. They would distrust their leaders and the principles of peace of the League, and a great white serpent was to come upon the Iroquois, and that for a time it would intermingle with the Indian serpent as a friend. This serpent would in time become so powerful that it would attempt to destroy the Indian, and the serpent is described as choking the life’s blood out of the Indian people Deganawidah told the Indians that they would be in such a terrible state at this point that all hope would seem to be lost, and he told them that when things looked their darkest a red serpent would come from the north and approach the white serpent, which would be terrified, and upon seeing the red serpent he would release the Indian, who would fall to the ground almost like a helpless child, and the white serpent would turn all its attention to the red serpent. The bewilderment would cause the white serpent to accept the red one momentarily the white serpent would be stunned and take part of the red serpent and accept him. Then there is a heated argument and a fight. And then the Indian revives and crawls toward the land of the hilly country and then he would assemble his people together, and they would renew their faith and the principles of peace that Deganawidah had established. There would at the same time exist among the Indians a great love and forgiveness for his brother, and in this gathering would come streams from all over -- not only the Iroquois but from all over -- and they would gather in this hilly country, and they would renew their friendship. And Deganawidah said they would remain neutral in this fight between the white and red serpents.
At the time they were watching the two serpents licked in this battle, a great message would come to them, which would make them ever so humble, and when they become that humble, they will be waiting for a young leader, an Indian boy, possibly in his teens, who would be a choice seer. Nobody knows who he is or where he comes from, but he will be given great power, and would be heard by thousands, and he would give them the guidance and the hope to refrain from going back to their land and he would be the accepted leader. And Deganawidah said that they will gather in the land of the hilly country, beneath the branches of an elm tree, and they should burn tobacco and call upon Deganawidah by name when facing the darkest hours, and he will return. Deganawidah said that as the choice seer speaks to the Indians that number as the blades of grass, and he would be heard by all at the same time, and as the Indians are gathered watching the fight, they notice from the south a black serpent coming from the sea, and he is described as dripping with salt water, and as he stands there, he rests for a spell to get his breath, all the time watching to the north to the land where the white and red serpents are fighting.
Deganawidah said that the battle between the white and the red serpents opened very slowly but would then become so violent that the mountains would crack and the rivers would boil and the fish would turn up on their bellies. He said that there would be no leaves on the trees in that area. There would be no grass, and that strange bugs and beetles would crawl from the ground and attack both serpents, and he said that a great heat would cause the stench of death to sicken both serpents. And then, as the boy seer is watching this fight, the red serpent reaches around the back of the white serpent and pulls from him a hair which is carried toward the south by a great wind into the waiting hands of the black serpent, and as the black serpent studies this hair, it suddenly turns into a woman, a white woman who tells him things that he knows to be true but he wants to hear them again. When this white woman finishes telling these things, he takes her and gently places her on a rock with great love and respect, and then he becomes infuriated at what he has heard, so he makes a beeline for the north, and he enters the battle between the red and white serpents with such speed and anger that he defeats the two serpents, who have already been battle weary.
When he finishes, he stand on the chest of the white serpent, and he boasts and puts his chest out like he’s the conqueror, and he looks for another serpent to conquer. He looks to the land of the hilly country and then sees the Indian standing with his arms folded and looking ever so noble that he knows that this Indian is not the one to fight. The next direction that he will face will be eastward and at that time he will be momentarily blinded by a light that is many times brighter than the sun. The light will be coming from the east to the west over the water, and when the black serpent regains his sight, he becomes terrified and makes a beeline for the sea. He dips into the sea and swims away in a southerly direction, and shall never again be seen by the Indians.
The white serpent revives, and he too sees the light, and he makes a feeble attempt to gather himself and go toward that light. A portion of the white serpent refuses to remain but instead makes its way toward the land of the hilly country, and there he will join the Indian People with a great love like that of a lost brother. The rest of the white serpent would go to the sea and dip into the sea and would be lost out of sight for a spell. Then suddenly the white serpent would appear again on the top of the water and he would be slowly swimming toward the light. Deganawidah said that the white serpent would never again be troublesome to the Indian People. The red serpent would revive and he would shiver with great fear when he sees that light. He would crawl to the north and leave a bloody, shaky trail northward, and he would never be seen again by the Indians. Deganawidah said as this light approaches that he would be that light, and he would return to his Indian People, and when he returns, the Indian People would be a greater nation than they had ever been.
It is time for the Indians to gather and renew thier faith. The site in the hilly country has been found and he walks with us and is one of us. It is time for prayers to thank Him for sending us our spirit back. He walks among us right now this boy is waiting for us to listen.
Thomas on West side of top.webp
I believe everything is written from the Big Bang to the End of Time.
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I have 2 great grandmothers that were full blood on my mothers side and one on my dads side.
I can relate to the fate of the Indians.........a culture that was lost to ignorance and greed.

The First Tumacacori ?
Indian council Rio Del Oro and broken Heart.webp The Rio Del Oro and The Heart with Indian Guides
Here is another interesting fact about this area. When you take and look at the Tumacacori map then look at left side you see the areas that intersect the line drawn from the mine. if you draw a line from the points of the turns on forest road 172 A then it lines up with the mine on the far side of Iron Mountain. The 5 on the horse map is exactly where the line says Agua de San Ramon. The SE Divida is right on the Pass. Now does that mean that we can use this to find the Temple?
Also I found that using the Priest on the East side of Iron Mountain, on the north side of the road, east of the trail head road, you could use the Tumacacori map, place the junto de pristas on the priest. Then the triangle lines up with Iron Mountain, then the grave of Reavis also lines up directly. SE Divida lines up with the split in the trails. Place the other side of the triangle on the Monument over the cliff dwellings and it lines up and points to a much larger heart without a "M" which is a "P" in the word Mapa written across the hills. This heart is at the split of Rough Canyon. It appears to be an exact match the the smaller one next to the monument on the hill only much larger.
A curious thing came up in my research of this area. I read a story about a geologist that worked for mines in the vicinity that had noticed patterns of the local strata. When he documented his findings the Mines promptly fired him and has not been able to get employment in his field of work essentially black-balled.
In my search for geographics of the area I found that nothing was available. Aero-magnetics stopped short just north, Geologic maps were omitted, There are no legal mining claims in the area, and none can be obtained.

AAPG Datapages/Archives: Cenozoic Structure and Evolution of the Boundary Between the Basin and Range and Transition Zone Provinces in Arizona

After reviewing many things I am sure this is a Jesuit site and could even be the starting of the Skull and Bones, and Illuminati in America. Look at the skull shaped rock under the alter, and above the snake head there is a "Bone" Pile. This site may be of even more recent history than just the Jesuits of old.
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Ball Lightening and the Thunder God
( Ball lightning - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia )
For those wanting proof of the Mina Virgon de Guadalupe as the Lost Dutchman mine, here we go. Let us analyze the Indian version of the Thunder God that is right under the mine. It is known by the Europeans as the Chimera and the Orb. The Orb is an energy ball that looks like a translucent smokey grey-black ball with what looks like lightning inside that glows and bounces around as if alive but it is not.
The Chimera is an animal who has more than one gene, and was originally thought of as a Lion, Dragon and Goat cross breed. The genes are mixed up to form one being, with the genes in separate parts of the body.
The rocks over this part of Rogers Canyon have the shapes of these creatures, so the Europeans called it the Chimera. The location of each of these creatures shapes form a circular circuit with wire gold attaching them all together forming an electrical transmission array, namely an Acoustic Wave Transducer Array. This array when excited by the passing of an electrical storm will be powered up and produce a harmonic vibration within the surface of the earth and a strong magnetic field is produced. When all conditions are meet an Orb is produced that is an energy ball contained within the sonic or sound casing. this Orb known as a lightning-ball will float, dance, dart and move about following the magnetic field. It is not hampered by solid mass and can pass through solid objects, yet tends to "bounce off" the objects it encounters. Pilots of aircraft have witnessed this phenomenon when flying in or near electrical storms.'s_fire The energy ball forms in front of the nose of the aircraft and can do many strange things from exploding to moving off at a high rate of speed. As a young man I used to hear my father talk about these when he flew planes for the United States Navy. His aircraft produced a large electromagnetic field because it had a very large magnetometer and very large radar on board connected to some of the first computers operated by scientist. Coming across the phenomenon in nature is no surprise to me. Black Orbs are associated with particle accelerators today.
Here we have Indians who have seen this energy ball in the Superstition Mountains long before they knew of electricity. Naturally a non-scientific mind would conclude that this moving thing must be alive. Spiritualist believe they are spirits, yet it is only energy contained by harmonic vibrations. The Indian observers concluded that this was indeed some creature that was alive yet not bound to earth as creatures are so must be a God, hence the name "Thunder God" because its appearance was always timed with an electrical storm. This Orb could be the generator for many things such as the Phoenix Lights and the Magnetic vortexes in Arizona. It is produced by Nature and is not a Spirit, Demon or any living thing. I see signs that the energy could be coupled to produce power.
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This picture was taken early in the morning after a night of large electrical storms

here is another orb taken from below the cliff dwellings
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Notice the similarity of the peaks in the above photo to the drawing Waltz made.
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this photo was taken from the other side of the right hand rocks looking back up the trail
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Our Lady of Guadalupe (Spanish: Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe),
also known as the Virgin of Guadalupe (Spanish: Virgen de Guadalupe).
1531_Nuestra_Señora_de_Guadalupe_anagoria.webp Holy Lance.gif
Official Catholic accounts state that on the morning of December 9, 1531, Juan Diego saw an apparition of a young girl on a hill. Speaking to him in Nahuatl, the girl asked that a church be built at that site in her honor. Diego told his story to the Spanish Archbishop of Mexico City, Fray Juan de Zumárraga, who instructed him to return to the hill, and ask the "lady" for a miraculous sign to prove her identity. The Virgin told Juan Diego to gather flowers from the top of the hill. Although December was very late in the growing season for flowers to bloom, Juan Diego found Castilian roses, not native to Mexico, on the normally barren hilltop. The Virgin arranged these in his peasant cloak or tilma. When Juan Diego opened his cloak before Bishop Zumárraga on December 12, the flowers fell to the floor, and on the fabric was the image of the Virgin of Guadalupe. the earliest account of the apparition, the Nican Mopohua, written in the Nahuatl language around 1556, the Virgin Mary tells Juan Bernardino, the uncle of Juan Diego, that the image left on the tilma is to be known by the name "the Perfect Virgin, Holy Mary of Guadalupe."
In his 1675 work Felicidad de Mexico, Becerra Tanco claimed that Juan Bernardino and Juan Diego would not have been able to understand the name Guadalupe because the "d" and "g" sounds do not exist in Nahuatl. He proposed two Nahuatl alternative names that sound similar to "Guadalupe", Tecuatlanopeuh [tekʷat͡ɬaˈnopeʍ], "she whose origins were in the rocky summit", and Tecuantlaxopeuh [tekʷant͡ɬaˈʃopeʍ], "she who banishes those who devoured us." Ondina and Justo Gonzalez suggest that the name is a Spanish version of the Nahuatl term, Coātlaxopeuh [koaːt͡ɬaˈʃopeʍ], meaning “the one who crushes the serpent,” and that it may be referring to the feathered serpent Quetzalcoatl. In addition, Mary was portrayed in European art as crushing the serpent of the Garden of Eden.
The first extended account of the image and apparitions was reported in Imagen de la Virgen Maria, Madre de Dios de Guadalupe, published in 1648 by Miguel Sánchez, a diocesan priest of Mexico City. Luis Lasso de la Vega wrote a 36-page tract in Nahuatl language, Huei tlamahuiçoltica ("The Great Event"), which was published in 1649 and is similar to Sánchez's narrative. This tract contains Nican mopohua ("Here it is recounted"), a text about the Virgin which contains the story of the apparitions and the supernatural origin of the image. The sections: Nican motecpana ("Here is an ordered account"), describes 14 miracles connected with Our Lady of Guadalupe, and Nican tlantica ("Here ends"), gives an account of the Virgin in New Spain
In 1666 the Church, with the intention of establishing a feast day in the name of Juan Diego, began gathering information from people who reported having known him. In 1723 a formal investigation into his life was ordered. In 1995, Father Xavier Escalada, a Jesuit writing an encyclopedia of the Guadalupan legend, produced a deer-skin codex, (Codex Escalada), which illustrated an account of the vision and the life and death of Juan Diego. the document was dated 1548, within the lifetime of those who had known Juan Diego. It bore the signatures of two respected 16th-century scholar-priests, Antonio Valeriano and Bernardino de Sahagún.
Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe is recognized as a symbol of Catholic Mexicans. Miguel Sánchez, the author of the first Spanish language account of the vision, identified Guadalupe as Revelation's Woman of the Apocalypse. In 1999, the Church officially proclaimed her the Patroness of the Americas, the Empress of Latin America, and the Protectress of Unborn Children. Hernán Cortés, the Conquistador who overthrew the Aztec empire in 1521, was a native of Extremadura, home to Our Lady of Guadalupe.
guadalupe eye.webp
In 1929 and 1951 photographers found a figure reflected in the Virgin's eyes; upon inspection they said that the reflection was tripled in what is called the Purkinje effect, commonly found in human eyes. An ophthalmologist, Dr. Jose Aste Tonsmann, later enlarged an image of the Virgin's eyes by 2500x and claimed to have found not only the aforementioned single figure, but images of all the witnesses present when the tilma was first revealed before Zumárraga in 1531, plus a small family group of mother, father, and a group of children, in the center of the Virgin's eyes, fourteen people in all.
Our Lady of Guadalupe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This site is named after the "MOTHER OF GOD", is it the real place of the vision? Is this where the sword and spear of Tubal Cain was placed?, waiting for the Anti-Christ to retrieve them?
cherubimandaflamingsword.webp Aduno.webp

The very Spear used to kill Abel was kept between the Temple and the Altar. Only priests and their fellow Levites were allowed in this space, and then only during the performance of their official duties. The only weapon known to have been left in this precise location was the ritual Spear that served as the symbol of authority of the Captain of the Temple, who was second only to the High Priest himself.
Where is the spear of destiny? Here is a clue.
"Joseph arranged the escape of the family and friends of Jesus. They became a tiny band of exiles, who cast away in an oar-less, rudder-less boat, with little provision, and were left to the mercy of the tempests. In this vessel was some of Jesus? The most beloved: His uncle and life-long guardian, the well-reputed Joseph of Arimathea, the-Nobilis Decurio, honorable merchant for Jerusalem and Rome. There was Jesus? Treasured mother, Mary, his beloved ladies, Mary Magdalene, and the Bethany sisters, Mary and Martha, and Salome. There was the Apostle Phillip. And there were others: fourteen in all. When this little vessel had miraculously been carried across the Great Sea, it ground ashore on the coasts of Gaul"
Notice the 14 people are the same as the number of people in the Virgan de Guadalupe's eyes.

hitler and spear of destiny.webp masonserpentjb.webp
Hitler was searching for the Spear of Destiny but never found it.
He had found out that the one he had was a fake.

William Henry
4. Spear of Destiny - Mystic Order of Noble Knowledge
(More Down)

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(from Nahuatl quetzalli, “tail feather of the quetzal bird [Pharomachrus mocinno],” and coatl, “snake”),
The Feathered Serpent, one of the major deities of the ancient Americans. Is the Snake on the Mina Virgon the original Snake that was of legend across the Americas? Quetzalcóatl seems to have been conceived as a vegetation god—an earth and water deity closely associated with the rain god. In Aztec times (14th through 16th centuries) Quetzalcóatl was revered as the patron of priests, the inventor of the calendar and of books, and the protector of goldsmiths and other craftsmen; he was identified with the planet Venus. As the morning and evening star, Quetzalcóatl was the symbol of death and resurrection. He is also a god of the wind (the wind-god Ehecatl is one of his forms), as well as a water-god and fertility-god. He is regarded as a son of the virgin goddess Coatlicue and as the twin brother of Xolotl. As the bringer of culture he introduced agriculture (maize) and the calendar and is the patron of the arts and the crafts.
Quetzalcóatl’s calendar name was Ce Acatl (One Reed). The belief that Quetzalcoatl, described as light-skinned and bearded, and would return from the east in a One Reed year led the Aztec sovereign Montezuma II to regard the Spanish conqueror Hernán Cortés and and his comrades as divine envoys, because 1519, the year in which they landed on the Mexican Gulf coast, was a One Reed year.
The cult of the serpent in Mesoamerica is very old; there are representations of snakes with bird-like characteristics as old as the Olmec preclassic (1150-500 BC). The tradition of Quetzalcoatl originated in Central America near the time of Christ’s crucifixion. Various written accounts establish the following beliefs regarding Quetzalcoatl that were prevalent in Mesoamerica during the sixteenth century—

• He was born of a virgin.
• He was associated with a new star.
• He performed miracles.
• He taught the practice of baptism.
• He was associated with the cross.
• He was a symbol of death and resurrection.
• He sent disciples to preach His word.
• He prophesied of future events.
• He promised He would come a second time.
• He was the Creator of all things.
• He caused a great destruction in Central America circa 34 A.D.
• His children will become lords and heirs of the earth.

Taken together, these beliefs clearly mirror the accounts of Jesus Christ’s birth, death and ministry in Palestine that are recorded in the New Testament. There exists two accounts to how the Aztecs saw the Creation myth. One comes from the Legend of the Suns and the other from the Latin Vatican Codex 3738. Maya say the primordial crocodile rests in a pool filled with water- lilies. On its back is the Earth. Flat, it has four corners corresponding to four cardinal directions.The Sky was created form a double- headed serpent. On the body of this serpent were the paths crossed by the sun, moon, planets, etc. The Heavens were thirteen tiered. It was supported either by four skybearers or five trees ( four in each cardinal direction and one in the center).
The falling of Cygnus the Swan relates to the Hopi prophecy of the return of Massau and the emergence of the Fifth World. "It will come when the Saquasohuh (Blue Star) Kachina dances in the plaza and removes his mask. He represents a blue star, far off and yet invisible, which will make its appearance soon." The Hopi Blue Star Kachina taking off his mask and dancing in the plaza draws its meaning from the Mayan Maize God imagery. The Hopi were guided to live in their Fifth World after rising out of the Fourth World to the South. The Hopi were given their tablets by the Massau and the Elder White-Robed brother with instructions to recall the stonework from their former homeland. The research leads to a journey with a community of maize growers who left Teotihuacan with their Lord Quetzalcoatl who gave them tablets and a prophetic message of his return on the end of their homelands Long Count Calendar.
Quetzalcoatl’s name as Plumed Serpent occurs also among the North West-Coast Salish, as Quaaqua, and the Tlingit, as Yetl. The Zuni language named him, Kaloowise and the Hopi called him, Palulukon (Wuwuchim). Based on the description of Quetzalcoatl as a travelling white-robed healer and sage, various derivatives of Ehecatl, Lord of the Wind, and Huitzilopochtli, Lord of the House of Dawn, are also attributed to Quetzalcoatl. The Puan of the Georgia region called him, Eseecowah, also meaning Wind and Water Lord. Those as far north as the Algonquin called him, Chee-zoos, God of the Dawn Light.
Hebrews in america.webp
The White Robed sage carved on the Newark, Ohio Decalogue Stone found beneath the grave of an ancient Native American priest. The stone contains carvings of the Ten Commandments in ancient Phoenician /Hebrew Script. The Kalispel and Flatheads of the Montana region expected the return of their bearded white-robed sage whom they called, Shining Shirt. Their ancient myths and stories of Shining Shirt were complemented by a vision of a dying 12 year-old Kalispel girl in the late 1800s. She saw a woman who called herself Mary with a child enter the door of her teepee. The decision of the majority of Mayans to follow the message of Our Lady of Guadeloupe points to the answer.

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Garden of Eden and Atlantis?
The Garden of Eden (Hebrew גַּן עֵדֶן, Gan ʿEdhen) is the biblical "Garden of God", described most notably in the Book of Genesis chapters 2 and 3, and also in the book of Ezekiel. The "Garden of God", not called Eden, is mentioned in Genesis 14, and the "trees of the garden" are mentioned in Ezekiel 31. The Book of Zechariah and the Book of Psalms also refer to trees and water in relation to the temple without explicitly mentioning Eden.
The story of Eden echoes the Mesopotamian myth of a king, as a primordial man, who is placed in a divine garden to guard the tree of life. In the Hebrew Bible, Adam and Eve are depicted as walking around the Garden of Eden naked due to their innocence. Eden and its rivers may signify the real Jerusalem, the Temple of Solomon, or the Promised Land. It may also represent the divine garden on Zion, and the mountain of God, which was also Jerusalem. The imagery of the Garden, with its serpent and cherubs, has been compared to the images of the Solomonic Temple with its copper serpent, the nehushtan, and guardian cherubs.
White gods is the belief that ancient cultures around the world were visited by Caucasian races in ancient times, and that they were known as "White gods". Based on 16th-century accounts of the Spanish conquistadors being "greeted as gods" by the peoples of the New World, certain modern authors have expanded the concept beyond what is historically verifiable. It is claimed by some authors that white missionaries or "gods" visited America before Christopher Columbus. Authors usually quote from mythology and legends which discuss ancient gods such as Quetzalcoatl to conclude that the legends were actually based on Caucasians visiting those areas, and that the Caucasians were really the gods.
Spanish chroniclers from the 16th century claimed that when the conquistadors led by Francisco Pizarro first encountered the Inca's they were greeted as gods, "Viracochas", because their lighter skin resembled their God Viracocha. This story was first reported by Pedro Cieza de León (1553) and later by Pedro Sarmiento de Gamboa. Similar accounts by Spanish chroniclers (Juan de Betanzos) describe Viracocha as a "White God", often with a beard.
Colonel A. Braghine in his 1940 book The Shadow of Atlantis claimed that the Carib people have reports and legends of a white bearded man who they called Tamu or Zune who had come from the East and taught the people agriculture, he later disappeared in an "easterly direction". Braghine also claimed Manco Cápac was a white bearded man.
The Atlantis author Gerd von Hassler linked the "White gods" to the biblical flood.
The writer Robert F. Marx has written extensively about the concept of "White gods", Marx came to the conclusion that white gods "figure in almost every indigenous culture in the Americas."
The British writer Harold T. Wilkins took the concept of the white gods the furthest, writing that a vanished white race had occupied the whole of South America in ancient times. Wilkins also claimed that Quetzalcoatl was from Atlantis.
James H. Madole was influenced by Arianism and Hinduism wrote that the Aryan race was of great antiquity and had been worshiped worldwide by lower races as "white gods". Madole also wrote that the Aryans originated in the Garden of Eden located in North America.
Some Mormons believe that Quetzalcoatl, a figure described as white and bearded, who came from the sky and promised to return, was likely Jesus Christ. According to the scriptural account recorded in the Book of Mormon, Jesus Christ visited and taught natives of the Americas following his resurrection, and regarded them as the "other sheep," he had referenced during his mortal ministry. The Book of Mormon also claims that Jesus Christ appeared to others, following his resurrection, even to the inhabitants on the "isles of the sea." This latter reference, may offer additional consideration of certain Polynesian accounts. With regard to the Mexican legend, LDS Church President John Taylor wrote: "The story of the life of the Mexican divinity, Quetzalcoatl, closely resembles that of the Savior; so closely, indeed, that we can come to no other conclusion than that Quetzalcoatl and Christ are the same being."
Plato's monarchy was a philosophic democracy; for all men had the right to become wise through self-discipline and self-improvement. One who achieved this state was by virtue of his own action a superior man, and this superiority was the only aristocracy recognized by Natural Law.
Competition is natural to the ignorant; and cooperation is natural to the wise. Obeying the pattern established by the gods, the divine kings bound themselves into the common league to obey its laws, preserve the peace, and punish any whose ambition might impel them to tyranny or conquest. The citizens were happy, and poverty was unknown. A world trade was established, and the ships of the Atlantian marine traveled the seven seas, bringing rich treasures to the motherland. There was little crime; the arts flourished; and the sciences were cultivated in great universities. Men had no enemies, and war was unknown. Men followed the occupations which they preferred and lived a communal existence, together sharing the fruits of their labors.The Human being was not created merely to engage in barter and exchange, but rather to perfect himself as the noblest of the animals, endowed with reason and the natural ruler of the material world. The god Poseidon guarded the destinies of his domains and favored the Atlantic Empire with a good climate and fertile soil.
Plato describes the gradual change that came about in the course of the ages. In the beginning the Atlantians saw clearly that their wealth and prosperity increased as a result of friendship. But gradually the divine portion of their consciousness began to fade away in them; their souls became diluted with a mortal admixture and human nature gained ascendancy. They became unseemly and lost those spiritual virtues which were the fairest of their precious gifts.

Could this all add up to be the same place? The new worlds valley of the Kings? What else could this site be? It leaves one a lot to ponder.

"Lastly, I would address one general admonition to all; that they consider what are the true ends of knowledge, and that they seek it not either for pleasure of the mind, or for contention, or for superiority to others, or for profit, or fame, or power, or any of these inferior things; but for the benefit and use of Life; and that they perfect and govern it in charity." -- Francis Bacon

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just got back from trail.
Mina Virgon path.webpPath to mine.webpSouth West Wall Rogers.webpRogers Canyon at bend.webpWest side of top.webpWest Canyon Wall.webpEast Canyon Wall from Mine.webpWhite Mountian from Mina Virgon.webp

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Now that looks like the Iron Mountain, White Mountain area.
East of the Supes.

Ball Lightening and the Thunder God
View attachment 977623View attachment 977634
( Ball lightning - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia )
For those wanting proof of the Mina Virgon de Guadalupe as the Lost Dutchman mine, here we go. Let us analyze the Indian version of the Thunder God that is right under the mine. It is known by the Europeans as the Chimera and the Orb. The Orb is an energy ball that looks like a translucent smokey grey-black ball with what looks like lightning inside that glows and bounces around as if alive but it is not.
The Chimera is an animal who has more than one gene, and was originally thought of as a Lion, Dragon and Goat cross breed. The genes are mixed up to form one being, with the genes in separate parts of the body. Chimeras and Mosaics | Science | Strange Days | Fortean Times
The rocks over this part of Rogers Canyon have the shapes of these creatures, so the Europeans called it the Chimera. The location of each of these creatures shapes form a circular circuit with wire gold attaching them all together forming an electrical transmission array, namely an Acoustic Wave Transducer Array. This array when excited by the passing of an electrical storm will be powered up and produce a harmonic vibration within the surface of the earth and a strong magnetic field is produced. When all conditions are meet an Orb is produced that is an energy ball contained within the sonic or sound casing. this Orb known as a lightning-ball will float, dance, dart and move about following the magnetic field. It is not hampered by solid mass and can pass through solid objects, yet tends to "bounce off" the objects it encounters. Pilots of aircraft have witnessed this phenomenon when flying in or near electrical storms. The energy ball forms in front of the nose of the aircraft and can do many strange things from exploding to moving off at a high rate of speed. As a young man I used to hear my father talk about these when he flew planes for the United States Navy. His aircraft produced a large electromagnetic field because it had a very large magnetometer and very large radar on board connected to some of the first computers operated by scientist. Coming across the phenomenon in nature is no surprise to me. Black Orbs are associated with particle accelerators today.
Here we have Indians who have seen this energy ball in the Superstition Mountains long before they knew of electricity. Naturally a non-scientific mind would conclude that this moving thing must be alive. Spiritualist believe they are spirits, yet it is only energy contained by harmonic vibrations. The Indian observers concluded that this was indeed some creature that was alive yet not bound to earth as creatures are so must be a God, hence the name "Thunder God" because its appearance was always timed with an electrical storm. This Orb could be the generator for many things such as the Phoenix Lights and the Magnetic vortexes in Arizona. It is produced by Nature and is not a Spirit, Demon or any living thing. I see signs that the energy could be coupled to produce power.
View attachment 977665
This picture was taken early in the morning after a night of large electrical storms
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Don't forget the lettering going up the hill and the carved rock formations

Sailaway, you got my attention. The Mina Virgon is interesting topic. I will PM you.

Take 3D photos of the rock face and play with the hue/saturation/brightness/contrast setting to expose the shadow directions/faces/letters/numbers, in the photo's.

The Spanish Jesuit used snakes, faces, skulls, priests, latin, ancient phoenician and hebrew script, numbers, crosses, ships, swords, knives, daggers, turtles, sheep, cows, alligators, parrots and many many more symbols, near their buried/hidden treasures.

When your getting closer to the oro... you will start seeing many 7's, 3's, 5's, n's, y's, j's, f's, jfy's, jf's.

You will barely see designs just under the soil. Letters and numbers will be found in triangles and circles with ancient phoenician and hebrew script, on the ground and hillside's. Stones are set side by side on the ground to spell out the words, you will find numbers. You will find littler stones side by side to find letters. You will find sage and greasewood bushes to spell out words, these letters are 30 feet across. These are vegetation codes; they use tree, stones, rock, cactus, hill's.

Just do not take what you see, for granted... or that they are just there. They are there for a purpose! To the unknowing, everything is normal looking... but to the trained eye... it is a whole different ballgame.

You have to investigate these areas like you were a cop on a crime scene. Everything is there, but over time with wind, rain, erosion, blowing sand and dirt, vandalism... many of these have faded.

To expose an image from all directions for an image to appear, you need a 3D camera, (shoots 2D stills).

This camera works very well from 0-40 feet. I own one.

Buy One!!

Panasonic Lumix 3D Review 2014 | Best 3D Digital Camera Comparison - TopTenREVIEWS

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(from Nahuatl quetzalli, “tail feather of the quetzal bird [Pharomachrus mocinno],” and coatl, “snake”),
View attachment 986977
The Feathered Serpent, one of the major deities of the ancient Americans. Is the Snake on the Mina Virgon the original Snake that was of legend across the Americas? Quetzalcóatl seems to have been conceived as a vegetation god—an earth and water deity closely associated with the rain god. In Aztec times (14th through 16th centuries) Quetzalcóatl was revered as the patron of priests, the inventor of the calendar and of books, and the protector of goldsmiths and other craftsmen; he was identified with the planet Venus. As the morning and evening star, Quetzalcóatl was the symbol of death and resurrection. He is also a god of the wind (the wind-god Ehecatl is one of his forms), as well as a water-god and fertility-god. He is regarded as a son of the virgin goddess Coatlicue and as the twin brother of Xolotl. As the bringer of culture he introduced agriculture (maize) and the calendar and is the patron of the arts and the crafts.
Quetzalcóatl’s calendar name was Ce Acatl (One Reed). The belief that Quetzalcoatl, described as light-skinned and bearded, and would return from the east in a One Reed year led the Aztec sovereign Montezuma II to regard the Spanish conqueror Hernán Cortésand and his comrades as divine envoys, because 1519, the year in which they landed on the Mexican Gulf coast, was a One Reed year.
The cult of the serpent in Mesoamerica is very old; there are representations of snakes with bird-like characteristics as old as the Olmec preclassic (1150-500 BC). The tradition of Quetzalcoatl originated in Central America near the time of Christ’s crucifixion. Various written accounts establish the following beliefs regarding Quetzalcoatl that were prevalent in Mesoamerica during the sixteenth century—

• He was born of a virgin.
• He was associated with a new star.
• He performed miracles.
• He taught the practice of baptism.
• He was associated with the cross.
• He was a symbol of death and resurrection.
• He sent disciples to preach His word.
• He prophesied of future events.
• He promised He would come a second time.
• He was the Creator of all things.
• He caused a great destruction in Central America circa 34 A.D.
• His children will become lords and heirs of the earth.

Taken together, these beliefs clearly mirror the accounts of Jesus Christ’s birth, death and ministry in Palestine that are recorded in the New Testament. There exists two accounts to how the Aztecs saw the Creation myth. One comes from the Legend of the Suns and the other from the Latin Vatican Codex 3738. Maya say the primordial crocodile rests in a pool filled with water- lilies. On its back is the Earth. Flat, it has four corners corresponding to four cardinal directions.The Sky was created form a double- headed serpent. On the body of this serpent were the paths crossed by the sun, moon, planets, etc. The Heavens were thirteen tiered. It was supported either by four skybearers or five trees ( four in each cardinal direction and one in the center).
The falling of Cygnus the Swan relates to the Hopi prophecy of the return of Massau and the emergence of the Fifth World. "It will come when the Saquasohuh (Blue Star) Kachina dances in the plaza and removes his mask. He represents a blue star, far off and yet invisible, which will make its appearance soon." The Hopi Blue Star Kachina taking off his mask and dancing in the plaza draws its meaning from the Mayan Maize God imagery. The Hopi were guided to live in their Fifth World after rising out of the Fourth World to the South. The Hopi were given their tablets by the Massau and the Elder White-Robed brother with instructions to recall the stonework from their former homeland. The research leads to a journey with a community of maize growers who left Teotihuacan with their Lord Quetzalcoatl who gave them tablets and a prophetic message of his return on the end of their homelands Long Count Calendar.
Quetzalcoatl’s name as Plumed Serpent occurs also among the North West-Coast Salish, as Quaaqua, and the Tlingit, as Yetl. The Zuni language named him, Kaloowise and the Hopi called him, Palulukon (Wuwuchim). Based on the description of Quetzalcoatl as a travelling white-robed healer and sage, various derivatives of Ehecatl, Lord of the Wind, and Huitzilopochtli, Lord of the House of Dawn, are also attributed to Quetzalcoatl. The Puan of the Georgia region called him, Eseecowah, also meaning Wind and Water Lord. Those as far north as the Algonquin called him, Chee-zoos, God of the Dawn Light.
View attachment 986970
The White Robed sage carved on the Newark, Ohio Decalogue Stone found beneath the grave of an ancient Native American priest. The stone contains carvings of the Ten Commandments in ancient Phoenician /Hebrew Script. The Kalispel and Flatheads of the Montana region expected the return of their bearded white-robed sage whom they called, Shining Shirt. Their ancient myths and stories of Shining Shirt were complemented by a vision of a dying 12 year-old Kalispel girl in the late 1800s. She saw a woman who called herself Mary with a child enter the door of her teepee. The decision of the majority of Mayans to follow the message of Our Lady of Guadeloupe points to the answer.

The same Ancient Phoenician Hebrew Script you see on this figurine, you will find on the ground and on the rock, all over the world

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Coronado and the Coazones Valley

In 1540 Francisco Vazquez Coronado and the army build the town of San Geronimo in Corazones Valley.(Valley of Hearts)
Popular as was the expedition to the Seven Cities of Cibola, there was a little opposition to the undertaking. When it became evident that a large force was about to leave Mexico, some of those who were to remain behind complained that all New Spain was being depopulated, and that no one would be left to defend the country in case of an Indian uprising. . As the men passed before the viceregal party the secretaries made an exact count and description of the force, The men who assembled at Oompostela to start for the Seven Cities numbered, two hundred and sixty Spaniards on horseback, two hundred footmen, and more than a thousand friendly Indians and Indian servants. Arms, horses, and supplies were furnished in abundance; money was advanced from the royal chest to any who had debts to pay before they could depart, and provision was made for the support of those who were about to be left behind by fathers, brothers, or husbands.
The young cavaliers curbed the picked horses from the large stock farms of the viceroy, each resplendent in long blankets flowing to the ground. Each rider held his lance erect, while his sword and other weapons hung in their proper places at his side. Some were arrayed in coats of mail, polished to shine like that of their general, whose gilded armor with its brilliant trappings was to bring him many hard blows a few months later. Others wore iron helmets or vizored headpieces of the tough bullhide for which the country has ever been famous. The footmen carried crossbows and harquebuses, while some of them were armed with sword and shield. The native allies in their paint and holiday attire, armed with the club and the bow of an Indian warrior. All these started off Monday, February 23, 1540 in the morning, in duly ordered companies, with their banners flying, upward of a thousand servants and followers, black men and red men, , went with them, leading the spare horses, driving the pack animals, bearing the extra baggage of their masters, or herding the large droves of big and little cattle, oxen and cows, sheep, and, swine, to assure fresh food for the army on its march. There were more than a thousand horses in the train of the force, besides the mules, loaded with camp supplies and provisions, and carrying half a dozen pieces of light artillery — the pedreros, or swivel guns of the period.
The Sonora River was followed nearly to its source before a pass was discovered. On the northern side of the mountains he found a stream, the Hexpa, he called it. The party followed this river valley until they reached the edge of the wilderness, where, as Friar Marcos had described it to them, they found Ohichilticalli. Here the party camped for two days, which was as long as the general dared to delay, in order to rest the horses, who had begun to give out sometime before as a result of overloading, rough roads, and poor feed.
Coronado entered the wilderness, the White Mountain Apache country of Arizona, on Saint John's eve, and Coronado's letter stated, "to refresh our former traumatizes, the first days we found no grass, but worse was the way of mountaines and bad passages."
Coronado continued on to the Cities of Cibola from here. But his exact path is still unknown to this day.
The main portion of the army remained at Culiacan, under the command of Don Tristan de Arellano, when Coronado started for Cibola with his small party of companions. Some time between the first and middle of May, the army started to follow the route of the advance party. The whole force marched on foot, carrying their lances and other weapons, in order that the horses and other beasts, numbering more than six hundred, might all be loaded with provisions. It had taken Coronado and his party of horsemen, eager to push on toward their destination, more than a month to make the journey to Corazones or Hearts valley. We can only guess how much longer it took the slowly marching army to cover this first half of the distance to Cibola.
The orders which the general had left with Arellano were that he should take the army to this valley, where a good store of provisions had been found by Melchior Diaz, and there wait for further instructions. Coronado promised to send for his soldiers as soon as he was sure that there was a country of the Seven Cities for them to conquer and settle.
In the valley of Corazones, which had been given its name by Cabeza de Vaca in his march from the Texas Coast, Arellano kept the soldiers busy by building a town, naming it San Geronimo de los Corazones — Saint Jerome of the Hearts.
Melchior Diaz had been directed to stay in the new town of San Geronimo, to maintain this post and to open communication with the seacoast. He selected seventy or eighty men — those least fitted for the hardships and struggles of exploration and conquest — who remained to settle the new town and to make an expedition toward the coast. The remainder of the army prepared to rejoin their Coronado at Cibola, and by the middle of September the start was made.

Don Garcia Lopez de Cardenas was informed of the death of his brother, by which he became heir to the family estates. Cardenas had broken his arm on the plains, and this injury was still troubling him when he received permission to return to "New Spain". He was accompanied by the messengers carrying letters to the viceroy and by ten or twelve other invalids, "not one of whom could have done any fighting." The party had no trouble, however, until they reached the Corazones Valley, the settlement which had taken the place of San Geronimo was now on the Santa Cruz River. Pedro de Tovar had reduced the already feeble garrison at the Geronimo post by half, when he took away the reinforcements six months before to the new town to the south. The town had been much weakened by desertions, as well as by the loss of its commander, the invaluable Melchior Diaz. The Indians quickly discerned the condition of the town, and its defenders were unable to maintain friendly relations with the surrounding tribes. When Cardenas reached the place, he found everything burned to the ground, and the bodies of Spaniards, Indians, and horses lying about. Indeed, he seems barely to have saved the invalids accompanying him from being added to the number of the massacred.
Question, is Rogers Canyon and surrounding area the Valley of Hearts?

According to this German Jesuit Map, San Geronimo was in modern day Mexico south of Texas's big bend, however it shows that the Apache lands are the Big Bend area. Was this a mistake? Does it mean that San Geronimo and the Apache lands were close to each other?
According to Texas State handbook reads " The arrival of the first Spanish expedition at the Pass of the North in 1581 marked the beginning of more than 400 years of history in the El Paso area. It was followed in 1598 by the colonizing expedition under Juan de Oñate. On April 30, 1598, in a ceremony at a site near present San Elizario, Oñate took formal possession of the entire territory drained by the Rio Grande and brought Spanish civilization to the Pass of the North. In 1659 Fray García de San Francisco founded Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe Mission, which still stands in downtown Ciudad Juárez, the oldest structure in the El Paso area. The Pueblo revolt of 1680 sent Spanish colonists and Tigua Indians of New Mexico fleeing southward to take refuge at the Pass. By 1682 five settlements were founded south of the river-El Paso del Norte, San Lorenzo, Senecú, Ysleta, and Socorro, thus providing the Pass with a concentration of population from that time to the present. A presidio was built in 1684. The area became a trade center on one of the historic caminos reales, or royal highways, and agriculture flourished, particularly the vineyards, producing wine and brandy that ranked in quality with the best in the realm. " This map shows El Paso del Norte so we know the map is later than 1598 (almost 70 years after San Geronimo was founded and lost), but more than likely it was some time after 1682, (160 years after San Geronimo had fell off the map).

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The Sombrero and the link to the Perfil Map AKA Ruth/Peralta Map
El Sombrero.webp DSC_7122 Western part of Mine.webp
This picture is looking east at the Cliff Dwellings in Rogers Canyon. If a person looks you will see a large Sombrero that is positioned from the top of the Mountain to the valley. floor, where the Cliff dwellings are. Second picture is the area of the cliff Dwellings with Spanish Sun-signs. This is also a similar view of the Peralta map that Adolph Ruth had
How ever upon closer examination you will also see that the Sombrero turns into a horses head and viewed from the leveled off peak you will see the whole horse. Looking North at the valley floor you may notice the exact pinwheel of the Lue map.
Exact image of Horse Map.webp Horse on Map revealed.webp
The next important fact is that you must climb to the Golden heart to find the marker for the Mina Virgon that is across the Canyon in the Saddle. When you get to the Marker for the Mina Virgon then one looks toward the east at Iron Mountain then you see with Zoom a Large Face that has been damaged from removal of the upper part of the head. What is left is one eye and the rest of the face. Geronimo stated if he knew how to put it back together he would have. This my friends is the Rock Face of the Thunder God. Looking at this you may spot many things such as the horse in front of the eye and deer jumping or even a sea horse (which may in fact be a Giraffe). The whole thing reminds me of the Cave paintings in Spain.
Iron Mountain Face from monument.webp
Sorry the picture is not of a good quality as was taken with a Camera Phone. This whole exercise takes us full circle to verify that the first photo I posted of the blown up mine in the beginning of this thread is actually the mine. The Perfil map first states that where you are looking at is the highest mountains in the center of the range. Next you must locate the cave with a house in it. There is only one cave with a house in it in the Superstitions that I know of and that is the cliff dwellings in Rogers Canyon. The next clue is the Face of rock that must be found. It is believed that the mine was listed as being under the nose of this large Indian of Stones, but as the map shows it should be on the hill between the Face on Iron Mountain and the Monument site of the canyon.
If you follow the clues right you will find yourself standing on this:
The Gold Mine select.webp

In Rogers Canyon I found a carved heart -m on the rock face.
Heart - m craved.webp
What we are looking at is the heart minus the m described by the stone maps. Above the minus you may be able to make out a carved priest. The priest carving is the M in MAPA followed by the rest of the letters, then below the heart - m is the word Coazon.

DSC_7268 Wide view Gonzales Mine.webp
Here is a wide view of across the canyon from the cliff dwellings, the photo was taken from over the center shaft hole in the Rio Del Oro above the cliff dwellings to the east side.
DSC_7227 Upper Center Shaft.webp
DSC_7269 Gonzles Mine area.webp
Here we can view details described in the Gonzales Map such as the hole in the upper part of the peak.
DSC_7247 Lower Gonzales Tunnel.webp
Is this the tunnel that is on the map? it is in the right location across from the cave with a house in it.
On the same ridge up the canyon you have this rock .

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