CTH, things I found and 1 thing I wish I hadnt found


Bronze Member
Feb 10, 2008
Shreveport, Louisiana
Detector(s) used
Miinelab CTX-3030, Minelab E-Trac, Minelab Explorer II, Whites Dfx
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
CTH, things I found and 1 thing I wish I hadn't found

The hunt was great and I will never forget it and the people who were there. That said, during the trip home on Sunday afternoon, I kept noticing that I had several places on my face and neck that were swelling and itching. When I woke up Monday morning my right eye looked like I had been in a Rocky film. ( and I lost bad) Apparentely there is some kind of flying insect that I am highly allergic to. It had to be little because I never felt anything nor did I see anything. I'm definitely not allergic to skeeters, my state bird, so I don't know what it was. Anyway, yesterday didn't get any better and I had took the term ugly to a new standard. Went to the doctor this morning and I have callitosis from some kind of bites. I got a huge shot and a appointment to come back in the morning. If I look like this tomorrow the doctor said it's straight into the hospital for a few days! Since I take rheumatoid arthritis medicine that lowers my resistance, this could be serious. Go figure.....

But anyway, I ended up with two military buttons, one small button, one token that says "One Free Beer" ( it didn't say where I could get that beer but somebody owes me!) Two 50 cal. shells, one 50 cal bullet, Two 28 cal. bullets, one plain wedding band ring (gold gone), one Viking axe (Lol) and some more unusual finds. Oh yeah, can't forget the rail spike. I'll post pictures when I can see through my right eye to aim the camera.

If you weren't able to make this event, you missed a good one, and to those new and old friends, you made it a special day for me. I'd go back, killer biting bugs and all!!!

Steve ;D

I would have posted pictures of my face but this is a "G" rated site!!! Lol!!
Oh yeah, my little toe that the car battery dropped on in the parking lot at the hotel was broken but not bad. I think I set it metal detecting Sat.....my doctor who is a good friend always just shakes his head when he listens to my stories. I entertain him with all the junk that happens to me but thats another story!

Re: CTH, things I found and 1 thing I wish I hadn't found

Dang Steve, hope you get better soon. I noticed a very small nat sized bug that was biting or stinging out there. Never have encountered them before in Kansas and I dont know if that is what you got hit with.

Get well soon !!!

Re: CTH, things I found and 1 thing I wish I hadn't found

Steve,so sorry to hear this news,buddy.And I won't even mention that you and evy are the only ones because I don't want anyone else have this alliction.In evy's thread I stated what the cause was,take heed.Get well soon and let us know how you are.

Re: CTH, things I found and 1 thing I wish I hadn't found

I don't know what it was but it had to be real small and you never felt them on you. It must have been a "Sooner" bug since I had my LSU shirt on. I should have known that "Sooner" bugs could read.....duh! I just know that Kansas doesn't really have any mean bugs????

Re: CTH, things I found and 1 thing I wish I hadn't found

Juanmoretime said:
I don't know what it was but it had to be real small and you never felt them on you. It must have been a "Sooner" bug since I had my LSU shirt on. I should have known that "Sooner" bugs could read.....duh! I just know that Kansas doesn't really have any mean bugs????

Yes we have what we call deer nats. They can pack a big punch in swelling. They like the areas around the eyes and mouth. Some people don't seemed to be bothered by them. Others suffer an alergic reaction of swelling. Goes away in a week. I have never been bothered by them.


Re: CTH, things I found and 1 thing I wish I hadn't found

Thanks Burdie,

If thats what it was, mark me down as being VERY allergic to them!!!! Next time ( and there will be a next time ) I'll spray everything including places you can't see!!! If I sent you a picture of my eye, it would gross you out!! It looks just like a movie where the old cornerman cuts open a swollen eye so the fighter can see a little bit. With all the biting bugs here in Louisiana, this one has to be one we don't have, now THATS a first!!! Noodle, let's don't order any of these just because we don't have one......I'll leave them to the tough people of Kansas!

Re: CTH, things I found and 1 thing I wish I hadn't found

Nana had the same thing. Mom and I both have poison ivy really bad on our ears arms and neck.Sorry you got bit

Re: CTH, things I found and 1 thing I wish I hadn't found

Lil Gyps The Witch said:
Nana had the same thing. Mom and I both have poison ivy really bad on our ears arms and neck.Sorry you got bit

For that poison ivy - ZanFel - It's expensive,$35 for small tube,but it works! You'll itch for maybe 5min after you get out of the showerthen it's gone! It's sold at walMart also.All the telephone guys use it up here because they contact theivy all the time running the lines.Hope it goes away quickly and doesn't spread.

Re: CTH, things I found and 1 thing I wish I hadn't found

I got a few bites but none that did any swelling thank goodness! Will keep ya in my prayers! Was sure great meeting you finally!

Re: CTH, things I found and 1 thing I wish I hadn't found

Burdie said:
Juanmoretime said:
I don't know what it was but it had to be real small and you never felt them on you. It must have been a "Sooner" bug since I had my LSU shirt on. I should have known that "Sooner" bugs could read.....duh! I just know that Kansas doesn't really have any mean bugs????

Yes we have what we call deer nats. They can pack a big punch in swelling. They like the areas around the eyes and mouth. Some people don't seemed to be bothered by them. Others suffer an alergic reaction of swelling. Goes away in a week. I have never been bothered by them.


Well...I was blaming my red/black swollen boxer eyes on Deep Woods Off! :P Thanks for explanation, Burdie. :-X I swear, those little bugs were driving me mad! Schloopy and I were walking along at a fast pace trying to get away from them. I told him that if ONE MORE of those bugs bites me, I was going to scream!!! I couldn't wait to get back to the hotel and get into a warm shower. My eyes, face and arms were itching like crazy and swelling like nobodies business! My girl Ros came to my rescue later Saturday night and took good care of me. :thumbsup: Thanks again, Ros! :-* I'm feeling a bit better now, I hope you are too, Steve!!! It was great to see you again!!


Re: CTH, things I found and 1 thing I wish I hadn't found

Steve I am so sorry that you got them too and you Nana gee I just thought they were Buffalo gnats and I had never had a reaction to them before but after the ER trip! Well I am glad you are getting better .....
That is the asame thing the Er told me and or elase and you will be staing in the hospital!

Did you get a Bugs Bunny bandaid too?

Re: CTH, things I found and 1 thing I wish I hadn't found

I'll know tomorrow at 11am if I have to go in the hospital for this mess. Nana, sorry you got in them too. I guess us foreigners are just TOO tasty. I'll be ready for um next year, I'll smell just like I came from Kansas and they'll avoid me. ( Now I don't know what someone from Kansas smells like. I do not want to start anything here. But the gnats or whatever they are sure knew I wasn't from there! I'll leave my comment for WSD to explain what someone from Kansas smells like. You can blame it on him! Lol!!!! :icon_thumleft:

Re: CTH, things I found and 1 thing I wish I hadn't found

My gosh! Those bugs must be BAD!? Steve and Nana both! Right Juan... don't stow any away for us down here. We have enough to deal with!

I got a little kitty bite last night thats looking kinda ugly tonight. Probably going to have it looked at. Poor baby died today, just as the vet hauled her out of her carrier. Now I have to go get meds myself.

You guys take care of the bites. They can make you sick!

But it sounds like everybody had a GREAT time!

Re: CTH, things I found and 1 thing I wish I hadn't found

Never heard of a deer nat, but they got after me also, left a welp like a skeeter. I want pics Juanmoretime, of your finds that is. Looks like you hacked those buttons from the roadside must of been some hard hunting.

Re: CTH, things I found and 1 thing I wish I hadn't found

Glad I read this thread. I was beginning to feel like the Hunchback of Caldwell, KS. I have huge welts on my neck and face................and I was constantly applying insect spray and lotion during the hunt. I don't know what those little things were, Burdie, but my insect repellant didn't even begin to affect them.

BTW....made it to Enid, OK with no problems....except it has rained here for 2 days straight. The streams and streets are running over. Hopefully it will stop....or else I will have to use my Excalibur 1000 (submerssible) instead of my DFX.

Oh....one of those little buggers actually had the gall to bite me on my left ear lobe.............and it is now swollen...............which makes me feel lop-sided. LOL



Re: CTH, things I found and 1 thing I wish I hadn't found

Why you bunch of sissies. When one of those critters bites a real Sooner the gnat swells up and dies! Ooops, forgot about Evy! She must be an Oklahoma State fan? Actually, I got plenty of bites too, but no reaction to speak of. I haven't a clue why so many of you got hit so bad. I sprayed down real good with Cutter's and sprayed my hands and rubbed it on my face and neck, but still had a few bites. I had more bother from them flying around my face than actually biting. Glad to see how you guys made out on Sunday and some great finds. I think the first day everyone just scatters out willy nilly and we are lucky to find anything. On Sunday people are more acclimated to the layout and probably are a little more methodical? Did any of you switch over to the smaller coils? As I remember that area shown was really full of iron junque. I coulda' stayed Sunday, but with the weather front coming in my poor old back was giving me fits. So I went home to rest it and my boss put me to work doing honeydos! Next time I'll know better. Hope everyone gets better soon and I'm already planning for next year. Monty

Re: CTH, things I found and 1 thing I wish I hadn't found

We got bit on the face and back by those Viking gnats also,but they didnt swell too bad....probally because the poison ivy contradicted the reaction.......

Re: CTH, things I found and 1 thing I wish I hadn't found

Yeah the viking gnats got me a few times too but thankfully no swelling! Poor Evy's arm looked plain miserable by Sunday night! I just got a few itchy spots is all!

Re: CTH, things I found and 1 thing I wish I hadn't found

Monty, I switched coils a couple of times. The 5.75" was what I found the 1894 IH with. :thumbsup: It was between a spike and a flat piece of iron.
Those Viking gnats gave me a fit too, trying to get between the hat brim and glasses. But I only had a couple of bites on the neck, guess too much Dew in the system. lol :tongue3:

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