Tesoro Metal Detectors

I do wish they would make a 2-box, beyond that i think money spent on research would be better than rearranging what technology we already have and presenting it as a "new wonder" detector. However i am aware that at the same time they have got to keep abreast with the competition.
Hmmmm, sounds too familiar

There isn't much I think they could improve on. About all they don't have is a more than one frequency in a detector an do we really need that? Unlike some companies they don't keep changing models or adding new decals. You want them to change the Warranty?

I would like to see the issue with their water detectors straightened out again. I have been strongly considering a new Tiger Shark, but I would like to be assured that all parts are available. I am not sure that all of these other crazed detectors right now are any better. You really have to put a very experienced person behind each detector and in various conditions to see if they are falling behind. Where one detector shines in certain conditions, another may not and vise versa. Then it always comes down to personal preferance on features, weight, etc... Personally, I do not want to pay $1000 - $1500 for a detector. Maybe they are worth it, but I like effective simplicity.

I've had 2 different Tesoro machines , my main machine is a Tesoro, I've used their customer service an their repair shop.........I love Tesoro they are great people to deal with that put out a damn good machine .....the only complaints I have with Tesoro is I'm very disappointed in the length of time its taking to resolve the issues with their water detectors an a Tesoro customer an water hunter .

Yep, a 2-boxer would be great. Tesoro technology in a bonified 2-box would be wicked. (great!) :thumbsup:

Wider frequency choices would be good, but they'd have to have the different coil designs to best utilize those freqs., but that would be OK.

I agree that they should have introduced a new model by now, but it's amazing how many people desire a model that they don't make anymore. I have a Tiger Shark that has produced alot of gold for me. I also own a Silver uMax that can't be improved on(great machine), and I have an Eldorado uMax on the way. Alot of folks don't know why they quit making the Eldo.

An original Eldorado just sold on eBay for $125.

I have a Bandido II from the last factory run of those under-the-shaft units and wouldn't sell or trade it. It's my backup and relic machine, now that I have the DeLeon. Those 2 units use the same coils so the 5.75 inch and the big 10x12, that I have, can be put on either one.

I hate it when companies try to "improve on perfection".

If they want to make something else - including what they already make - that's a different story. As long as they keep the detectors they already have.


I'm a fairly recent owner of a Tejon and I did a lot of reading before choosing that unit. Overall I see a lot of very happy customers with Tesoro's. I feel that Tesoro is high value, and that you get a lot of detector for a very decent price. No complaints here. :icon_thumleft:

mrs.oroblanco said:
I hate it when companies try to "improve on perfection".

If they want to make something else - including what they already make - that's a different story. As long as they keep the detectors they already have.


Yep. There's ALLLways somebody trying to "fix" things that ain't broke. :dontknow: Apparently they think they need to put their "fingerprints" on something in order to justify their job.

Welcome to the forum NWMP. Does that stand for Northwest Mounted Police. That probably sounds like a "DUH?" question. :laughing7:

what i would like to see is a manual ground balance on a deleon on disc mode and all metal as well then this would be awesome for sure, tesoro if your reading this please this would be a great option i think, this would save you guys money on the return option to retune to the soil, just a thought!

Good question.

Especially since "bigger" doesn't always equate to better?

I don't mind them making different products - I just wish they would at least leave their "top sellers" alone, and make a separate "bigger and better" unit, if they must muck things up.

But these businesses - a good part of them - have to go "new and improved". There are some really good products that I can no longer use because they are "better" when they added this and that - like certain shampoos and other similar products, because I'm actually allergic to some of the stuff they put in to make it "smell better" or "wash better" or "soften better".

They should learn a valuable lesson from Coca-Cola, but, no............................... (and their "original Coke" is NOT the same as the old "Coke")


I'm in the market for a new detector and it's going to be a Silver uMax. I've just read way too many good things about that detector to worry about whether or not it is new technology.

But at some point they need to continue to release "new technology" or else they suffer the stigma of being "old technology". A good example is the Garrett Ace 250. Garrett has done well to leave this unit alone because people swear by it. But they still constantly run up against the old "but that is 20 year old technology" argument. Every year the technology gets older and older in the eyes of potential new buyers and eventually sales will suffer because of it. Don't get me wrong, there will always be people who swear by old Tesoro and Garrett units. But these people will eventually "die off" so to speak. They physically leave the hobby or end up buying new technology and realizing that it is indeed better than the old stuff that they have been backing all these years.

;D ;D

That will probably be me - dying off before I go buying gauges that tell me who, what , where and how far it is in the ground - tried it, sold them, and I'm still sticking with my "idiot-proof" Tesoros and Garretts.

Gee, who do I give them to when I'm gone???????? :headbang:


Hey, Mrs. O,
This is off subject, but .............I agree with you about Coke. Now, the closest taste to the original coke is their Coke Zero. That is a very good drink and the "zero" means "0" calories. Coke Zero's taste is the original. :thumbsup: I buy it by the suitcase.

I've never tried Coke Zero - I'll have to go buy a bottle (or can) tomorrow and try it. I went to Pepsi and Sprite after the Coke fiasco. We always have pop in the house. :tongue3: :laughing9:


If you browse through all of the detecting forums you will find that the detectors that cop the most complaints are garrett, Minelab, White's and Fisher in that order from the most to the least complaints and then there is Tesoro: I have struggled to find a complaint worth reading in regards to these detectors.
It would seem that where reliability, ease of use, performance, Practicality and value for money is concerned, Tesoro have got the game sown up.

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