
  1. Highbanker on Private Property in California?

    Hi all, I own 20 acres in northern California. Is it against the law to run a highbanker & Trommel on my private property? Seasonal creek/stream? I own minerals rights as well, not sure if that makes a difference or not. Thanks!
  2. Heckler Fabrication Trommel and Gold Claimer Hopper Feeder FOR SALE

    Heckler Fabrication 2410-V Trommel with extended sluice box $30,000 Gold Claimer Hopper/Feeder $20,000 (Willing to sell the combo for $42,000.) Includes 4" Diesel Pump with lay flat hose. Used lightly on weekends for 2 seasons. Found gold, but with work commitments, I had to hang it up...
  3. Searching for Ancient Rivers in West Africa

    This is a great article about artisanal mining in Africa and the latest technology for mapping paleochannels. It's cool to see the contrast between old and new.
  4. Need help identifying this old pick axe and crowbar found on old trading route

    Hi TreasureNet folks, I'm trying to figure out the origins of this pick axe and crow bar we found while exploring an old trading route. The pick axe has markings... maybe a "forge mark?" Does anyone have any insights, or even pictures of other axes they know about that match this one? Would...

    Hi all, Firstly, I'd like to say that I'm a long-time frequenter of this forum, however, this is my first post. I appreciate that this topic may not be what most people are used to reading and following but I wanted to get all your thoughts on a new business idea I've been toying with for a...
  6. Rock Drill Care and Feeding

    I picked up a pair of Chicago Pneumatic drills that I'm in the process of rebuilding. I'll probably do a Mining Journal article on this at some point. Does anyone have any pneumatic tool tips that they would like to share? I'd never taken one of these units apart before, and I was surprised...
  7. Commercial and Marketing Aspects of Running a Mine

    Hi, I am a "fresh" member of your super interesting forum - I am from EU and my background is in commerce (I am not an engineer or geologist) TL ; DR - How mines organizine their marketing/selling operations and how do they sell ore (wheter it is gold, silver, nickel,...) ? Please explain I...
  8. Guide to Prospecting Ancient River Channels

    Hey guys, here's a great article explaining what paleochannels are and how to hunt for them. Tons of good info in there: Paleochannel Hunting Guide The article explains some of the science about ancient river channels and some of the modern techniques for locating them.
  9. Mining Relics of the Mother lode

    Mining Relics of the Mother lode There are relic's from the California Gold Rush all over the State. The pictures in the video are from Grass Valley to Beckwourth and just about every camp or village in between. When Gold was discovered in California in 1848 it started a mass expedition to the...
  10. Kids, Gold and a Cannon. Prospecting on the Fraser River.

    Check out our latest YouTube video. We had a bunch of guys from the club out on Monday exploring our bedrock claim. We brought our kids and had a blast at the claim.

  12. Hello! Hepplewhite Explorations is aboard!!!

    Hello all, Glad I found this website, we are prospectors in BC, Canada and although our primary focus is prospecting for gold, we are learning how to use a Garret AT Gold detector and we are looking forward to sharing some finds with you all, plus learning! Thanks a lot ! If anyone else...
  13. Help with unidentified objects

    My mother in law recently passed at 96 years old. As a child of the depression she never three anything away . I found these in a little baggie. Any idea on what they are?
  14. Train Photograph

    You guys are always much help. I have a few questions about this photograph. It was found in a drop front desk that on the back of the small drawer was hand written, "J. Carson New Almaden". I put a post up about a year ago about this desk. Anyway, what company do you think this train is...
  15. New Almaden Quicksiler Mine Desk

    In December of 2017 I posted some pictures of an old desk that I had recently bought. It is still posted and the title is, "texas oak desk find". I have since been told the desk is not oak. A user, (Against The Wind), had asked if there were any tags, inscriptions or makers mark on it. I...
  16. Is this copper ore?

    I sure hope so, cause I lugged about 50 lbs of it down a mountain. If it is, can anyone identify the type of ore, and if it has any value to collectors as is. Thank you!
  17. Old Colorado Book 1873 Mining, Pay Scales, etc..

    Hello to all. The help that I have found from members of tresurenet is always appreciated! I found this booklet today. Any info would be appreciated. Thanks!
  18. What about this property? Mineral Rights

    I recently found what appears to be decent land for sale. ( Mineral Rights ) The location is in Northern California and I've learned through research that the area once produced significant amounts of gold. However, the post is a little bizarre. The guy selling it states "contract to be signed...
  19. The Lost Dutchman Mine, and the Superstition Mountain

    When I was a young buck, I used to always visit my dad in Arizona. I always heard about the Lost Dutchman Mine in the Superstition Mountain. Legends have been something I've always been interesting. It's something I would be interested in looking for, as well. Would it be worth it? If I would...
  20. 1880 Homestake Mining Co. stock certificate

    I recently picked up this stock certificate from the Homestake Mining Company that was issued on February 9, 1880. It had been signed by J.K. Goodrich and J.B. Haggin. Haggin of course was one of the three mining magnates who founded the Homestake Mining Company with George Hearst and Lloyd...
  21. Mystery Item

    While I was digging near a abandoned mine in Arizona I discovered this item. It looks similar to a shotgun shell, but it is made of a solid black rock-like material. Around the item I found bottles dating back to the 1870s. I was wondering if anyone could give me their opinion on what it could be.
  22. Natives Alluvial Gold from Papua New Guinea

    Hi, I'm Sam from Papua New Guinea. I look after a NGO, 'Natives Alluvial Gold Miners Association'. We still pan, dig, etc, for raw gold. Our country's laws allow for natives to get involved in Alluvial Mining.
  23. Hello from Maryland

    OK, I am new to the site, but not treasure hunting. I design and build underwater vehicles for the telecom industry and "recovery" systems. I have decided to apply what I know to subsea mining. Anyone interested in learning more can visit my site: Home I hope to get some good feedback and...
  24. The Golden Eagle Nugget - 1136 Ouncer from Australia

    Short video about the discovery of the Golden Eagle Nugget in Western Australia.
  25. From Central Ohio, ready to hunt but dont know what!

    From Central Ohio, ready to hunt but don't know what! I've been a member here for several years and enjoy looking at other folks' finds and reading their stories. Other than 2 gem mining trips in SC and one short visit to a beach, I haven't done any other searching though I now have the time to...
  26. Archaeologist Needed in Southern Oregon

    I am looking for a Archaeologist to work with us this summer. To track down an old cave I stumbled into more than 10 years ago. I cannot go into the drawing and items found about 400 feet underground. Lets just say if we can find the cave again it could be the biggest discovery in American...
  27. Why has NO ONE posted this?! Siskiyou County will NOT prosecute Dredgers!

    Ok, so I have known about this for about 2 weeks now and I am surprised that no one has posted it here yet. In short, Siskiyou County is back open for dredging! This does not guarantee that you wont get a ticket, but the DA will NOT prosecute you. So at worst you are out time and small court...
  28. Ice soon!

    Well everyone, we had a blast during the summer mining season of 2014, I see most of you from the western states are doing well! Keep in mind I live in Ohio where it is slim pickings here :BangHead: But we do what we love and that is what matters most! I know I will keep producing videos as long...
  29. Lets talk about the Keswick area west of Redding

    Heya everyone; So I wanted to start a thread talking about the Keswick area west of Redding California and the immediate surrounding area's. If you know this area or have heard stories then post them up! :) You do not have to give exact locations but rough/general locations would be nice. Ok...
  30. One-Time Collectibles - "Treasures of the Appalachians..."

    Here is a link to me and my partners website. We are placer miners who hunt for gemstones, minerals and gold. Thanks for looking! :icon_thumleft: One-Time Collectibles Website
  31. The Miners Ten Commandments

    The Miner's Ten Commandments Do You Follow Them or Do You Do Your Own Thing (no lying now :laughing7:) The Miner's Ten Commandments. A man spake these words, and said: I am a miner, wandering "from away down east," to sojourn in a strange land. And behold I've seen the elephant, yea, verily...
  32. Coal Scrip

    Had a really nice find with my F2 today! I dug up an old coal scrip issued by the Consolidation Coal Company Inc for their coal camp in Dunham, Kentucky! Dunham was set up on June 24th, 1913 and was only a small community, absent from most maps. It was about 10 miles northeast of Whitesburg, KY...
  33. ✅ SOLVED Metal Thermos/food container lid? or machinery cap?

    First off, I am new to metal detecting and I would like to say hello to everyone! I dug this strange thing up yesterday and thought it was maybe a tiny bowl with feet, until I cleaned it up and saw the threads. It is about 2.5" in diameter. One friend thought it may be a cap from some kind of...
  34. My Gold from yesterday

    Not a whole lot, but not bad. I dug with my buddy Tim (God Bearing Bear) at the East Fork river. My buddy Bob came along, it was his first success at the river. -Steve
  35. Virginia Dale Mining District ( 29 Palms area )

    HI Gang, Just thought I would share a " taste " of what we are doing at Dezert magazine. Here is a FREE article about the Virginia Dale Mining District, which is located in 29 Palms near Joshua Tree Ca. There should be an attached PDF file of the story, which is 4 pages long and written by Jim...
  36. Serra Pelada Gold Rush

    Here was a modern day gold rush Serra Pelada (English: "Bald Mountain") was a large gold mine in Brazil 430 kilometres (270 mi) south of the mouth of the Amazon River. The mine was made famous by the images taken by Sebastião Salgado showing an anthill of workers moving vast amounts of ore by...
  37. 0.5mm Quartz Sand & 80mm^3 Gravel - 700 000 M^3

    0.05mm Quartz Sand & 80mm Gravel - 700 000 M^3 Hello everyone first of all I didn't find special subforum for this subject, so if location is wrong - sorry. I own 700 000 M^3 of <= 0.05 mm Quartz Sand & 80 mm Gravel carrier... Also in my land, there is Caucasian mountain river... I bought...
  38. Double D Mining

    This is a joint mining venture, willing to do placer mining or dredging. Thus far at Double D we have three miners with more then 12 years combined knowledge of mining. We have money to invest, but would require other investors. Double D is also willing to partner up with other ventures to...
  39. Looking for 8 gold miners

    My name is Craig and I am looking to build a team of 8 miners to mine gold in the summer of 2015. I am looking for hardworking, dedicated, strong minded individuals in search of an adventure in the gold rich mountains streams of Alaska. I have a full plan in place and once I have a team built I...
  40. Overburden

    Overburden :hello: I don't know about you guys but the Overburden im seeing often pays very well.Maybe not bedrock well, but very well none the less. I know the big mines throw out feet and feet of the stuff and I even know dredgers who will remove their sluice box from their dredge,crank the...
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