
  1. Highbanker on Private Property in California?

    Hi all, I own 20 acres in northern California. Is it against the law to run a highbanker & Trommel on my private property? Seasonal creek/stream? I own minerals rights as well, not sure if that makes a difference or not. Thanks!
  2. The Art of Finding GOLD! Highbanking

    The Art of Finding Gold! This episode is loaded with gold prospecting tips and tricks that I have learned over the years! Hope you Enjoy:goldpan: If you have any tips of your own, please share with us! Cheers!
  3. Water Powered Trommel - Runs 1 Yard/Hr

    Check out this beast!! Can run 1 yard an hour, with a 1 inch pump. Hard to keep up with this machine. Water powered conveyor is in the works as well!! Hopefully by spring should have that all tuned in.
  4. Highbanker - Fine Material in Coarse Tailings

    Hey All, I am new to Treasure.net and this is my first post. My question is, is it normal to have some losses of fine material in the coarse tailings pile from a highbanker? I just got a Gold Hog Piglet mini highbanker that I ran the other day with a 3700gph 12v 16amp bilge pump. I noticed...
  5. Living The Dream! The dream is GOLD Baby!

    :usflag:Gold Bless America:usflag:! I'm pretty proud of this movie guys! I hope you enjoy it too! We ended up meeting the Army Soldiers that flew overhead, made for a pretty inspiring day! Flipping those big ole boulder sure was fun! It was rock mitigation work for "safety" purposes ;)...
  6. Equinox 600 or 800 and black sand ?

    Any NOX 600 or 800 guys or ladys out there use there NOX to find concentrations of black sand to prospect with highbanker/sluice/drywasher/dredge? it could cut down on time sampling. Or does anyone know if it can even be set to not discriminate out the black sands? I am going to get a 800 and...
  7. Best pump/recirculating pump for a 10" wide highbanker

    Hello everyone! I'm pretty new to prospecting, so I have a few questions for you all. I'm building an aluminum highbanker (4' x 10"). I have most of the static parts measured and assembled, but I need a little direction when adding the appropriate pump and spray bar setup. I've found...
  8. 2017 - which ELECTRIC trash pump - battery??? mini highbanker into dredge

    Dear All, i have ordered my piglet mini high-banker, however, i have absolutely no knowledge on the ELECTRIC trash pump - i have been reading a lot on the website BUT many post seems a bit old. my question for my fellow prospectors, miners, dudes is: If i want to run my mini high-banker with...
  9. Spray Bar Hole Sizes

    I am using a 1200 gph 12v bilge pump & 1250 gph 12v bilge pump with two 1" x 12" pvc Spray bars. The pump hoses are not connected together, rather connected to two individual spray bars, but the pvc is connected together further down the box. What size holes and how far apart for adequate spray...
  10. Please measure your baffle to help me make one for a highbanker! :)

    Hello all! I recently purchased a 3" keene highbanker/ dredge and I would like to add a baffle under the hopper. Since this unit does not come with one originally I am curious what material is usually used to make baffles? I am thinking of using a 1/4" EPDM rubber mat but I am curious how thick...
  11. 3" dredge hose recommendation for suction nozzle

    I am new to this forum I am planning a summer trip to Alaska this summer have been searching for a while trying to figure out the best setup for either a Hydroforce suction nozzle or a normal suction nozzle here is my current setup it is a 3" promack highbanker combo with 2" pressure hose and...
  12. Dredge hose type

    Maybe you can help I am new at dredging I have a highbanker and a 9400 gph clear water pump sluice is 7 inch by 24 then flares out to 10 inch by 36 and has gold hog matting anyway I bought suction hose for my suction nozzle and am realizing its way to stiff my question is what type of hose do I...
  13. Clarkston riffle design questions PICS!!

    So I got a wild hair and weled up some new riffles. I based everything off the clarkston research. I used 3/4"x3/4" angle iron and 1 1/2" flat bar. at 3/4" tall they should have been spaced 1 1/2" apart from down stream edge to up stream edge with a 15 degree pitch to them. I am running it with...
  14. Mouthwatering Gold !!!!! Our Highbanker Clean out from the river

    A Buddy and I went to the river friday 10 hours of Work .... and a bunch of dirt later... a few pickers and lots of flake . Building a new Highbanker / Dredge .. hope to get lots more nuggets next time.... going back out in a few weeks ....
  15. Beast Build Highbanker / Dredge Almost done 8 foot of gold grabber miners moss

    Building a Highbanker / Dredge with 4 inch sides and 12 inches of Deep V Matt and 8 foot of gold grabber miners moss and some very nice riffles ... just need to build some legs for it and get a pump ..... 9 feet of Sluice should get some gold .... Have a look
  16. New to prospecting!! Highbanker/Dredge questions inside!

    I have always wanted to find some gold in the river, or anywhere really. I finally cracked and decided to get serious about it. I am currently living in Washington State in the Olympic Peninsula. I would love to be able to get started. I don't really know much going in to this so any input is...
  17. I traded my Gold Bug Pro for a Proline Mining 3" Dredge / HighBanker Combo - WooHoo!

    I traded my Gold Bug Pro for a Proline Mining 3" Dredge / HighBanker Combo - WooHoo! Heya everyone; Today I scored a very nice Proline Mining 3" Dredge / HighBanker Combo with a 3-wheel cart to go with it. :goldtrophy: I traded my Gold Bug Pro for it and am very happy. Dont worry, I am going...
  18. First Highbanker (heckler)

    Hey there everyone, I'm lookin into buying my first highbanker soon. I really like heckler fabrications products. The customization factor, effeciency, and heavy construction seem good. This is all based off what I read of course. I was thinking about getting the 510 model and having them...
  19. beginner highbanker needs advice

    Missouri Prospector Needs Advice Hey all :) I live in Missouri and the fever has reached us. I'm looking to buy a heckler 510 and move west. I've got my eyes on Idaho right now. Looking for any helpful advice right now. I plan on getting out in a couple months to try to find a claim. More than...
  20. new sluicebox design??? help please???

    Hey guys, I have a question. I have a royal 30" sluice box and was wanting to make a homemade highbanker with a recirculating water supply using a 1000gph pump in my garage. My question is... I think 30" isnt going to be quite long enough for the material to travel without losing some gold in...
  21. New sluicebox design help!???

    Hey guys, I have a question. I have a royal 30" sluice box and was wanting to make a homemade highbanker with a recirculating water supply using a 1000gph pump in my garage. My question is... I think 30" isnt going to be quite long enough for the material to travel without losing some gold in...

    Hey guys, I have a question. I have a royal 30" sluice box and was wanting to make a homemade highbanker with a recirculating water supply using a 1000gph pump in my garage. My question is... I think 30" isnt going to be quite long enough for the material to travel without losing some gold in...
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