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I am taking my frist trip to S.D. next week. Anyone know of a good place to go panning in the black hills?
Thanks in advance.
Thanks in advance.
Hopefully all you with the fever in S.D. have left some gold for the rest of us.
It seems to have been a few years since this post was put up and now a few years later I will redo the post to include new info: The price of gold seems to increase about every day when this post was put up to start with it was not like it is now 1300+ dollars to the ounce. The places that were charging 25.00 dollars no longer exist they offer to let you dig in a pile of placer material with out the real chance of finding anything. The Rockerville area is now about all claimed up like it was in 09 we still hold 125 acres down the middle of the gulch and for those that want for a fee panning is still to be had there but it will set you back 75.00 to 125.00 a day. I live in the Rochford Area and there is gold to be had but only if you are a GGPA Member seeing how they have the better ground and what they don't hold any other is claimed up by private members or private land. Now for the Flush Card I offer to anyone who wants a chance to find nice gold it is not salted it has been there since the beginning of time you can dig old tailing piles and if you want you may dig virgin dirt and gravel the choice is yours. No way you say well I will let you in on a secret and this secret can be had at the cost of 75.00 a day .... you say that is a lot? Well I say that you will only pay me for one day and in full before we depart and you will have my services for that one day there are no guarantees but I have yet to be skunked and if you feel like staying a week it is still only 75.00 you only pay for the first day and that is it .... When I was working it I was getting as much as 2 to 4 grams by my self a day and I am sure that it is still there for those that want to work for it. Bring the wife the better half the kids what ever you want they can swim in pools in the creek,one may enjoy rock climbing, or rock collecting how about looking for old miner relics they may be had at this location. So do as you want but here you have most of all that you may want plus there is a place to set up a few tents right on the edge of the creek and fall asleep with the sound of the night birds and the gurgling creek right at your feet .... sound to me like a pretty inexpensive vacation if this is the fit for the pocket and the time of your life drop me a line and lets get together. May the bottom of your pan turn golden!!!!! sdaupanner@msn.comOroblanco said:HOLA amigos, One good place to hit is pretty much ALL private land - Rockerville. This is kind of a real guess but I will say that the whole of the Rockerville Gulch is claimed. As to claim markers we have put them up on several occasions and had them removed with in a week so we just gave up. The USFS has closed off the entrance that we were using off Gondola Road and we have since then been given a key to the gate that allows us in the back way. Any one who is interested in trying your hand at panning it will set you back 25.00 per day or 45.00 for two people a small price to pay for 2 grams per day with a little work. Drop me an e-mail or post on this forum. sdaupanner@msn.com
This is the report for the season ..... no body went away empty handed and a few got as much as a few grams of gold so the out look for next year is just as good if not better than this year. So if this is something that interests you please get in on the early season gold panning before the water runs out from the 2014 -15 winter early spring is best. The price will be the same as this year 75.00 per person with me supplying all of the equipment to include a Pan and sluice, shovels and a buckets and classifiers, and a vial to put your gold in pretty much every thing but the food and drinks. So Set up a date for us to get together and lets play in the dirt of a day or what ever time you can spend. I have 36 years of prospecting and will share what I know with anyone that asks the questions so see you soon while you are on VACATION in The Black Hills of South Dakota.