New to the forum and recently bitten by the gold bug.


Jr. Member
Feb 5, 2013
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Golden Thread
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All Treasure Hunting
What's up everyone, well like the title says I caught this gold fever everyone talks about! The wife and I wanted to try out a little gold panning a couple weeks ago so we found a decent little kit and headed for the river, a spot on the mokelumne here in california called big bar. The amount we found was laughable, but it was enough for me! I wanted more... Next thing I know I'm building a sluice box out of scrap wood and a few bucks in random parts at lowes. Ol sluicey traps some gold, but she needs a complete redesign. Anyhow, I figured I'd get on here and get involved in the community and see if anyone on here is in my area (Lodi) And maybe see if anyone wants to get together and do some digging. I need to find some new spots as well. I've only been on the mokelumne and out to mineral bar, what a beautiful place that is. A a pilot It crossed my mind to take a plane up and scout out some new ground but idk. Anyway, you'll see me around here. Happy diggin.

Welcome to the forum. I as well needed some partners in digging. But in in in Washington.

Welcome and you are in a good location and I might add that for your location you could couple your ability to go get a view of 'current conditions' of the land rather than some of the goggle views, with a metal detector. I'd think the MD would be a reasonable investment after you've logged some time on the ground taking samples. Yes, the area you are in is quite interesting! Best of luck...............63bkpkr

PS - check out this website I watched the video and was impressed so I purchased one. Since then all my other pans have stayed dry. I'm in Fremont CA and expect to have shoulder surgery sometime soon so I will be slowed down for awhile.

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Welcome from a fellow gold prospector! :occasion14:

Watch out for gold claims as most of the Mokelumne is claimed up. You don't want to get shot at. :tongue3:
There are some areas of the Mokelumne that have been withdrawn from mineral claim but just be sure before you dig.

Go for the gold


Not to say there aren't some crazies out and about, but please lets not give em any wild ideas about shooting at people for trespassing or claim jumping or act like it's the normal thing to do in that situation, it's absurd that someone would even think of shooting at ya. Assault with a deadly weapon is a felony!
On the other hand you don't want to end up really pissing some people off so respect all claims and private lands.
Welcome to a lifetime of gold fever and try not to let your fever get too high.

Not to disagree with a fellow miner out of spite, but on this side of Forrest hill divide, etiquette might be diffrrent. It is well known and common practise to let a tresspasser know he's on claimed land by arremptng to get his attention. A good way to do this is by dishcharging a firearm in a safe manner. Those who's attention havr been gotten in this manner tend to not stick around to find out whose shooting... people need to be aware when on claims with active mines, they can be very dangerous places.

Go ahead and get caught digging on someones claim without permission and see if they invite you to sit around the campfire and sing kumbaya with them.

I might do that but it would depend on how cute she is.

Just kidding, I would probably wait until they were done prospecting and tell them they had to split the gold with me.

But then I'm probably the exception.

Of course if they gave me any trouble things could get real ugly real fast.


Welcome to the net, Flying. Do you own your own plane? A friend of mine was about to take me up to get some pics of possible diggin's locations but heart test did not pass, so he sold the Cub. You take up passengers for a fee? Would very much like to look into this form of research. Tnx. TTC

Thanks for the welcomings, guys. Sorry it took me a few days to get back on. Yeah, I'm already interested in a metal detector but it looks like a decent one will cost me a pretty penny huh? I'll have to put that off until I get a flying job I think. No, don't own a plane, I rent from my local club for pretty good prices. We could probably work something out and scout some places out, split it right down the middle. So, I built a new sluice box and it is bad ass! Only problem is that I made it about an inch too wide so it won't fit into my bucket for clean outs which sucks but oh well I guess I'll have to take a little tote bucket with me for clean outs. And its heavy lol. Other than that its pretty awesome. I'll try to get a pic up soon if anyone wants to see it. I found some imitation miners moss for $5.00 in the form of an arm and hammer cat litter mat. That rubber loop crap. Anyhow, thanks again guys talk to you soon.

FP - anything that works and helps with prospecting regardless of its original intended use is fair game to use but hopefully the cat has not used it yet..........63bkpkr

Thinking about visiting Murphy's area tomorrow for a little prospecting.

63bkpkr said:
FP - anything that works and helps with prospecting regardless of its original intended use is fair game to use but hopefully the cat has not used it yet..........63bkpkr

I completely agree. It's great to repurpose things.

Yes,please be aware of claims and private boggles the mind at the people taking up gold hunting all of a sudden,I dont know if its the TV shows or the economy but its crazy right now.
Electra Rd had claim sighns all the way down last time I was there which kind of ticked me off,because you arent supposed to be able to claim that ground?Used to dredge there in the 80's and did exceptionally well!!

Dont forget,you can also fly with google earth and save the fuel money :) Then get your BLM and forest service maps and see what is public.
If your staying in rec areas, usually no claims to worry about, but if your free ranging, you really should learn how to look up claims on the BLM site.
Have fun

kuger said:
Yes,please be aware of claims and private boggles the mind at the people taking up gold hunting all of a sudden,I dont know if its the TV shows or the economy but its crazy right now.
Electra Rd had claim sighns all the way down last time I was there which kind of ticked me off,because you arent supposed to be able to claim that ground?Used to dredge there in the 80's and did exceptionally well!!

No that place is actually wide open to the public. But only downstream of the bridge. Upstream is private property there in front of that big house. Problem is, I run into miners every time I go there, which on one hand is cool but it also tells me that the spot is worked more than Jenna Jameson's private parts. I've found gold there, but you have to run a ton of material to find much. And it shouldn't boggle your mind, seeing as how much gold is worth as of late.... It's not why I got into it but it definitely isn't discouraging me lol..

bug said:
Dont forget,you can also fly with google earth and save the fuel money :) Then get your BLM and forest service maps and see what is public.
If your staying in rec areas, usually no claims to worry about, but if your free ranging, you really should learn how to look up claims on the BLM site.
Have fun

If there's one thing I can tell you for sure it's that google is nowhere near as fun as flying! (-; But yes, since I don't really have access to many places I am definitely looking into what I can legally do.

No that place is actually wide open to the public. But only downstream of the bridge. Upstream is private property there in front of that big house. Problem is, I run into miners every time I go there, which on one hand is cool but it also tells me that the spot is worked more than Jenna Jameson's private parts. I've found gold there, but you have to run a ton of material to find much. And it shouldn't boggle your mind, seeing as how much gold is worth as of late.... It's not why I got into it but it definitely isn't discouraging me lol..

....well....I meant above the that is "Electra Rd."....that private property is only in front of that house....I know the area quite well,as said mined there extensively back in the day...there is still great gold there. Also.....yes it does "boggle",my mind because there was not even the activity we are experiencing now in the 80's the last time gold was as high.Good luck

..... I see..... So how high was gold back in the 80's? Did it get as high as now?

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