Home Made Bazooka Trap Sluice with Plexiglass Top To See into the Trap


Sep 27, 2012
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Golden Thread
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All Treasure Hunting
Home Made Bazooka Trap Sluice with Plexiglass Top so i could See into the Trap with Ribbed Matting Before the Trap....Its not pretty but works great!!! added straps to the back side so i can carry it as a backpack...the fin looking thing i use as a handle to lift it out of the water...plus it acts as a support when i use a bucket to poor my concentrates into my sluice....measures 4 feet long. made of aluminum so it's lite weight...

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Nice man. I tried vortex matting on a small one (5 inch wide) I built and it didnt work good because the matting caused too much drag slowing the slurry down and defeating the purpose of letting the water do most of the work. Also the big unclassified rocks would blow out the riffles of the vortex matting.

Nice man. I tried vortex matting on a small one (5 inch wide) I built and it didnt work good because the matting caused too much drag slowing the slurry down and defeating the purpose of letting the water do most of the work. Also the big unclassified rocks would blow out the riffles of the vortex matting.

the water must be really really slow where you are...i checked to make sure the the trap has a fluid bed...at first i was having problems but i drilled larger holes in the pipes and what a difference....as far as bigger rocks...they roll right over the matting no problems at all...the fine gold does stick in the matt but when the larger rocks roll over the matting as i shovel the fine gold does get knocked loose and goes into the trap...i have checked several times to make sure i wasn't loosing gold and so far so good.....one thing i did do is i seen this commercial on tv about this stuff called flex seal so i went to walmart and they had it...it seals all the cracks...so i sprayed it into the bottom half of my sluice box...made a huge difference with my fluid bed...guess it was leaking water into the trap part....but i think i have my home made ugly bazooka sluice dialed in....love your videos and info that you have ... i try to prospect atleast 3 times a week when i can.

three time a week is pretty good, nice job on the sluice mrcash2u, you too astro ive learned alot from your videos.

thanks for sharing guys

I try to go anyways..lol

three time a week is pretty good, nice job on the sluice mrcash2u, you too astro ive learned alot from your videos.

thanks for sharing guys

Went out today which is friday 9/28/2012 took my modified homemade bazooka out....the plexiglass is really cool. i can actually see all the sands and gravel turning in the trap. I will try to get a video up on you tube i will title it bazooka plexitrap...lol anyways went to cajon creek where the blue green rock wall is by the railroad tracks found nothing...i think the area is well worked over....so i went back to swarthmouth road at cajon creek and thats the best spot in my opinion...found a lot of flakes...my bazooka trap was just pulling in the gold....ok i'm not rich but found a lot more then down the road where i hear on here is the place to be...well going back out tomorrow ....i will try to get pics and videos. :goldbar:

nice, im going to try and get out monday.

Looks like an awesome sluice. :)

just a sugestion. when the plexiglass gets to scratched up to see good, when replaceing it buy Lexan from your local window repait store. they usually have small scrap peices for free or very reasonable. Lexan dosent scratch nearly are bad or fast.plus its somewhat flexible. you did a nice job!

You could also use light window tint and other clear on-roll plastics to help protect the plexi and just change it when it becomes too scratched.
Wal-Mart sells window tint for something like $6 dollars a tube.


You could also use light window tint and other clear on-roll plastics to help protect the plexi and just change it when it becomes too scratched.
Wal-Mart sells window tint for something like $6 dollars a tube.

would probably come off in the water

Just roll it over the front edge of the sluice and use a couple harbor freight spring clamps to keep it in place. :)

MrCash2u, those are the SAME EXACT Harbor Freight bottles that I use and they are only about $3.50 at Harbor Freight.
Buy some cheap clear tubing by the foot and you have the straw for less than .30 cents.

I use these for my Underwater Sniper bottles, the tips I use though are almost $10 dollars, the bottle is the cheap part.
They are good springy bottles, just not as expensive as that auction lists them.

I hope you didnt buy any of those yet MrCash. x_x

$3.50 -=- Harbor Freight -=- Pack of Three 8 oz. Storage Bottles With Twist Caps

Updated my sluice box works really good. Went to cajon creek off of swarthmouth road found some good pickers finally..this is all the pickers I found in a month crazy huh...

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Very nice, those are some awesome pickers that you have there.
I like the heart shaped one best. :D

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