Dry creek/ running part of year creek gold prospecting


Sep 11, 2012
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All Treasure Hunting
hey guys i had a quick question for you all. my grandparents own a 60 acre ranch that has a creek on it that runs for about 6-9months a year. there is alot of granite in this area actually there is a granite mine about half a mile away.

what i was wondering is if it would be worth the time to do some prospecting there? the creek is at the base of the sierras bellow shaver lake area.

thanks in advance for your info

sorry if i was not clear as in "dry" not currently running but it does part of the year

Yep .... I would prospect the heck out of it! That's the only way to know for sure.
How deep to bedrock? I am guessing the creek is only wet after snow melt or after much rain.

Possible it brings minerals out of the mountains during flooding. I say it's worth a look see anyway.
Gold is where you find it. Who knows the creek may have even exposed a pre existing vein. :dontknow:

Is it dry enough to use a drywasher? Is there a water source close by? Plenty of gold has been found in dry washes but not without looking for it. :tongue3:


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sorry if i was not clear as in "dry" not currently running but it does part of the year
I meant the name of the creek. The only granite quarry I can think of is right past Academy, first major creek would be Dry creek, however there is a small creek just past Sample.... There was some old copper and gold mines up off of Watts Valley road some time ago, but have no idea how or what they found

My brother built a mil+ house there at shaver and found some decent gold too at the lower elevations. Test test test as every time someone tells me no-not- none I find some-tons a au 2 u 2-John

Oak that would be the granite mine I mentioned and I do belive it is dry creek aswell or right next to it

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