new spot sampling


Gold Member
May 26, 2009
Reaction score
Golden Thread
Sailor Flat, Ca.
🥇 Banner finds
Detector(s) used
SDC2300, Gold Bug 2 Burlap, fish oil, .35 gallons of water per minute.
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
I went to a friends property. He has 130 acres and several hard rock mines one his land, One of them was worked by his father in law who used to own the land, he worked it during the 1980's he worked for the F.S. during the summer and worked his mine during the Winter off season. He has a creek that is dry right now wich sucks cause it is loaded with a lot of fine gold. So today I went to another creek on his land that was running enough to run a keene a51 really well. one 3/4 bucket nuthin. So me a Mcloud and a Machete set off in search of some bedrock. I found some bedrock off on the side of the creek and buskwhacked my way into the blackberries. found the same bedrock jutting out at the water...I cleared enough vines to get to the material in the creek some roots, cobble, and sandy clay. I took another 3/4 off a 5 gallon bucket of minus 1/8th inch wich took a bit i didn't pop any cracks or snipe at all just a sample of the gravels on top of the bedrock. this is the spot we will be setting up a Hi banker for the wet season cant wait. The gold is coming from some epithermal veins up stream and is being liberated from the quartz cobbles and gravels in the stream. the other stream runs te same direction as this one and the gold is coarse when big and very wirey and shiney when small very close from its source........3/4 of a bucket....lots of heavies.


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Nice color...can't wait to see the pics after high banking!

There used to be a fellow on here with the same handle but he must have moved as he hasn't posted in Forever! Welcome Home Pville!!!!! Glad to see a bit of what you've been up to and from the sounds of it you will have plenty to do on your friends property when the water returns, Neat! I assume the lead pellets were part of "the take" seems like there was a lot of shooting done around there. Might be interesting/worthwhile to take your GM 4B upstream for a little swing time as that gold in the pan does look like its not been out of the original rock but a short time. Whatever you do have a great time at it!!

In a week I hope to be out in the hills though only for a couple of days as my job is still working overtime. I cannot really complain as I took the job to work and they have taken me up on that part of the deal. I hope the Labor Day holiday is four days long as that will give me a chance to do a backpacking trip that I had planned since the end of last year.

Be safe out there...........63bkpkr/Herb

hey guys thanks for the views and comments. 63..... to be honest I lurk Tnet atleast twice daily, I don't post often because there doesn't seem to be enough of the type pf discussion i like. I would post pics of my finds weekly but, the threads die and I try to stay out of the we can't mine anymore discussionds because in my experience its just not true.....I know several fellas who go out all the time and are very successful...It is more of a way of life sort of thing in my neck of the woods. We are lucky to live where gold is everywhere and I am not exagerating some places have more than others but, it is everywhere, there are several prospects on my property and dozens of historical mines within the square mile surrounding my property. I can go out in my yard and find fine gold in the dirt when i dig fenceposts or landscape.....I am not trying to brag .....But I am a little...tee hee hee....I like to talk about what I find when i head out... What i used to get it and what type of material i dug and how much.Yes 63 the pellets are part of the take....and I like to get them cause it shows I have done my homework and know how to find the traps. Very encouraging because like i said I did very little digging. Barely 3/4 of a 5gal bucket. I would have dug more but,I had been hacking Blackberry for about an hour and a half and it was getting pretty hot, I also will be digging here through the winter and my focus was mainly sampling and exploring.I know our take is going to increase when we start runnig our powersluice set up. More of a long tom..we have about 18 feet of sluice that will classify down from box to box. main scrub box with grizzly and spray bars....and big riffles wich will dump onto a 3/8 screen then sluice run again....then a 1/4in. screen to a box.... then an 1/8in set of laminar bars to run everything into a basin that runs everything to a drop riffle. so far its runnig great...we are using two harbor freight 50gpm for the spray bars and one to maintain flow, due to the way that pump ratings actually work due to head and backpreassure on the spray bars we are actually running it at 65gpm +/- this allows us to save gas by not having to run the pumps past mid throttle. It is awesome to set up on property where you dont have to worry about someone coming along and messing with or stealing your when you are out on a claim...we get to set up and dig and just maintain the gear for the season. Just keep digging!!!!


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stupid attachmetajigger.......

Howdy Pville,
I would love to see your setup as it sounds just awesome and as 'russau' indicated persistance does payoff and you are just the right guy for that.

Blackberry bushes - some chain saw shops have actual toothed blades that go on weed-whackers and they are what should be used for B B bushes. I could not find that sort of shop when I needed it soooo I modified a black and decker 18 tooth carbide tipped 7 1/2" saw blade to fit on a weedwhacker. {actually I made a spacer washer to reduce the I.D. of the blade and the I.D of the spacer was close to that of the WW shaft, that is why the large diameter washer is used as it keeps all items in place } I learned to start at the top of the bush and cut them into 12" pieces for easy removal, long pieces tend to swing around and cut the dickens out of a person! Be careful about hitting rocks with the blade, wear solid shin guards and toe covers and frequently check the tightness of the nut and oversize washer that hold the blade to the WW as you do not want that blade to come flying off, consider it to be a Frisbee with TEETH. I went through about a half acre of BB bushes in a very short time with my rig and it made such a difference from any other plastic weed whacker attachments that did nothing to the BB's.

You should have quite a time of it once the right weather settles in and I wish you the best of luck as you deserve it, good research and a great friend.

I did complete my highbanker but due to my job I doubt the hb will see water this year. I'm using the Tanaka motor and pump from my 2" Keene backpackable dredge that I purchased a long time ago for the highbanker outfit. The posts on Tnet, save for Lannies, are not what we used to have and it seems a shame. I expect to be out in the field next weekend as well as over the Labor Day holiday. The holiday trip will be down to the bottom of a deep canyon and I will have fun gold or not! The short 2 day weekend trips I will start taking will also be prospecting trips and who knows which type of trip will produce the most fun?

Good Success to each of us..............63bkpkr

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Very nice pieces and you liberated the creek of a lot of lead....:icon_thumleft:

I can't wait to see the results from your setup. Sounds like a choice spot, lots of luck in your search.....

Looks good! I really envy you for where you live! Other than the beach, which gets old after awhile, I've got about a 4 hr trip to get into a gold area. AND I CAN'T JUST DIG ANYWHERE!!! Keep it up and keep us posted. Doug.

Ha!Ha!I just has that discussion with my neighbor....about gold in the yard(they ground sluiced my yard in the 1850's)he didnt beleive slicker.....I went and got my pan and scooped up some dirt from some post holes he has dug in the winter(still no posts in em.....lazy!!!Anyway,panned em out and what do ya know?Great color!!

Maybe a source of paydirt right there in the yard. Outstanding. A built in grubstake:occasion14:

Just keep rubbing it in! Hey but we can still dredge! Sort of. Doug.:hello2:

Yeah, go ahead and rub it in fellers..... I'll be out there to get some of that Cali gold one of these days....
Procrastinators will rule the world, just you wait & see.....

Yeah, go ahead and rub it in fellers..... I'll be out there to get some of that Cali gold one of these days....
Procrastinators will rule the world, just you wait & see.....

....lots of it in the ground and with present policy,thats where it will stay.....for China

Hey Pville

How about some pictures of your setup and updated results. The suspense is killing us:icon_thumright:

yeah, what oak said.

sorry Fellas we are shut down until it rains again.....there isnt enough water to get the 65 gpm we need plus we run two pumps....and we are using the sluices where we can right now so the set up isn't really set up...sorry i teased like soon as it rains enough we will be setting up again...its on private property sand i don't really set up so complex where we have to break down the gear everyday.the reason i was sampling other spots is because we werent able to run the powersluice now we all have to wait....we are gonna tinker and adjust when we set up again anyways so it will make for better pics .....come an rain......

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