micro sluice riffle question


Jr. Member
Mar 2, 2009
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Golden Thread
I've got all of the parts and material to put together a micro-cleanup sluice. I have some regular ribbed rubber matting and some "deep v" rubber matting which just has bigger and deeper grooves.

What I am trying to figure out is, would it be better to have the small riffles first and then the large in the sluice or the large riffles first and then the small or should I just make two sluice boxes one with small, one with large?

I will be classifying all of the material and running each separately (8,20,50,100)


Hi there, My advise, since you have the two different size & depth matting, would be to make one of each. Your best bet for running your material is to pre screen it through sieves so that when you put the material down your micro recovery unit the material is all going to be of a iniform size. This will help heaps in your fine gold recovery because then you can just have enough water flow to wash on down the fine material with out needing a stronger flow to wash on through the bigger material. It is the stonger flow needed to wash on through the bigger material that is going to upset the finer material & wash on through the fine gold. The coarser material you can put through the bigger riffeled matting, or just pan it. Pre screening & classifying to a uniform size is the secret to fine gold recovery. It is a slow proccess. You could use a blue bowl.

Good luck

JW :thumbsup: :coffee2:

Thats good advice on the sluice, but I think blue bowls are way too slow, and lose gold. Tedious, feed system is a problem.

I gave my blue bowl away, and my buddy used his for a toilet!

If you have a fine gold recovery sluice, just run it into a LeTrap pan, and you wont have any BSand to deal with!

If you want to save the Bsand, and it has gold trapped within it, just roast it, then run it over a slime table or miller table.

Problem solved!

Sorry for responding so late to this topic, but you must read this link below if you want great information about making/building a sluice box. These guys already did all the testing and leg work to find out what works and what dont. This should answer all your questions about which one of those to put first, how wide and more. Here's the link:

Hi guys, The recovery of fine gold is ALWAYS going to be a slow tedious process outside of nasty chemicals or mercury. The secret is in the classifying of the material to a uniform size to start with. Panning it will take for ever & requires a lot of focus & concentration not to mention back braking. Very easy to get impacient with the panning technique due to vatigue & end up losing gold.
I know what you are talking about with the blue bowl. I shelved mine for quite a while when I got on to mercury but then I have shyed away from that & now love the blue bowl. Again it is just a matter of pre classifying your runs of material. What I like about the blue bowl is that once you have got it set up & running correctly for the material you are running, you can almost walk away & let it do its thing when you have put an amount in to process while you go & make a coffee or grab a beer. It is just a matter of keeping an eye on it while the water does the work. All you will need to do is slight adjustment to the water pressure. No real focus & concentration like if you were panning. With your gold sucker bottle you can just vacuum up the gold particles. The blue bowl, like anything, it is just a matter of really learning how to use it. You cant be impatient when it comes to fine gold recovery or you will lose some or a lot.
It will save very very fine gold. I know....I have tried many techniques. Any small sluice or ribbed rubber matting set up is still really only a concentrator of the finer heavier materials & you are still going to have to seperate those from the gold. Sure they will trap the bigger particles of gold but when you are getting down to very very small particles of gold you are still going to trap the finer black sands as well. As I said before, saving fine gold is always going to be a slow tedious process outside of chemicals.

Happy hunting

JW :thumbsup: :coffee2:

:icon_thumleft: Used my Dam Industries bowl since 82 when I got my dealership,tried all the rest for many 1,000's a hours in our demo wet processes area and ALWAYS came back to my dam bowl-John

Sorry for responding so late to this topic, but you must read this link below if you want great information about making/building a sluice box. These guys already did all the testing and leg work to find out what works and what dont. This should answer all your questions about which one of those to put first, how wide and more. Here's the link:

I hope reviving this much old thread of any help to any one, but I tried those links to the files, to no avail :( . I have the other two pdf files but the first one is missing from my collection. Any chance of getting the first one ?


Sorry for responding so late to this topic, but you must read this link below if you want great information about making/building a sluice box. These guys already did all the testing and leg work to find out what works and what dont. This should answer all your questions about which one of those to put first, how wide and more. Here's the link:

I hope reviving this much old thread of any help to any one, but I tried those links to the files, to no avail :( . I have the other two pdf files but the first one is missing from my collection. Any chance of getting the first one ?


I hope reviving this much old thread of any help to any one, but I tried those links to the files, to no avail :( . I have the other two pdf files but the first one is missing from my collection. Any chance of getting the first one ?


Would it be possible to get part two from you that I could save to my computer? All I have is part III

I do have access to part two online (but can not save it to my computer) for anyone who has not read it........http://www.readbag.com/goldcountryoutfitters-sluice-build-partii


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