Hi Coin-Diver...
I am also planning on constructing an "air lift" to work a relatively shallow (15 fsw approx) area for coins/relics.
I feel the same as you do, the less people inquire or know about what I am doing, the better I feel.
The site I am working is very near a well populated area and is always subject to inquisitive eyes, curiosity seekers and repetitive questions about, "What are you doing?" I too, would like to assemble an airlift, only to send the material behind me and not necessarily up to the surface. It is mostly sand and rubble. The smaller stones and overburden can be moved by hand.
I would like to use the airlift with a scuba bottle so as to limit the amount of attention a compressor and airline would attract to the site. What is this "air nozzle" that you speak of? How is it made? Is there something commercially available? Are there plans for constructing this device?
I have a 4" suction dredge, but that thing has so many hoses, makes all kinds of noise, as does a jet nozzle (which I also have) but that blows everything around and damages delicate glass and bottles. Anything you can post in the line of drawings, descriptions Plans would be helpful and most appreciated.
Thanks for your time,