Scuttled Nazi treasure submarine


Sr. Member
Sep 25, 2006
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Golden Thread
Dominican Republic
Hello everybody,

We are mostly speaking in this forum about the wrecks of Spanish treasure galleons. I would like to start new (better said old/new) topic about a little more modern historically proven lost treasures. Cornelius was laughing about Yamashita Gold today. Partly I agree. As you may know, my job and hobby at the same time is underwater archaeology with speciality for treasure hunting. In practice it means any possible information about every shipwreck where COULD be some treasure interests me a lot. Especially if it is in my range.

I will try not to go too much for the details, just basic facts.

Historically it has been proven that in last days of the WW II eleven German submarines left Europe from three different harbours and were headed for America. Both North and South America. The spot where they were supposed to split was the Caribbean. Some of them never reached the Caribbean (mines, air attacks during the navegation through Atlantic Ocean). Five of them made it. Two of them were famous submarines surrendered in Mar del Plata. One of them were sunk in the front of the coast of Brasil and two of them were scuttled somewhere in the Caribbean. I mean intentionally scuttled, not sunk. There was huge treasure of stolen gold, jewelry, pieces of art and gems on board of each of these eleven submarines when they left Germany. Crew consisted of prominents of the Third Reich and of top Nazi scientists. The mayority of military and political prominents headed for Argentina, Chile and Paraguay. 99% of scientists for the USA. From the Caribbean they left as a civils on board of innocent neutral merchant ships as regular passengers to various ports of America. Gold stayed on board of submarines to be recovered later. We could discuss here days and weeks if these treasures were recovered later or not, simply forgotten. I know I know, what you want ot tell me.... Nobody will leave such a booty if he knows where it is. My answer is - you may are wrong. Try to be in the shoes of these people. Hunted, nervious, not knowing anything about their imminent future and of their families. They got new identity, they got money and good state jobs, they established themselves and only one thing they wanted was to live in peace and completely forgotten. To go back for Caribbean needed a party of people. There were set booby traps on submarines, scuba diving was just invented by Jacque Cousteau. Nobody wanted to risk his new life (well settled) by going for some treasure if they did not need it in fact.

I remember that couple of years ago it was hot topic on forum about the wreck of German treasure submarine from WW II scuttled in the bay close to the shore of Haiti. I saw the photos of the shape of submarine visible in low tide. It was in God forgotten place, deserted and you could imagine how deserted it was 6O years ago. Ideal place to scuttle treasure submarine in the middle of the night and to escape. I am the person who likes to prove any possible information in field. So after gathering all the possible datas (it was thick file!) I decided to go there by myself couple of months ago. Everything was like it was described by peace corp member who accidentally discovered this wreck in 1998 and made famous photos. But Haiti is not good place to go for holidays and to dive, especially if you are white person. I have absolutely nothing against colored people, vice versa. I have been living among them for more than 20 years and my best friends are among them. But I like my life and poor Haitians see you mainly in a little different way. I knew everything before but my adventurer blood told me GO, so I went. As in commandos stories - quickly in, quickly out. I found the bay, I found the shape under the water. Everything was exactly like it was described by peace corp member who accidentaly found this wreck in 1998 and made three photos of it. I made one dive there. You do not need any diving equipment. Average depth is about 10 meters in the bay. It is old hull of the ship, very narrow ship, not a submarine. You can see even very corroded bowels. I was talking about that to SubSea Research company after that and as I know they went there to make detailed search. It is old German gun boat from WW II, definitely not a submarine. What a pity. But I have one question - what was doing German gunboat in such deserted place??

There must be other possible places where treasure German submarines could be sunk or scuttled on the sea bottom in Caribbean. (I do not mean the story about German sub protruding from reef in about 60 feet of water somewhere in Bahamas waters and who saw it, he forgot after years where the spot was.... please, not. Who posted that, he probbaly read the famous book of Jack Higgins " Thunder Point ". The book starts exactly like that - the find of German submarine incrusted in coral reef couple of miles from the shore where never anybody go diving. The diver died after he found it, of course....)

I am waiting for your opinions, guys!


Even there seems to be little interest to discuss this topic (which I fully understand and it is also logic that not all topics attract) I would like to state here something. What I write on this forum and what I post is truth. I am 50 years old, I consider myself to be very serious underwater historical researcher and I would NEVER put in jeopardy my name and word.

Recently I found out that on older web page information of SubSea Research company from 2004 they state that the wreck in Haitian bay was identified as Spanish Civil War gunboat. It is not true. One of the executives of Sub Sea Research approched me about six months ago personally here in Santo Domingo asking me about this particular wreck because they knew form our common friend about my interest in this wreck site. They were not sure what it is (in 2006). After that they went there and identified the wreck as a GERMAN gun boat (I just repeat the words of SubSea man). Even they told me that they brought there a specialist in history who confirmed them that it is really German gun boat. I have high esteem about this company, I exchanged couple of good emails with Greg Bruce, head of the company and we have still open our common cooperation in the field of shipwrtecks in the future. I just want here to explain you, that sometimes what you read in officiial web pages does not reflect all the information. The business of treasure hunting is dangerous and tricky and full of dangers, not only from part of white sharks in the water. They are more dangerous white sharks with two legs all around us. That is the LOGICAL reason why some information must be clasified or a little changed for the public.
That´s all.

Regards to all,


Morning Bobadilla:

I know of the location of a WW-2 German submarine here on the west coast of Mexico.

At the moment I have neither the equipment, time, nor financing for it, so it is quietly waiting in approx 80 ft of water.

Some day, when I have wrapped up my present projects, I may just go for it.

This is for your archaeological files

Tropical Tramp

ole.Grubstake said:
Hi there Lobo--------Was just scratching around in the forum and found your fascination post. Great idea to check out more recent wrecks. I know of an old diver who found the Yankee Blade here on Hondo point. Problem was that it was under one of the destroyers that went aground on the same reef. He showed me silverware and the personal spoon from a little girl that drowned on the wreck. He only recovered only one of the 20 dollar gold pieces that the ship had a huge manefest of. Check this one out.


Thanks for the information. I want definitely check it out. Problem is that I have no clue where Hondo Point is. Can you give me a hand?

Best regards


Good evening Tropical Tramp,

I have some knowledge about German U-boots in Caribbean during the WW II. Your find is VERY interesting because I still believe that there were more than 11 submarines carrying gold and treasure from Germany to America and Caribbean. It could be one of them.

I have time (relatively), I have equipment, I have submarine diver expert from Europe working with me more than 20 years and ready to come immediately in case of such an interesting project and I think that I could even get investors for this project (I am not 100% sure but I have some good contacts in Europe), if it is real. It means that I could give you hand in case of your interest, of course.

It interests me a lot. That is why let me ask you some questions. If you refuse to answer them, I will be not offended. It is your wreck. As you can see further, I do not ask you even approximate location of this sub.

1) Are you sure that it is German submarine from WW II and not, for example, US sub?
2) How do you know that? Does it have any emblem or number on the conning tower?
3) Did you dive there?
4) Have you seen this submarine under the water in person?
5) Do you have some underwater photos of it?
6) In which state is the submarine? Is it in one piece or in several pieces?
7) Does it lie on the flat sea bottom or is she on slope or inside the coral formation?
8) How is conning tower?
9) How about hatches? Are they open or closed?
10) How about legal permits in Mexico? I know nothing about it.
11) How far is the location is the shore?
12) What do you think, it was scuttled or sunk?

Best regards


heres a question about german U-boats.

what did the u-boats use for ballast besides batteries and water?

someone told me they used mercury,i want to know if this is true or not.

Bobadilla said:
I have some knowledge about German U-boots in Caribbean during the WW II. Your find is VERY interesting because I still believe that there were more than 11 submarines carrying gold and treasure from Germany to America and Caribbean. It could be one of them.

Hi Lobo,

I think the caribbean is on the eastern side of mexico ;) Tropical Tramp say his wrecks are on the western coast....


Well I do a lot of reading here and thought that I would add my two cents.Have been liveing and working here in the Bahamas for 15 years. There is a sub stuck in the reef here. Two props, steel pipe running around them, looks to be about 200 feet long, just guessing. Lots of outter metal rusted away.Fishing rigs and lines caught on it. I don't want anything to do with it figure it is booby traped. So here is what I know. It is on the Diana Bank, north side in about 70 feet of water. Just sitting there, in the middle of the Crooked Island passage. There is a lot of current across the bank, and a lot of big fish. So if you want , go get it.

Mercury Ballast

Mercury is an extremely expensive metal and the cost to ballast one U-boat would be more than to construct 5 new ones. It was thus never used to ballast any U-boat. However, at least three U-boats did in fact carry Mercury in place of at least part of its ballast, the U-234 that surrendered to the US in May, 1945 with a $5 million worth of Mercury in flasks. Another was the U-859 that had Mercury on board when it was sunk in 1944 near Penang. The metal was for Japan and was salvaged in the sixties, probably 32 tons. U-862 possibly had some Mercury in flasks too. The third was the U-864 recently discovered off Norway is also loaded with tons of mercury and of great concern to the Norwegian authorities who are working on raising or sealing the boat.

Hi Lobo,

I think the caribbean is on the eastern side of mexico ;) Tropical Tramp say his wrecks are on the western coast....



I post you my answer yesterday but it did not appear, I do not know why, so I will post it for you again.

If the sub of Tropical Tramp is on Pacific side of Mexico, it is not possible that it is German WW II sub. Maybe it could be Japanese one from the time when they planned to attack Panama Channel or some of the lost US war subs. But it CAN NOT be German one. It has absolutely no logic. If it is on Caribbena side, yes, it could be German one.

For Fisheye: As I know, German subs NEVER used mercury as a ballast. On transatlanic war patrols they used as ballast a drinking water.



abacopirate said:
Well I do a lot of reading here and thought that I would add my two cents.Have been liveing and working here in the Bahamas for 15 years. There is a sub stuck in the reef here. Two props, steel pipe running around them, looks to be about 200 feet long, just guessing. Lots of outter metal rusted away.Fishing rigs and lines caught on it. I don't want anything to do with it figure it is booby traped. So here is what I know. It is on the Diana Bank, north side in about 70 feet of water. Just sitting there, in the middle of the Crooked Island passage. There is a lot of current across the bank, and a lot of big fish. So if you want , go get it.

Sorry Abacopirate,

I was thinking all the time that story about the German submarine incrusted in coral reef in the ocean are tales for kids. It was main topic of Jack Higgin 's book "The Thunder point" as well. You surprised me but I belive you, of course. Could you describe me a little more how this sub looks like, if you do not mind?


Hey, Tropical Tramp,

I can see that you are online now. Couple of days ago I posted for you some questions about your sub. Yo do not want to talk to me about your WW II wreck??
Or may be you want to send me answer to my personal email addreess.....

Regards and good hunt anyway


Morning Bobadilla:

I know of the location of a WW-2 German submarine here on the west coast of Mexico.

At the moment I have neither the equipment, time, nor financing for it, so it is quietly waiting in approx 80 ft of water.

Some day, when I have wrapped up my present projects, I may just go for it.

This is for your archaeological files

Tropical Tramp

Hi Gang,

Well, about the german WWII gunboat in the middle of nowhere. It could have been sold at the end of the war like a lot of other surplus military stuff. Someone got it and used it for various purposes. Could also have gone to the local gov'ts in the Caribbean so coast guard purposes.

Just a thought.


Lobo Don't know what else to tell you. I don't have the cords. for it was too busy untangleing our deep drop fishing gear ,looking at big fish and not getting tangled in lines to take in much more.The helms man never put in the cords as I asked he was too busy trying to keep the boat over me. Good luck.

abacopirate said:
Lobo Don't know what else to tell you. I don't have the cords. for it was too busy untangleing our deep drop fishing gear ,looking at big fish and not getting tangled in lines to take in much more.The helms man never put in the cords as I asked he was too busy trying to keep the boat over me. Good luck.

Thanks anyway, Abacopirate. One day I will try to find her.....


Hi Albert,

German war subs did not have a name, only numbers. Some of them they were known according to their conning tower emblems (like U-47 or U-156). As I wrote before in this forum, 11 submarines left Germany, Denmark and Norway during the first days of May 1945 loaded with treasures and they headed for the Caribbean and Latin America coast. I can mail you articles, books and evidence about that. So, sorry, no names, just numbers on conning towers and in the archives. I probably know from out correspondence about El Dorado, what you are looking for. It would help you to know names of these eleven submarine skippers?


=Bobadilla ]
Hey, Tropical Tramp,
I can see that you are online now. Couple of days ago I posted for you some questions about your sub. Yo do not want to talk to me about your WW II wreck??
Or may be you want to send me answer to my personal email addreess.....
Regards and good hunt anyway

Morning Lobo, apologies are in order. I haven't been back in here for some time as I have been very busy.

I would be quite happy to discuss it with you, either in here or in Em, your choice, however I would suggest in here if possible, since others may wish to hear about it also. I have nothing to hide

Tropical Tramp

Morning Bobadilla:

I know of the location of a WW-2 German submarine here on the west coast of Mexico.

At the moment I have neither the equipment, time, nor financing for it, so it is quietly waiting in approx 80 ft of water.

Some day, when I have wrapped up my present projects, I may just go for it.

This is for your archaeological files

Tropical Tramp

I think the caribbean is on the eastern side of mexico ;) Tropical Tramp say his wrecks are on the western coast....
HI VOLDBJERG, you are quite correct, State of Sonora actually.

If the sub of Tropical Tramp is on Pacific side of Mexico, it is not possible that it is German WW II sub. Maybe it could be Japanese one from the time when they planned to attack Panama Channel or some of the lost US war subs. But it CAN NOT be German one. It has absolutely no logic.

Ah, but it IS quite logical when you know of the details. It IS a German WW-2 sub. A German lower ranking Officer and two seamen were discoved drowned on the beach after the big storm.

Tropical Tramp

Hello Tropical Tramp,

Thanks for your answer. I would love to discuss with you my favourite topic - German Treasure Submarines. I mailed you some questions about your sub earlier. You will find them above in this section. If you do not mind to answer at least some of them for me to be in the picture, may be I could be able to help you to identify the sub wreck. According to the type of sub and may be some marks, I could go to detalied search and we could even figure which submarine it could be.


Morning Lobo, apologies are in order. I haven't been back in here for some time as I have been very busy.

I would be quite happy to discuss it with you, either in here or in Em, your choice, however I would suggest in here if possible, since others may wish to hear about it also. I have nothing to hide

Tropical Tramp

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