Explorers find bizarre, spaceship-like object at the bottom of the Baltic Sea...

Morning Jeff: you posted --> http://io9.com/5822917/treasure-hun...ect-at-the-bottom-of-the-baltic-sea

The interesting thing is that it appeared to have been moving in a forward direction as it was settling / landing on an underwater ledge??? Nothing suggests a simple vertical sinking, but on the contrary a controlled movement.

If a current was capable of moving it, then the same current would have eliminated the forward marks.

Very interesting, I certainly wish that I could be there.

Side remark, some 50 years years ago, several fishermen in a nearby small village on the Mar de Cortez, told me that something that appeared the same size and shape dove into and came out of the water several times near them over a period of time.

They said that once it had hovered over the village at night and illuminated the area with a spot light, occasionally following people running from one home to the other, they were scared. It made no noise.

They said it was about 60 ft in dia with windows where they could see indistinct forms moving about, and changed colors as they watched it? they were not sure if it had a rotating rim or not, some said yes, others said no.
Curious similarity, coincidence ?

I wish that I could remember all of the details that they told me, if I can, I will post them later.

Incidentally, I have personally seen a few UFO's while flying, so I have an open mind on this, as well as many other things - such as that giant serpent that I was swimming with etc. ?

Don Jose de La Mancha

once while at sea on a large freight ship --I took some fresh baked cookies ( most of which was going to be the next days sweets) to the bridge. a freindly officer freind of mine was on the bridge during late at night 12 to 4 watch * he always has the best custom ground "private stock" coffees that went great with fresh baked cookies -- while stand there having a bit of good coffee and cookies -- me the officer and the AB helmsman of the watch --saw 3 glowing disc shaped items darting below the surface at high speed -- way way faster than any normal stuff -- they surfaced and sat there for a couple seconds , the radar sweep picked them up even , then they flew off at about a 45 degree angle fast as could be --again way way faster than any normal thing one could think of -- I said to him --are you going to record that?-- they both looked at me and said --uh you want to be thought of as being drunk on duty or what? --no way we are going to record it in the ships log --but yah we saw it too.

Any Battlestar Galatica fans out there? Looks alot like a Cylon Raider. Just sayin'! It would seem that if they were seriously trying to ID this thing, someone would drop an ROV over the side. We're only talking 270 feet.


yup! cylons! those guys just can't leave us alone.

ivan salis said:
once while at sea on a large freight ship --I took some fresh baked cookies ( most of which was going to be the next days sweets) to the bridge. a freindly officer freind of mine was on the bridge during late at night 12 to 4 watch * he always has the best custom ground "private stock" coffees that went great with fresh baked cookies -- while stand there having a bit of good coffee and cookies -- me the officer and the AB helmsman of the watch --saw 3 glowing disc shaped items darting below the surface at high speed -- way way faster than any normal stuff -- they surfaced and sat there for a couple seconds , the radar sweep picked them up even , then they flew off at about a 45 degree angle fast as could be --again way way faster than any normal thing one could think of -- I said to him --are you going to record that?-- they both looked at me and said --uh you want to be thought of as being drunk on duty or what? --no way we are going to record it in the ships log --but yah we saw it too.

"private" stock coffee and special *freshly baked* cookies? At a time at night where nobody else can have any.....hmmmmm. "Freshly baked" is right!!

Wow can't wait to read or hear of any follow up on this story. Mi amigo Real de Tayopa brings up the same questions I would have. 300m's of tracks leading up to object? Controled movement? WOw... Why is there not an AUV in the water right now? Sheesh. (Maybe there is and I don't know, but I'm impatient)

Years ago a UFO was found in lake superior.Same track on the bottom as this new one.see pic.

Heres the link to the story.


In January 2007 the website hosted by The Great Lakes Dive Company went offline. No one has been able to contact members of the dive team. Equally strange, Adam Jimenez seemed to vanish off into the ether, as though he never existed. In the five years since this supposed find came to light there have been no new developments and no further word on the matter. Was it all a hoax or was there more to it? Why would somebody go to such great length to expand upon a long forgotten UFO incident of no relevance, and what would they get from perpetrating such an elaborate hoax? Or did Adam Jimenez and The Great Lakes Dive Company stumble upon something potentially earth shattering only to be met with opposition capable not only of blocking their efforts but of erasing their very existence for the sake of secrecy?



  • 37kinrossdisc.webp
    46.6 KB · Views: 1,313
It's the missing Mars rover. ;D

If i ever found a UFO underwater no one would know.I bet those guys get a visit from the MIB.

There have been reports of this type of activity for years. In publications such as these-

9-21-2010 8;24;36 PM.webp9-23-2010 11;49;17 AM.webp
9-23-2010 11;56;07 AM.webp9-23-2010 12;28;12 PM.webp

The U.S. Airforce had many "official" sightings, before project Bluebook closed down as a result of the Condon Report that is.

My dad was in the AF and worked for project Bluebook.He told me a few stories about UFO sightings that are now declassified.

nothing odd about "private stock coffee " --personally bought * for your own use while on the night watch -- the company grind coffee (maxwell house was "ok" but got a bit boring after awhile ) so folks would often get their own "private stock" coffee to enjoy during their watch -- i often got up in the wee hours of the night to do my baking for the day from midnight to breakfast time ( its a heck of alot cooler in the tropics from midnight to eight am than during the daylight hours *)-- so that once I finished my breakfast duty -- I would turn over the galley to the cheif cook for lunch and dinner prep -- that way we were not in each others way "cooking" wize --it let him have free rein of the stove top , grill and ovens as my cooking for the day was done -- once my baking was done --I would take a break and go up to the bridge to visit my buddy and get a bit of "good coffee" and of course nothing goes better than hot chocolate chip cookies with coffee , except fresh donuts :wink:

Ivan, Maxwell House sucks. I drink Community Dark Roast but I live in Louisiana where you can buy it.

Here is an interesting interview with the former Minister of defense of Canada. Of all, he should know what he is talking about.

Don Jose de La Mancha

Paul Hellyer considers the application of exotic advanced energy and transportation technology now held in sequestered projects of the national security state to be the other key to our survival and thrival as a species.

Mr. Hellyer writes, “It is a fraud for the U.S. government to pretend that it is not interested in UFOs. In fact, it has been a matter of high and probably pre-eminent interest for decades.

“An early Canadian ufologist, Wilbert Smith, who was a senior employee at the Department of Transport, where I became minister not long after his retirement, wrote a top secret memorandum to the Controller of Communications dated November 21, 1950 asking permission to set up a group to study the geomagnetic aspects of UFOs propulsion systems.

“As part of his memorandum Smith said that he had made discreet enquiries through the Canadian embassy staff in Washington where he obtained the following information.

(a) The matter is the most highly classified subject in the United States

Government, rating higher even than the H-bomb.

(b) Flying saucers exist.

(c) Their modus operandi is unknown but concentrated effort is being made by a

small group, headed by Doctor Vannevar Bush.

(d) The entire matter is considered by the United States authorities to be of

tremendous significance.

“So, Dr. Vannevar Bush, one of America’s pre-eminent scientists, and a team of experts he had assembled, were already working on back-engineering by 1950. (Back-engineering is the combined art and science of analyzing an object, in these case parts of a crashed vehicle, in order to determine its characteristics for possible replication or adaptation.)

“Many people who are interested in the subject of UFOs use one of the Roswell crashes of July 1947 as their starting line. Recent evidence, however, confirms that the U.S. Army Air Corps was in the crash retrieval business before that. Paola Harris, on July 5, 2010 interviewed two men, Jose Padilla and Reme Baca, aged 9 and 7 at the time, who witnessed a saucer crash on Padilla land near San Antonio, New Mexico, in August 1945. In her new book Exopolitics: Stargate to a New Reality, Paola gives the detailed account of what these men saw as children, the actual crash, the creatures’ appearance, the pieces of the craft they took, the military clean up, and an in-depth analysis of the significance of the case.

“I had the opportunity to chat with Reme Baca by telephone recently and the thing that stuck in my mind was that when Sgt. Avila came to ask Mr. Padilla’s permission to enter his land to retrieve the “object,” he referred to it as “an experimental weather balloon.” That was exactly the same ruse that Brigadier General Roger Ramey used in reference to the Roswell incident two years later. Apparently there was a considerable lack of imagination on the Army’s part.

“In later years the Air Force, that had succeeded the Army Air Corps, became much more sophisticated in its misinformation and disinformation techniques. These include having the Star Visitors portrayed in movies as sinister beings that we should be fearful of – probably without justification.”

The Tall White ETs

Mr. Hellyer writes of the Tall White extraterrestrials and their relation to the U.S. government. He states, “Another fascinating case that Paola brought to my attention not long ago was that of Charles Hall, the physicist and information technology professional, who worked as an airman meteorologist at the USAF bombing and gunnery range at Indian Springs, Nevada, in the 1960s.

“Charles worked in close contact with Tall Whites, a species that I had been previously unfamiliar with. Over a period of months he learned to lose his fear of the aliens who lived, worked and played on Air Force property.

“In a two-hour telephone conversation he gave me many of the characteristics of the Whites, described the scout ships in which they travelled and said most of them were assembled in the U.S. Furthermore, he talked about the mother ship arriving on the nights of the full moon and sliding into its hangar cut into the side of a mountain nearby.

“It was all fascinating stuff that included the fact that the Tall Whites were working closely with the USAF and exchanging technology in the mid-1960s. So it is very difficult to imagine how much has been achieved in 60 years of back-engineering alien technology that was much more advanced than our own. There is no doubt that myriad scientists, technicians, and many of America’s most advanced aircraft and weapons corporations must have achieved what would have been classified as miracles just a few years ago.

DUMB ARVs: Extraterrestrial-like space vehicle in underground U.S. military bases

Mr. Hellyer writes, “It is alleged that the U.S. engineers working in one of the vast underground facilities have built vehicles that are virtually indistinguishable from those of other planets. If this is true, to what purpose will they be put, and will it be for good purposes or military purposes?

“The area of discovery that is most relevant to this presentation, however, is the question of exotic energy sources. Years ago it was reported that both zero point and cold fusion energy had been developed. These are energy sources that could facilitate the 10-year target date and not only revolutionize the world for the better, but help preserve it as a happy habitat for Earthlings.

“In the unlikely event that these sources are not yet commercially viable, all we would have to do is ask one of the friendly species to help us and they would because they are deeply concerned about our stewardship. In the event that we are still treating them as enemy aliens, and doing our best to shoot them down, we would have to curb our lust of conflict and adopt an acceptable level of intergalactic civi

Continue reading on Examiner.com Paul Hellyer: Abolishing Fed and new energy disclosure key to U.S. survival - Seattle exopolitics | Examiner.com http://www.examiner.com/exopolitics...val?CID=examiner_alerts_article#ixzz1TVm1uk6W

Hi Don Jose;

Interesting read, but I am very sceptical of the story. I'm not sceptical of life outside our planet, just sceptical that any intelligent life would pick a race of people to pass information onto that cannot get along with themselves, as most recently demonstrated by what is happening on Capitol Hill. Any intelligent race would not walk away from us, they would run. ;D

Hio Digger. The man's former position made him privy to many things.

As for helping primitive tribes, we do that daily in New Guinea and other isolated places. We stop their tribal wars etc and give them advanced tool, training etc.

Just a different scale, no?

Question, were these white's the cause of the RH negative factor in the present human line?

Don Jose de La Mancha

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