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Hello there! I´m new in this website so first of all say hello to everybody and I hope you can help me
I would like to know how to treat silver coins, in this case spanish pieces of 8, after pulled up from the sea. First off, what has to be done inmediatly after pulling them up from the sea? Put them in a bucket or box filled with salt water, or fresh water?
If they are sticked together making a "rock" ,which is the best way to get "destroy" this block and get each coin separately. After that, how can you take the stuff that is around the coin, and get it clean? I have heared about electrolysis, but I would like to know an easier way to do it.
Thank you all!
I would like to know how to treat silver coins, in this case spanish pieces of 8, after pulled up from the sea. First off, what has to be done inmediatly after pulling them up from the sea? Put them in a bucket or box filled with salt water, or fresh water?
If they are sticked together making a "rock" ,which is the best way to get "destroy" this block and get each coin separately. After that, how can you take the stuff that is around the coin, and get it clean? I have heared about electrolysis, but I would like to know an easier way to do it.
Thank you all!