Hello from a Newbie Adventurer ^^(Please tell me if Im on the right track)


Mar 11, 2009
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Hello from a Newbie Adventurer ^^(Please tell me if I'm on the right track)

Hello Everyone. (from distinguished cigar-burning gents with a supply of mustache-wax with snuff boxes to avid scuba divers who still has a collection of bon jovi and acdc in their now mp3 players.)

As the title suggests, I am a complete-newbie when it comes to the world of Treasure Hunting. But I was wondering if I am on the right track here. I am about to enter University, and going to major in Marine Archaeology&History. Already am a Scuba diver, but thinking about also taking lessons in Salvage Diving.

It seems that the waters off Florida really is a treasure cove rich in deep History. As I ponder (googling right now, must admit) deeply more into this childhood-dream world of Treasure Hunting, it seems the more information I get, more complicated it gets to be. Fundamentals being,

"Where-How-would a person go about seeking a good-fellow friend in venturing about this adventurous business of salvage-treasure hunting-diving?"

Knowledge first-than gather up the tools&supplies-and then team up with fellow enthusiasts. (are these the correct steps?)

And talking about tools........Would a tug-boat conversion work? Or does it have to be something really fancy? (i.e. Research vessels with ROV canes, deep underwater dredge capabilities, etc)

Any pointers? Tips would be appreciated. ^^ Most -actually all-of my friends, alas, going on the path of marriage, raising kids, etc.etc. It seems I'm the odd-one in my family who loves to go fishing, camping, and starting a collection on old carto's and stories that contain hints on treasures.

Thank you for reading my very first post here!

Re: Hello from a Newbie Adventurer ^^(Please tell me if I'm on the right track)

Oh, and would really appreciate tips on "added skills" necessary.

Thinking about also taking lessons in operating underwater dredges, engine maintenance, operating ROV's, and hopefully the Marine Archaeology major will give me all the knowledge in how to mantain proper dig sites as well as preserving the "goodies."
Am I missing any other helpful lessons out?

Thank you again.

Re: Hello from a Newbie Adventurer ^^(Please tell me if I'm on the right track)

If you are seriously considering getting seriously involved in the business, please be prepared for a life of poverty, alcoholism, drug addiction, dealing with nefarious individuals, divorce, loss of respect by family and friends, staring at death on and under the water, more poverty, heartache, frustration, sleeping in strange and uncomfortable places, sleeping with strange and uncomfortable people, binge drinking, being stranded in foreign countries, being followed or getting shot at, dealing with people using magic wands, dealing with stupid people who haven't got a clue, and did I mention poverty?

That covers marine archaeology, now let's move on to treasure hunting................ :tongue3:

Re: Hello from a Newbie Adventurer ^^(Please tell me if I'm on the right track)

Sounds to me like your on the right track.The life of a treasure hunter can be much different. Extravagant parties in the finest vegas suites,alcohol and drugs will be your choice and only the best will do...Divorce ? Well ,with all the hot woman lusting after you and your new found gold and treasure it could happen... No problems of ever being stranded ,you will have a jet ready to take you anywhere .The world is now your oyster....Goodluck ,relicdude :wink:

Re: Hello from a Newbie Adventurer ^^(Please tell me if I'm on the right track)

Welcome to the forum.

Now keep in mind that there is a difference between treasure hunting and marine archaeology. The goals associated with both fields often butt heads.

Take two people at the same wreck site. The first, a treasure hunter, will want to start digging. Get in there and find the million dollar treasure that he/she just KNOWS is in this wreck after hours and hours of meticulous research.

The second, a marine archaeologist, wants to catalogue everything. Grid the site. Sketch and measure the visible wreck. Not really disturb anything. Then MAYBE start taking up pieces of the wreck for preservation after quite some time of further study.

That is just a broad generalization but what I'm trying to get to is that being a marine archaeologist, you would have different goals in mind other than just treasure.

As for good skills to know, I would suggest getting certified as a tech diver. This is pretty important since a lot of wrecks are in pretty deep water. So using mixed gas will likely be your mantra.

Learning to pilot and maintain an ROV would be another very useful skill to learn.

Re: Hello from a Newbie Adventurer ^^(Please tell me if I'm on the right track)


If you want a really great archie to look up to and to get some great advice from and possibly follow in his footsteps,you should contact jim sinclair thru the mel fisher museum in sebastian.

Re: Hello from a Newbie Adventurer ^^(Please tell me if I'm on the right track)

Dear EasternEtudiant:

Welcome to TreasureNet! Since you are entering university, please consider studying Marine Engineering. You can get a well-paying job, and what you do in your off-hours is your business.

Chip V.

Re: Hello from a Newbie Adventurer ^^(Please tell me if I'm on the right track)

What university are you attending for Marine Archaeology? Is there actually one out there that encourages or even condones treasure hunting? Interesting post. :icon_scratch:


Re: Hello from a Newbie Adventurer ^^(Please tell me if I'm on the right track)

Think long and hard before you spend lots of money on an archaeology degree. It is definitely not a field that pays...at all. Trust me on that one. Before such an investment, I strongly suggest you try to get an internship or something like that on salvage ship. You really need to make sure it is what you want. Also, if you do go for that marine archaeology degree, you may not want to mention that you want to do treasure salvaging work as they will highly frown upon that. I was always the black sheep archaeologist at my schools. I didn't prescribe to the exact same philosophy and my professor always gave me hell for it.

I tried for years to get on with Odyssey as an archaeologist/consultant, and when I finally got the offer years ago, low and behold I was getting married. The wife to be set the restriction that I actually have a stable job where I would actually be home. This was just before the Republic find, so that still sits sore with me. As I sit at my nice lil desk at the mortgage company, I will think of what could have been. On particularly cold and nasty days I simply think, "Pheww! Glad I am not out there in that mess right now!"

If you are really serious though, I highly suggest you get all the skills you can. Specialize in something you can take to the bank. Archaeologists are a dime a dozen, so you really have to stand out to get work. Fancy degrees don't always do the talking for you. It is a field that you have to live and breathe, otherwise the lack of pay and crappy assignments will eat away at you. I give credit to the divers on here, because I know while it can be rewarding, there are plenty of impoverished times as well. The main difference between treasure hunters and archaeologists is that th'ers actually have a chance of making some money one day...archaeologists never will.

Sorry if I sound negative, but I think it is important that before someone invests a lot of money in a degree that they should be introduced to the reality of their proposed career direction. More and more treasure hunting operations are going with archaeologists now, so there are opportunities, but they are few and far inbetween. If you do proceed, I wish you nothing but success. Just remember to specialize and get as many real world skills from it. Otherwise you are just another guy with an archaeology degree. Feel free to ask me any questions you have.

Re: Hello from a Newbie Adventurer ^^(Please tell me if I'm on the right track)

Thank you everyone for the kind replies, except for the person who made the sarcastic one. ^^

Just kidding, actually what you said seems to be true to most people around the world, about going out from your comfort space to fulfill your "lust" in finding stuffs, hoarding it, etc. There are certain dangers to avoid and also to be aware of.

But, I think its true to say, man-from the beginning of written history has developed a certain attachment to gold, hoarding it, making it more beautiful(strange isn't it? male-artisans are the ones who crafted the gold into beautiful pieces). And "-grins-, Adventure."

So I thought that Maritime Archaeology will teach me the skills necessary to properly-"focus" on a shipwreck site, once I have the privilege of finding one in the future.(now I must add ROV skills and Certified Diving skills-thank you sir allen-idaho for the tip. sigh, so many things to learn.)

Sir Fisheye, is Mr Jim Sinclair a Marine Archaeologist that works together with Mr Fisher? I tried to find the contact information of Captain John Brandon once I found out that he mentored Captain Greg Bounds, but his contact information was nowhere to be found. I do think the "Main" difference between the Archaeologist and Treasure Hunter is-like what sir Allen Idaho said. Archaeologist basically is-a person with a license to dig up graves for the "betterment" -(lets use the word preservation here)
of future generation of the human civilization. A Treasure hunter, is a honest person that spends a LOT of his time investing, gaining skills in order to achieve what he/she wants. Do you think this is true?

Sir Chipveres, thank you for the advice, but "engineering" is not really my realm of expertise. Even though I will need help making some electric devices, I hope I will be able to meet a good friend at the Engineering Department that wouldn't mind sharing his expertise in making the worlds most strongest Magnetometer.

Sir Pcolaboy, I am "going back" into University actually. I am right now deciding on WFU or FSU or Brown University. They all seem to have a strong Anthropology-Department along with courses that back up Maritime Archaeology.

And I'm pretty sure to think, all the professors during my Archaeology major would be more than glad to flunk me if they know- "I am only in class to gain skills to better my "treasure hunting abilities."

No Archaeology Departments in the world condones treasure hunting I think. But I must rebuttal those people, if they do come across me by knowing that, who are the ones that developed technology further, in order to process what mankind wants, or to achieve what the academic-community thought it was not possible? Even from the very first clocks, to the now taken-for granted notebook pc's and mp3 players.

But I must add, I really do hope I can meet a "few" good friends that will turn into lifelong relationships that will share my enthusiasm in scuba diving and finding treasures. ^^

Wow, just when I was about to post this "post" I finished reading Sir Philvis' Post.
I don't even want to think about "marriage" right now unless the lady is a really beautiful and would be willing to get a Captains License or have Medical Skills that loves the ocean and fishing and scuba diving, etc. In other words actually, I am still viewing "marriage" as being "shackled" maybe its because I'm still young. (but even though most of my friends are already married.)
Sir Philvis, I do lack in courage, but I do bring up my courage at times to say; One day in the future, when being really old, like really really old, I don't want to look back and say "what if." But I know this takes huge courage in "living" it rather than just "saying it." And I'm sure as more knowledgeable I get during skills-acquiring, more and more courage will be needed in supporting the risk-factors.

P.S.(everyone ^^) I know I'm talking ahead already, but is a tug-boat a good choice for a boat around Florida waters for treasure hunting? Or is a trawler better?(or even a fishing-boat conversion?) I'm daydreaming about a 50-60' boat with a nice crane, a dredge and a ROV station these hours during the day.

Thank you again everyone.

And Another PS. Through this Forum, if a person was to offer "lets start a new fresh team of treasure hunters" (have boat, have skills, but are YOU willing to play safe and genuine?") would there be offers in helping out?-not investor wise-but skill-needed-wise. I don't want to meet Dexter or people that belong in real NCIS episodes.

Re: Hello from a Newbie Adventurer ^^(Please tell me if I'm on the right track)

Dear EasternEtudiant;
You asked a very good, and quite common question, my enquisitive young friend, however it is simply impossible to determine your eligibility without first asking some very specific questions regarding your membership:

1) Do you like to watch pirate movies?
2) What about gladiator movies?
3) Have you ever been inside of a Turkish prison?
4) Do you relish using words with the R consonant in them. Example: Where arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre they going?
5) Have you ever unintentionally referred to someone who is not a close accquaintance as "Matey"?
6) Please choose the correct order from the following statements:
A) Pillage, rape and burn
B) Burn pillage and rape
C) Rape pillage and burn
D) Who cares, as long as all three of the criteria have been met?
7) Do you feel that Captain Edward Teach (AKA Blackbeard) was a person with a strong type A personality who was merely misunderstood?
8 ) Have you ever attempted to teach your mother's pet parakeet to say "Pieces of eight! Sqawkkkk!" ?
9) Do you feel that Captain Kidd was a CEO who utilized aggressive business tactics in order to achieve short-term goals?
10) Have you ever wished to have an appendage surgically removed so you could have an excuse to wear either an eye patch, a hook, or a pegleg?
11) Have you ever referred your spousal unit as a "wench" whilst within earshot of said spousal unit?
12) Have you ever said "Ahoy!" instead of "Hello!" ?
13) Do you have a tattoo of a skull anywhere on your person?
14) Can you recite the names of all the major island chains in the Carribean without looking them up?
15) Do you know all of the ingredients that go into a pot of salamundi?
16) Do you typically ask for a cup of grog at nightclubs?
17) Do you own a toy cannon? If yes, how many?
18) Do you ever dive off of a board at the swimming pool while imagining that you are walking the plank?
19) Is your idea of the perfect pet a monkey, parrot or macaw?
20) Have you ever referred to a bottle of good rum as "Nectar of the Gods" or "Manna from Heaven" ?

Please answer the above questionaire as honestly as possible, after which a panel will convene to determine whether or not you are on the right track, matey!
Your friend;

Re: Hello from a Newbie Adventurer ^^(Please tell me if I'm on the right track)

1) Do you like to watch pirate movies? YES, IS THERE ANOTHER KIND?

2) What about gladiator movies? OH, I FORGOT ABOUT GLADIATOR MOVIES, YES!

3) Have you ever been inside of a Turkish prison? NOT THAT I REMEMBER

4) Do you relish using words with the R consonant in them. Example: Where arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre they going? RRRRRRRRRRRARELY!

5) Have you ever unintentionally referred to someone who is not a close accquaintance as "Matey"? AY!

6) Please choose the correct order from the following statements: D (Not Really) Ok. A
A) Pillage, rape and burn
B) Burn pillage and rape
C) Rape pillage and burn
D) Who cares, as long as all three of the criteria have been met?

7) Do you feel that Captain Edward Teach (AKA Blackbeard) was a person with a strong type A personality who was merely misunderstood? FELT HE WAS MORE OF A TYPE D WHO HAD A TROUBLED CHILDHOOD BUT WENT ON TO LEAD A FULL AND PROSPEROUS LIFE

8 ) Have you ever attempted to teach your mother's pet parakeet to say "Pieces of eight! Sqawkkkk!" ? NEVER KNEW ME MOTHER

9) Do you feel that Captain Kidd was a CEO who utilized aggressive business tactics in order to achieve short-term goals? ABSOLUTELY

10) Have you ever wished to have an appendage surgically removed so you could have an excuse to wear either an eye patch, a hook, or a pegleg? NO, BUT I HAVE WORN AN EYEPATCH AND CARRIED A HOOK

11) Have you ever referred your spousal unit as a "wench" whilst within earshot of said spousal unit? ALL THE TIME (I am looking over my shoulder as I write this!)

12) Have you ever said "Ahoy!" instead of "Hello!" ? YEP! AHOY TO ALL YE ARRG BRETHEREN!

13) Do you have a tattoo of a skull anywhere on your person? OCAISIONALLY, MY SON MAKES ME WEAR A FAKE ONE NOW AND THEN!

14) Can you recite the names of all the major island chains in the Carribean without looking them up? MOST OF THEM

15) Do you know all of the ingredients that go into a pot of salamundi? WHAT???

16) Do you typically ask for a cup of grog at nightclubs? NOT SURE! DONT USUALLY REMEMBER WHAT I DID THE NEXT DAY!

17) Do you own a toy cannon? If yes, how many? YES, AT LEAST THREE

18) Do you ever dive off of a board at the swimming pool while imagining that you are walking the plank? ONCE OR TWICE

19) Is your idea of the perfect pet a monkey, parrot or macaw? I HAD A PARROT ONCE

20) Have you ever referred to a bottle of good rum as "Nectar of the Gods" or "Manna from Heaven" ? I HAVE BEEN IN A FEW FIGHTS WITH A BOTTLE OF SAILOR JERRY

Re: Hello from a Newbie Adventurer ^^(Please tell me if I'm on the right track)

Ha, sir lamar, you have asked about the most weirdest question that I have ever got in my lifetime. But a membership to what?

Sorry to tell you though, I am far from being a "pirate." Would have to answer no to all your questions except for naming the major islands(while memorizing them honestly.)

My idea of a pirate movie, is the start of the United States Navy. And then, the Goonies, but come on, that bone-pipe organ was a serious joke.

Gladiator movies? Humm, the one with Russell Crowe, the enemy of all single-male figures? Then yes, I enjoyed watching that movie.

I don't think I ever visited inside a Turkish prison. Unless you are hinting and using a different word about Harems.


Once, but he was Australian. But I think he used the word mate.

All three criteria(rape, pillage, burn) are the enemy of all mankind, and should not be tolerated at all.

I think, they were "heroes" at that time, for their crew and those that loved them, respected them, and then history usually is written by those that feared them, so defeated them.

I don't have a parakeet. I wanted a pet hawk though when I was little.

Captain Kidd's short term goals? He is definitely a CEO for his enterprise. Maybe he forgot to bribe the English nobility. But I think it was "jealousy" that made Captain Kidd's legacy short.

My idea of a perfect pet from the animals you listed? None of them.

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